My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1015: Killing intent from the emperor

Ning Hong's eyes narrowed slightly. Although he knew that the Sword Intent of Ten Thousand Tribulations could not kill the opponent, he still suffered a big blow when he saw that the opponent was intact.

Ning Hong clenched his fists, revealing a look of unwillingness, his whole body aura was about to move, the thick magical air current above the platform was surging, like a black river, one after another black magic sword was conceived from it, exuding disaster. The force of destruction fell towards Lu Chen's body.

Lu Chen chuckled, and the killing sword intent was released, which also turned into a divine sword, shining with light, colliding with many demon swords.

One after another demon sword collapsed, and the aura of destruction spread all around, everyone outside could already see that Ning Hong was not Lu Chen's opponent at all under the sword intent, and was completely suppressed.

When Ning Hong saw this scene, he roared, his eyes shot out amazing magic light, melted into the magic sword, but still could not change the ending, many killing sword intent rose to the sky, dividing the black river high in the sky in two. .

"Is this your strongest move? If there are more powerful moves, please take them out. I'm going to kill you." Lu Chen yawned, and the words put great pressure on Ning Hong.

"Since you want to die, I will fulfill you." Ning Hong flashed a frantic expression, his aura changed earth-shaking, a monstrous demonic energy was released from him, and a hideous scarlet monster phantom appeared behind Ning Hong. Head, moose body, oxtail, horseshoe.

This monster was covered with blood-colored scales, and there were red hairs growing in the gaps of the scales.


The scarlet monster roared, shook the Dao battle platform, and its blood rushed into the sky. The people standing outside the barrier heard the earth-shattering roar, blood and energy surged up all over, with a look of horror on their faces.

"Blood Kirin"

The mountain and sea martial artist looked at the scarlet monster and blurted out.

There is a terrifying royal family in the sky demon world, named Blood Qilin. This family is militant and bloodthirsty. Wherever it goes, blood will flow into rivers and blood will drift.

In the war, this clan looked at what they were looking for and did not know how many human powers they had torn apart. The status of this clan was among the best in the heavenly demon world and was extremely respected.

Ning Hong, half of the Qilin blood is flowing in his body.

As Ning Hong urged blood, his appearance also changed tremendously. First of all, his skin color changed from a normal wheatish color to a crimson color, and blood-colored scales emerged, giving people a strange feeling. Qi and blood are also rising steadily, reaching the breath of Heavenly Sovereign Realm.

"Blood Qilin, kill." Ning Hong roared with a terrible **** light in his eyes.

I saw the blood unicorn stepping on his back continue to expand, almost squeezing the entire Taoist platform, releasing an incomparable super aura.

Dao Zhantai was filled with chaotic killing intent, as if it could affect people's mind, but it had little effect on Lu Chen.

But the terrifying aura released by the blood unicorn made Lu Chen squinted his eyes, and a solemn expression appeared in his eyes. This aura could pose a threat to him.

The blood unicorn opened his mouth in the blood basin and sprayed a **** light over Lu Chen, as if he was about to swallow Lu Chen in one bite.

A series of dazzling sword intent flashed out, this is the killing sword intent, all bombarded the blood unicorn body, but did not cause damage to the blood unicorn, the blood unicorn was filled with a layer of red light, and it dissolved the killing sword intent. Power and defense are terrible to heaven.

"What are you fighting with me?" Ning Hong roared wildly with long hair flying.

The warriors on the side of the mountains and seas have worries in their eyes, and the few Tianzun strong faces are heavy, and the power of this blood unicorn is enough to threaten them.

Everyone couldn't help looking at the Sealed Empress Su Yingxia, only to find that the latter was calm. This made everyone feel a little relieved. Since the Empress is not worried at all, it seems that someone should have a plan to deal with it.

Lu Chen glowed all over, intertwined like divine light, and gathered together a huge and boundless pattern that ran into the sky above a blood unicorn. He slowly uttered two words: "Seal."

The seal pattern projected the seal's divine light, and the brilliant divine light was intertwined. A sealed light curtain wrapped the blood unicorn. The blood unicorn stopped on the spot and was sealed in the air.

The blood unicorn struggled vigorously, and its aura was terrifying, and wave after wave of blood qi was surging, which impacted the seal's divine light, but the power of the seal was very terrible, and it survived the shock and fluctuations of the blood unicorn.

"Seal Rules"

The two parties felt the fluctuations of the rules, and they were surprised. This person would actually seal the rules, but he was relieved. Since the other party is the disciple of the seal empress Su Yingxia, he must have understood the seal rules, otherwise the empress would accept each other As an apprentice.

The Purgatory Emperor looked at Lu Chen, his smiling face had already disappeared, his attention was focused on Lu Chen, and a killing intent flashed from time to time.

The Purgatory Emperor didn't care that the other party was Su Yingxia's apprentice, even if it was the apprentice, until Lu Chen used the seal rules, which gave the Purgatory Emperor a bad premonition.

If the other party could only seal the rules, then he wouldn't be very jealous, mainly because Lu Chen used sword intent and killing rules before sealing the rules.

If this youth is allowed to grow up, it will be another headache enemy.

For this kind of enemy, the sooner you kill it, the better.


Ning Hong saw the blood unicorn being sealed, his face was ugly, and he manipulated the blood unicorn to hit the seal pattern. The blood unicorn hit the sealing light curtain with his burly body, and soon, the sealing light curtain was knocked out with wisps of cracks.

Lu Chen's thoughts moved, and the sealing light curtain kept shrinking, and quickly closed, trying to seal the blood unicorn on the spot.

Lu Chen moved towards Ning Hong, looked at him and said, "Little Sheep, go to sleep."

Lu Chen's words seemed to carry a strange magical power, and Ning Hong started to fight with his eyelids, unable to control it at all.

When Ning Hong's eyelids were fighting, the seal pattern had disappeared, because Lu Chen could not use the two rules at the same time. The blood unicorn had just broken the seal, but it turned into a **** light and shadow and disappeared inside the road battle platform.

Because the blood unicorn evolved from Ning Hong's secret method of urging the bloodline, now he was affected by the rules of the big dream and entered the dream state, the blood unicorn dissipated naturally.

"The Big Dream Rule"

Seeing that Lu Chen had used another ability, the Purgatory Emperor contracted his pupils slightly, his face fell cold, his eyes flashed with a horrible killing intent, this killing intent was not concealed, he really wanted to kill Lu Chen.

Forget about the rules of the youth collar seal, now the rules of the big dream are used again.

The Purgatory Emperor thought of the horror of the big dream goddess, if the other party grows up, it will definitely be a nightmare in the sky demon world.

At this moment, the killing intent in the Purgatory Emperor's heart was infinitely enlarged.

Su Yingxia glanced at the purgatory emperor, and felt a murderous intent in her body, and a slight arc of mockery lifted up the corner of her mouth.

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