My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1023: Fighting maniac

The black-clothed youth was full of killing intent, filling the void around him, and the killing intent in his eyes was full of oppression.

Of course, this is not to say that the young man in black wanted to kill Lu Chen.

Because the two sides came from different worlds, and there was no enmity, the black-clothed youth could not kill him as soon as they met.

The murderous intent surrounded by the black-clothed youth seems to be inborn, or if they walk to the path of killing testimony, they will radiate such terrible killing intent. The black-clothed youth is still an emperor, and the killing intent is overwhelming, giving Lu A dense sense of oppression.

"Xu Luo Yan, from the Shura world" When Lu Chen was silent, the black-clothed youth spoke lightly: "You also understand the power of the desert, which proves that your talent is good."

"Lu Chen, from the world of mountains and seas." Lu Chen responded, and then asked curiously: "When the old man said that whoever gets Nilin, he would reward a world origin. Why are you..."

Lu Chen didn't say the rest, but believed that the other party understood what he meant.

Shura Yan's eyes were full of gaze, and he said proudly: "It's just the origin of the world where the former fell. I don't need it from the Shura world."

The only purpose of Shura Yan's arrival in the time world is to obtain the rules of famine. Now he has got his wish without the need of world origin. Sooner or later, with his talent, he will step into the Shura Emperor and even the legendary Shura God Realm.

Lu Chen saw the pride in the latter's eyes, a person who was easy to pull in secret, but also understood that those who stepped into the time world were all extraordinary people, and they were extremely proud.

Shurayan's eyes flashed with the desire to fight, and he uttered a word in his mouth: "I use the power of killing and merging the wilderness. I haven't tried the combined power. Why don't you accompany me in the battle and test the power."

"No, no, no," Lu Chen shook his head, with the word rejection in his pores.

Because his fight with Shura Yan was very unfair, he was only in the Supreme Realm, and this guy was the emperor among the heavens, so hesitate.

"Don't worry, my strength will be suppressed to the same level as you." Shu Luoyan said, he had already pulled off the knife on his back. It was a black and shiny knife. The blade was cold and surrounded by a powerful knife intent. Buzzing sound.

Shura Yan swung his knife without any fancy movements, and slashed towards Lu Chen. It looked like an ordinary knife, but the aura that diffused was very powerful. A blade of light rolled up a monstrous killing force, fused with the power of the wild, and made it kill. There is corrosive force in the atmosphere of the potential, and the space is corroded into sound.

Shu Luoyan walked to the killing road, and he swung his knife at will. The power was extremely strong, reaching the artistic conception of simplifying and simplifying.

Lu Chen: "@#@*&."

At this moment, Lu Chen had an urge to scold his mother. There is something wrong with this guy. If he doesn't agree with him, he is definitely a fighting lunatic.

Lu Chen felt a very sharp aura on this blade of light, and his heart jumped wildly. Before he even got close, he was enveloped by the killing force from the blade of light, and a tingling sensation spread throughout his body. It was killing intent that pierced his skin.

He was locked by this sword light, and a faint sense of crisis arose in his heart, but it was not strong. As the latter said, he suppressed the realm.

Lu Chen's pupils became sharp, his body slowly suspended in the air, and a solid sword appeared in front of him, vomiting a sharp cold light, his mind moved, and the same fusion of the power of the rules of waste, the aura of sword intent immediately changed. There is a trace of strength in the edge.

Lu Chen stretched out his palm, slapped the hilt, and the sword spun out and collided with the blade's light in mid-air.


The solid sword collided with the blade light, and there was a bang, and the void exploded.

In the unnamed space, the old servant closed his eyes and slumbered, but his every move and every move of entering dozens of people was under his watch. Suddenly, his brow wrinkled slightly, because the old servant saw that the two were fighting.

Before he said that life and death battles could occur, if a battle occurred, he would challenge his authority, and he would throw people out without hesitation.

"It turns out that suppressing the cultivation base is fair competition. It is not a battle of life and death. It's fine if you both understand the rules of famine," the old servant said to himself.

Both people in this fight understood the rule of famine, which was the top one among a group of people who came in, so they opened one eye and closed another.

After the old servant's anger dissipated, he watched the two fight with gusto.

Inside the beast.

Two people stood in the middle of the storm that contained the rules of famine.

Shura Yan stared at Lu Chen and asked, "What power did you use just now."

Although that power disappeared, there was still a strong aura remaining in the air.

Xiu Luoyan was a little surprised in his heart. The attack launched by the other party was also extremely sharp and unbreakable, which actually blocked his killing.

In the Shura realm, most warriors of the same realm can't bear his sword.

Now that he was blocked from the attack, the war intent in Xiuluo Yan's eyes became more and more intense, and the killing intent in his body boiled, turning into storm power, and wanted to swallow everything.

Lu Chen stared at Shura Yan with a solemn expression. The other party had obviously not used all his strength before. This time, the killing intent had all risen, and the surrounding area seemed to be concentrated with a terrifying and vigorous aura, making him smell the breath of death.

However, Lu Chen was not afraid of the other party. Sword intent appeared, and soon enveloped this space. Within a thousand miles, there were water currents. These small water currents were extremely sharp, as if they were invincible, and the sword intent crisscrossed across. Shura Yan's killing intent field.

Let its killing field become a little unstable.

Seeing this scene, Xiu Luoyan showed excitement in his eyes, and his fighting spirit was overwhelming, because the power of the young man in front of him was so peculiar that he actually collapsed the field of killing intent he had gathered.

You must know that once his killing field is opened, many terrorist attacks can be wiped out, and many people's attacks can't be beaten, and they will be wiped out clean.

Now that the killing field is destroyed, he feels evenly matched.


Shu Luo Yan spit out a killing character, his eyes were sharp, and the killing intent all over his body boiled, turning into a terrifying storm to swallow the sword intent, boundless killing intent to check and balance the flow of water, imprisoned in the air, trying to obliterate the power of the sword intent.

Lu Chen was not afraid of Shura Yan's killing intent, and his mind was integrated into the sword intent, the sword intent turned into the sword, and the whistling sound in his ears, like ten thousand swords humming and trembling.

"Haha, I am qualified to sacrifice the world with eight swords."

Shura Yan laughed loudly. He raised the black knife in his hand. The terrifying killing intent was gathered in the black knife. A faint red glow appeared on the surface of the black knife. This is the killing intent turned into substance, and the surrounding space Because he couldn't bear this killing intent, it became distorted.

"The First Sword of Destruction"

Shu Luoyan's eyes showed the meaning of squinting, and he shouted every word, holding the black knife hand above his head, and slammed into the void.

A thousand-foot-long sword light cut out, wherever it went, everything was shattered, splitting a large black crack, and the scene was terrifying.

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