My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1025: Old servant's excitement

In the heart of the old servant, the sword emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty was very enchanting and had the potential to become the master of the world. Unfortunately, the mountain and sea world was also planted by the source of the master.

The destiny of every world moving in the dark cannot be changed. Once he changes the fate of the sword emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty, he may be discovered by a certain source, and he will not be able to escape death at that time, so he cannot take this risk.

If there is a warrior from the mountain and sea world in front of the old servant here, he will definitely be shocked to drop a underground bus. The old servant of the time master actually knows the sword emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty and highly respects him.


Lu Chen also dodged and left, found a dark environment, absorbed the rules of desolation, and tempered his sword intent while absorbing it. After the battle with Shurayan, he needed to upgrade his sword intent.

The training time passed in a hurry, Lu Chen absorbed the rules and half tempered his sword intent. Three years later, his sword intent reached the late holy stage.

Lu Chen stood up, a powerful spirit spread out, looking for Shura Yan's position.

Soon I found the Xiu Luo Yan who was cultivating. Without thinking about it, a surging sword light that combined the rules of Desolation and the Sword Intent quickly slashed towards Shu Luo Yan. .

Feeling the danger, Xiu Luoyan woke up from the training, turned around, and the black long sword pushed out horizontally. The powerful killing intent gathered and resisted Lu Chen's sword intent.

Zi Zi Zi!

The sword intent rubbed against the long sword to produce sparks, and Shura Yan was also pushed out by the impact of this sword intent for several kilometers.

The two had no extra words, like two lightning bolts colliding, and a fierce battle began.

Because both of them understood the rules of famine and integrated into their own attacks, after offsetting each other, the competition was the collision of the sword light and the sword light, which was purely complex and simplified moves, and fierce collision.

Xiu Luoyan said in surprise, "What kind of power is yours?"

Asura Yan could feel it, the opponent's strength had improved a level compared to last time.

Lu Chen didn't answer, the overwhelming sword intent collided with the opponent's killing intent.

Shu Luo Yan didn't ask any more, and tried his best to fight, using eight swords to destroy the world, but when the fourth sword collided, Shu Luo Yan found that the opponent's power was quite strong, broke the killing intent in front, and left it in his chest. The blood on the bone is visible in the next line.


The blood on the surface of Shura Yan gushed out like a fountain, and his body staggered backwards. Shu Luo Yan took out the pill and swallowed it, and the blood quickly stopped.

Lu Chen actually didn't feel much better. There was a gap in his body, which was torn by the killing intent. After the killing intent invaded his body, he didn't refining it in time, or if he didn't have enough time, it opened a gap in his body. .

His sword intent has improved, and Xiu Luoyan's strength has also improved.

"Your power hasn't been raised to the extreme, right this time, I'll end it first, and I'll come to you next time," Shu Luo Yan said, looking at Lu Chen, his eyes full of excitement.

Why, he felt a sense of urgency in this person.

He has always been pressing on everyone's heads, and everyone under pressure can't breathe.

For the first time, he had a sense of urgency in his heart, and he needed to cut out the Fifth Sword as soon as possible.

Shurayan has an intuition. If he doesn’t realize the Fifth Sword of Destroying the World as soon as possible, then next time he fights with the opponent, he will be completely suppressed. Perhaps he has to untie his realm.

However, for his pride, there is no such thing as a high level bullying a low level.

After Shura Yan finished speaking, he turned and left.

Soon, twenty years passed in a hurry.

In the past twenty years, Lu Chen fought Shurayan four or five times, and there was no victory or defeat. Both sides were injured. In the last time, this guy cut the world's fifth sword, and that one came out. The vast sword intent swept across the boundless space, and the sword intent was suppressed.

Lu Chen felt a sense of despair. When the sword fell, the prisoner of the sword couldn't stop it, and his body was torn out a big hole.

But that guy is not doing well.

In a gloomy place, a figure sitting cross-legged, with sword intent lingering all over his body. Over the past twenty years, Lu Chen's sword intent has improved rapidly, and now he is hitting the holy rank sword intent to perfection, with sharp sword intent intertwined. Together, release a sharp breath.

Lu Chen opened his eyes, and the sword intent around him was unified, as if a crescent moon flew out, splitting the storm that was gathering the aura of desolation in front.

"Finally Saint-level Great Perfection" Lu Chen stood up, and then flew to the place where he was fighting with Shura Yan, his spirit stretched out, looking for the traces of Shura Yan, but after searching around for a long time, he couldn't find the goods.

Lu Chen was stunned. The guy left. It should be impossible. After that, he searched the area around 100,000 miles, but he didn't find Shurayan before he realized that the guy should be leaving.

Of course, it is also possible to enter deeper areas.

However, Lu Chen felt it impossible, because the deep-level storm was even more terrifying. Although they were not afraid of the aura of the rules of famine, the force generated by the storm was enough to tear them apart.

Lu Chen did not leave for the first time, but kept going inside until he could not bear it.

It took several years to cultivate the rules of the desert to completion. Now he has mastered the two rules of perfection and began to try to merge them. Unfortunately, the rules cannot be merged, or it takes more time to merge.

Therefore, the promotion to Tianzun can only be put aside.

After completing the rules of the desert, Lu Chen was about to leave, but before leaving, he suddenly discovered that the stone wall here was meat.

This wild beast has long since turned into a hard rock, but the meat inside has not turned into a rock yet, it is still soft.

Senior Shi said that this was a desolate beast, equivalent to the Emperor of Heaven. Lu Chen had not eaten the flesh of the Emperor of Heaven, so he immediately took off the Divine Slaughter Sword, cut a piece of meat, and prepared to take it back to eat.

"What are you doing?" A puzzled voice rang in Lu Chen's ears.

Lu Chen turned his head and saw that the old servant of the Time Realm Master didn't know when he came to him, his eyes were full of doubt.

Lu Chen spared his head and said with a silly smile: "Didn't the senior say that this is the meat of the Heavenly Emperor Monster Beast? I cut a piece and tasted it. I don't know if it is delicious.

"You, what did you say"

The old servant of the Time Realm Master suddenly changed his complexion, and his old face suddenly became excited, his eyes full of vaguely excited light.

Lu Chen didn't know why the other party was so excited, he spared his head and said, "If you can't eat, then forget it."

"Eat, you are sure you want to eat the meat of this wild beast" the old servant stared at Lu Chen with scorching eyes, and asked every word.

The old servant was extremely excited at this moment. Before the master disappeared, he had seen a vague picture of the future along the long river.

In the future, there will be a little warrior with boundless potential, who will be the master's helper. Because the future is too vague, the master can't see his face. He only knows that the warrior has two major hobbies, like eating monster meat and borrowing things.

This is also the reason why the old servants are in the passages of all realms and let Tianjiao come in under the most dazzling Emperor Realm.

Among all the people who came, no one mentioned that he wanted to eat the meat of the wild beast, and now this guy wanted to eat the meat of the wild beast, and immediately made the old servant think of the words left by the master.

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