My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1024: Lose both

Lu Chen felt a fierce crisis in his heart. Without any hesitation, he sacrificed the God Slaughter Sword, poured his spiritual power into it crazily, and then swung a sword.

Between the sky and the earth, it turned into daylight for a moment, illuminated by the dazzling sword glow, and a vast expanse of whiteness. Among them, a sword glow blended with sword intent flew out and collided with the sword glow.


The sword light collided with the sword light. There was a violent explosion sound, and the space cracked with lines, setting off a terrifying storm to spread around, and the energy oscillated like ripples.

Both of them were swept away by this aftermath, and both sides stepped back.

When Lu Chen was swept by Yu Bo, the blood inside his body rolled fiercely, a puff of blood rushed to his throat, he snorted, and a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

Shu Luo Yan was definitely the most terrifying enemy Lu Chen had encountered, not one of them.

Lu Chen's thoughts moved, and the rules of the big dream enveloped Shurayan. However, Shurayan, who was able to kill the testimony, was so tough in his heart, and his will was like steel. The rules of the big dream did not seem to have any effect on the latter, and his eyes were sharp. .

Lu Chen couldn't help but sink when he saw this scene.

Shura Yan slowly raised the sword, the infinite sword intent gathered, and said loudly: "Waiting for the side door to say goodbye, it's useless to me."

After speaking, a blade of light came through the world, a powerful killing force locked Lu Chen, and the space was annihilated.

This sword light was far better than the previous attack. This was the second sword that Shura Yan had cut to destroy the world.

Destroying the World Eight Swords is the most powerful sword technique in the Shura world. There are not one of them. There are very few people who are qualified to practice. The Shura Yan royal family was born and is known as the first person with unparalleled talent in the Shura world for a million years.

With Xiu Luoyan's current cultivation base, he can cut four knives, even if he does not suppress his cultivation, he can only cut four knives.

It's just that the power is different, and even if it's the first four knives, the Shurayan who suppressed to the supreme realm can easily slay a warrior of the heaven realm.

Lu Chen watched the sword light fly, and uttered two words: "Seal."

After speaking, the rules of the seal were used madly, only to see a brilliant light descending, intertwined to form a huge and boundless seal pattern, the infinite light of the seal spilled down, and the sword's light was so imprisoned in the air, motionless.

"Break for me"

Shu Luoyan's eyes were blood red, and he roared loudly. The blade's light filled with terrible killing intent, shattering the seal of divine light, and after breaking free from the shackles, he continued to attack Lu Chen.

Lu Chen used the sealing rules to imprison the sword's light, while holding the sword in one hand, he stabbed it out.


The sword intent that erupted from the Slaughter God Sword suddenly tore the blade's light and shattered Xiu Luoyan's second sword.

"You make me more and more surprised" Xiu Luoyan's eyes were wary, he licked the corner of his mouth, raised the knife again, and swung a third knife.

This sword light with killing intent, with an incomparable sharp aura, seemed to be able to split the universe with a single knife, and the dark space was dyed red. This was the released killing intent.

Lu Chen shot a dazzling light in his eyes, and with a single finger, a river of sword intent appeared, extremely dazzling, breaking Shura Yan's third knife again.

Shura Yan stared at Lu Chen and said, "No one in the Shura realm can break my third cut. You are still the first."

Shurayan didn’t brag about these words. Among the younger generation in the Shura world, no one can resist his third sword. The power of the opponent's body is terrifying, better than his own killing, because he can feel that the strength of the opponent has not been cultivated. Extreme.

"Now, I'm going to take the fourth sword." Shura Yan's eyes were full of seriousness, and he raised the sword again. As he raised it, endless killing intent gathered on the surface of the blade. A destructive force was about to move, and the surrounding space was annihilated and turned into Nothingness, huge cracks appeared.

Shurayan mobilized the Fourth Blade of Destroying World, feeling that the power of his whole body was drained, but the power gathered on the blade was too terrifying, he believed that the other party could not resist it.

Lu Chen stared at the trick that Xiu Luoyan was brewing again, and couldn't help but sink in his heart, cursing secretly, why is this guy so strong.

However, he also noticed that this guy feels a little bit weak, and it should be the last cut.


Shura Yan shouted, slicing out the fourth sword of Destroying the World, and a ten-thousand-meter-long sword light appeared. This space was split into two halves. Only an eternal red sword light spread towards Lu Chen. Come.

Lu Chen sacrificed the Divine Slaughter Sword, and the sword intent separated from the main body of the sword body, splitting countless sword intents. The sword intents revolved around the red sword light to form a powerful sword intent cocoon, trying to stop the opponent's attack.

This is exactly the first type of Lock Sword Art that Lu Chen uses.

Only the Lock Sword Art can fight the opponent's powerful fourth sword.

Zi Zi Zi!

The sword intent revolves crazily, trying to wipe out this sword light, but the sword light is full of killing intent. It is the most amazing knife that Shurayan has mobilized all his energy to cut. The power of this sword is enough to kill the peak power of Tianzun. Hua's killing intent is extremely tough, and the sword intent is indelible.


Lu Chen shouted coldly in his mouth, controlling the explosion of countless sword intents, and the wave of destruction that set off bombarded the blade light with a bang. The blade light was directly blown to pieces, and the sword intent was intertwined with the broken blade light.

Puff puff!

Countless red blade lights enveloped Lu Chen and penetrated Lu Chen's body.

Lu Chen snorted, tearing pain all over his body, and the shock wave of the explosion made Lu Chen fly upside down.

Xiu Luoyan was not well, the blasted sky full of sword intent penetrated his body, and instantly turned into a blood man, standing in the air shaking.


Lu Chen spat out a mouthful of blood, his face pale.

The blade light that was turned into a blade light was actually a knife intent, like a knife qi rushing into his body, and then exploding, eroding his body all the time, this feeling was very uncomfortable.

This battle ended in a way of losing both.

In the distance, Shura Yan was covered in blood, like Shura crawling out of hell, watching Lu Chen grinned: "Happily, I have actually forced me to this point."

"After the injury is healed, I will come to you again" Shu Luoyan finished speaking, turned and stepped into the darkness, he healed his injuries and absorbed the rules of famine by the way.

Lu Chen saw this guy leave, but there was a touch of admiration in his eyes. This guy's combat effectiveness was simply against the sky. It is estimated that this guy is the strongest among all the emperor who came.

Regardless of the mountain and sea realm, the sky demon realm, or the few emperors in the **** realm, it is not enough to look at this person.

Lu Chen also dashed away, and after deciding to improve his sword intent, he went to fight with this guy again.

In the unnamed space, the old servant saw this scene and muttered to himself: "The Eight Swords of the World was created by the lunatic, and even the master of the time world respected it, but it is a pity that the lunatic has contaminated a certain source like the master of the world. The cause and effect is dead."

"The world was born less than 100 million years ago, but someone created the sword intent. The sword emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty was also a wizard. It is a pity that this world is implicated in that source. Otherwise, I will help." The old servant said A look of regret.

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