My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1016: Time old servant shot

Affected by the rules of the big dream, Ning Hong entered the dream, Lu Chen flicked his fingers, a sword intent flew into Ning Hong's forehead, ready to tear the soul in one fell swoop, the sudden change, Ning Hong's body was filled with a terrifying breath.

The power of this breath is terrible, and only the fluctuations will let the Dao Zhantai blow up and annihilate it.

A stalwart figure appeared next to Ning Hong, with a sharp face, full of three-dimensionality, sturdy lines, black hair like a waterfall, and a pair of cold and electric eyes that were extremely majestic. The emperor shining all over her body pierced everyone's eyes, just like a person. The emperor who reigns over the world appears.

The owner of this figure is no one else, but Ning Tianjun.

At this time, Ning Hong was already sober, his face pale and terrifying, and his pupils looked at Lu Chen with intense fear.

If it weren't for the father to show up, he would be dead.

The warriors of the mountain and sea realm saw Ning Tianjun’s divine thoughts, killing intent to the sky, the eyes of the powerhouses flashed with raging anger, burning very vigorously, Ning Tianjun felt the eyes of everyone, raised his eyes and swept over, a pair of dark eyes. Ice cold, this is a kind of indifference in the bones, making everyone shudder.

"Dare to kill my son and die." Ning Tianjun looked at Lu Chen, a killing thought flashed in his eyes, and there was a vision of the world splitting between his hands. This level reached the point where he turned his hand into the cloud and covered his hand. Want to obliterate the low-level martial artist, it is too simple.

Lu Chen was locked in by a terrifying aura, unable to move, coldness swept through his body, and his heart was extremely shocked. Is this the strength of the Heavenly Emperor.

This kind of breath is like the natural suppression of the upper person to the lower person, even if he understands more than a dozen rules, he can't use one of them.

Lu Chen was enveloped by the breath of death, as if he would die in the next second.

"Brother Ning, don't" an eager voice came, and the speaker turned out to be the Purgatory Emperor, with an anxious look on his face.

Su Yingxia did not rescue Lu Chen, she hugged her hands and looked at Ning Tianjun mockingly.

Lu Chen curled his eyes to the point that Master didn't do anything, and he almost cried. Master watched Ning Tianjun killing him, indifferent.

Ning Tianjun's palm fell, as if Tianyu collapsed, with a terrifying crack on the edge of his palm.

However, before the palm of his hand fell on Lu Chen, countless blue light appeared all over his body, a strange picture appeared, and Ning Tianjun's palm retreated uncontrollably, as if the scene was reversed.

Ning Tianjun naturally felt the anomaly, his complexion changed drastically, and he tried his best to fight against the flying particles of time.


Ning Tianjun looked at the old servant of the Time Realm Master, who was interfering with him, using the Time Dao to make the time around him go backwards, his ability was very strange and terrifying.

The old servant of the Time Realm Master stood up, looked at Ning Tianjun indifferently, and said, "It has nothing to do with me in the war between your two realms, but you have broken my rules."

After the old servant of the Time Realm Master finished speaking, the time particles on Ning Tianjun's body boiled, and then his body became illusory. After a few seconds, Ning Tianjun dissipated between heaven and earth like time particles.

A line of heavenly emperor's divine mind was destroyed in this way.

Ning Tianjun's spirit was destroyed, and Ning Hong's face was ugly.

This is his father, a super emperor, but the old servant of the master of the time said that he would do it, which directly destroyed his father's spirit.

"The Sky Demon Realm violated my rules, and the Mountain and Sea Realm was eligible for two tokens." The old servant of the Time Realm Master gave the order and sat back in his position again.

The face of the Purgatory Emperor became particularly ugly, and he quickly looked at the old servant of the Time Realm Master and said, "Senior..."

The old servant of the Time Realm Master glanced over coldly: "You have something to say."

The purgatory emperor's face froze. He wanted to beg the other party for mercy, but when he saw the old man's gloomy expression, the words on his lips changed to: "Senior, you have the final say."

The purgatory emperor did not expect that the appearance of Ning Tianjun’s divine consciousness would arouse the anger of the old servants of the time world. He directly gave two tokens to the warriors of the mountain and sea world, and cursed bad luck in his heart. Originally, it seemed that Ning Tianjun’s face would be added to Ning Hong. Go to places in the time world.

Ning Hong volunteered to fight, hoping to win a good start. In the end, he was not an opponent. He lost two places. Now he lost two places because of the interference of his spirit, and the purgatory emperor had a vague urge to vomit blood.

This is too bad for father and son.

The old servant of the Time Realm Master glanced at the Purgatory Emperor and did not continue to speak.

But Lu Chen headed towards Ning Hong at this time. His goal was very clear, which was to kill Ning Hong.

Ning Hong saw Lu Chen rushing over, his face changed, and he turned his eyes for help to the Purgatory Emperor. The Purgatory Emperor Lu Chen shouted, "Stop it."

Although the Purgatory Emperor hated the unhelpful pair of father and son, for the sake of the blood unicorns, it was impossible to watch Ning Hong die here.

"The battle is not over yet" Lu Chen said, looking at the Purgatory Emperor.

Lu Chen had already noticed that the Purgatory Emperor seemed to be very jealous of the old man next to him, and he blocked a sentence.

The hand that the Purgatory Emperor had just raised was put down again. Yes, Ning Hong didn't admit defeat, it means there was no end, so he quickly looked at Ning Hong and signaled to admit defeat.

Ning Hong opened his mouth: "I recognize..."

However, the input of confession was not finished yet, and a dream fell, causing him to fall into a dream.

Lu Chen looked at the people around him and said, "You heard that, this guy actually said that he thought I was a fart, which means he didn't admit defeat."

As soon as this was said, the strong on both sides looked at each other. If not unexpected, Ning Hong would definitely want to say that I surrender, but to this guy’s mouth, it became that I thought you were a fart and insisted that Ning Hong provoke him. .

Although the strong man in the mountain and sea world felt that Lu Chen was a little shameless, he was shameless when he thought of killing one of Ning Tianjun's heirs.

Killing Ning Hong, I think it will be more heartache than Ning Tianjun for a while.

Lu Chen came in front of Ning Hong forcefully and blasted his fist. Ning Hong’s head burst into blood with a bang. Lu Chen was afraid that Ning Hong would have other means to protect his life. During the wave of his hand, a black sacred fire appeared, and his surroundings The blood mist evaporates cleanly.


A terrible scream sounded, and then quickly stopped abruptly.

When Lu Chen heard the screams, he had to admire his foresight. This guy really had other means to save his life, but he was so powerful that he could only protect a strand of primordial spirit at most. Under the power of the sacred fire, Ning Hong was truly real this time. His deity was destroyed, even if Ning Tianjun came here, he could not be saved.

Lu Chen quickly took off Ning Hong's ring, and rummaged through him to see if there were any other spatial treasures.

Seeing Lu Chen's movements, the two parties were completely speechless.

At this time, the master of the Taixuan Sect walked out again and arranged a Taoist platform.

Lu Chen jumped in, looked in the direction of the Sky Demon Realm, and said, "I would like the next person to die."

One of the Sky Demon Realm: "..."

Purgatory Emperor: "..."

The sky demon on the side of the sky demon world was originally very disdainful of Lu Chen, but after Ning Hong was beheaded by him, no one dared to play at this time.

When they went up, they were only looking for a dead end.

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