My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1029: Ready-made meat

Because the old servant of the master of time said that the wheel of time will start three days later, and everyone has nothing to do. They meditate on the spot and practice. Zhu Yi and Long Feixiang looked at Lu Chen, who was earnestly grilling meat, with a gloomy expression. Grip, I really want to kill Lu Chen.

This person was really too arrogant, and he dared to roast meat of the same clan in front of them to eat, and it was not the meat of an ordinary sky demon, but a **** grieving bull of the same royal family.

Zhu Yi's eyes were full of indifferent killing intent, and he said coldly: "Lu Chen, after you leave the realm of time, you will definitely die."

Long Feixiang also shouted: "A madman must have natural disasters."

The two were furious in their hearts, and they exuded terrible killing intent, but even if the killing intent was so high in their hearts, they did not dare to do it.

The angry expressions of the two also made the people around them look weird, but they soon learned something, because the two belonged to monsters, and someone’s roasted meat was probably from the same race of theirs. **** off.

Lu Chen didn't bother to talk to the two of them, and focused on the barbecue.

Not long after, a fragrant barbecue scent came, making everyone unintentional to practice. From time to time, they glanced in the direction of Lu Chen, and saw the tender barbecue on the outside, braving the golden grease, and it looked delicious.

"Come here, come here, all come" After the roasting was done, Lu Chen waved to Ximen Yu, Wu Ming, Xiu Luoyan and the others enthusiastically.

Because Xi Men Yu had known Lu Chen a long time ago, he was the first one to come over, grab a piece of meat and start eating, without knowing how to write the word polite.

"Wow, it's so comfortable." Ximen Yu closed his eyes, his face fluttered, enjoying the pleasure of deliciously touching the tip of his tongue, but to outsiders, this scene seemed to have two big characters written on his face.

When Zhu Yi and Long Feixiang heard what Ximen Yu said, their noses were almost flat and crooked. Zhu Yi held back his anger, looked at Ximen Yu and folded his fists and said, "Brother Dao, I come from the Celestial Demon Realm. The meat you eat is **** and reckless. Niu, this clan has a strong master of creation, please give me some thin noodles, don't eat it."

Long Feixiang also said sincerely: "Yes, you don't have to mix with a dead person."

The two wanted to persuade Ximen Yu and the others not to eat, and to give the Sky Demon Realm a face.

Ximen Yu opened his eyes, glanced at them, and said disdainfully: "As far as you are behind you, there is a strong creation realm. Is there no one behind me? Funny."

Wu Ming also laughed loudly and said, "My ancestors were born close to the realm master, what kind of thing is your sky demon realm."

Mingzi laughed weirdly: "Aren't monsters just our food, as food, shut up."

After speaking, they feasted in front of the two of them, and the angry two people's heads were smoked, and they were full of heat.

"Sure enough, it is delicious in the world." Wu Ming and the others praised. The words have a certain flattery. They are noble in the gods, and behind them there are strong people in the creation realm. They have not eaten the delicacy of the mountains and the sea, and Lu Chen took out the ingredients. Naturally it is not the top level.

The main reason for the flattery is that Lu Chen has a relationship with Shendixi. He does not look at the face of the Buddha without looking at the monk's face. Another point is that Lu Chen does not know why he was recognized by Shurayan. Since Shurayan recognized Lu Chen, there is definitely him. The surprise.

Lu Chen cut to separate everyone, and said at the same time, "You are welcome, you have enough meat."

Lu Chen felt that eating meat alone was not good, so he took out all the remaining wine in Najie, as well as some tiger spirits, fairy drunk and so on.

"Everyone, don't patronize to eat or drink." Lu Chen poured wine to several people.

Xiu Luoyan said, "I thank Lu Chen for his wine and meat, but I don't think this wine is strong enough. Try my only wine produced in the Shura world."

With a wave of his hand, Shura Yan took out a bottle of wine and poured a glass for everyone. The wine was blood-red, the wine was full of aroma, and there was a murderous intent.

"Everyone, taste it," Shu Luoyan said.

Lu Chen picked up the wine and took a sip. When the wine flowed down his throat to his abdomen, a tyrannical aura rushed through his body like a murderous intent, his face changed slightly, and he hurriedly used his exercises to suppress the murderous intent.

The people around, like Lu Chen, bear the killing intent contained in the spirits, and those with a higher realm are okay. Like Tan Jing and Qin Li, their faces become pale after a cup, suppressing more than the violent killing intent, and the corners of their mouths overflowed. A ray of blood.

"Good wine"

Several people in the God Realm immediately gave a thumbs up. The wine that Xiu Luoyan took out had the effect of tempering the flesh and exercising the will, and it had a great effect on their realm.

"Come, taste the wine of our God Realm." Wu Ming also took out the special wine of God Realm and gave it to everyone.

A group of people feasted here, the fragrance overflowed, and the people next to them swallowed their saliva.

"Everyone, it's fate that everyone meets here. Come and get to know each other. My name is Lu Chen. I come from the mountain and sea world. I am willing to make friends with you." Enchanting, Lu Chen wanted to take them all to work in the mountain and sea boundary.

Although Lu Chen spoke, no one came over.

Lu Chen's gaze fell on the three brawny men who looked like iron towers, their breaths were extremely strong, but now their throats were rolling and drooling.

Seeing Lu Chen staring at them, the three of them released a ray of strength, and Lu Chen immediately felt a mighty coercion rushing toward his face. This coercion was magnificent and heavy as a mountain.

A strange color appeared in Lu Chen's eyes, and he looked at one of the brawny men and said, "What kind of world the three friends come from? I feel a little familiar with the breath."

Seeing Lu Chen asking, the other party didn't answer, and one of the urns said angrily: "Pan Yue, from Panjie."

"Everyone are witches" Lu Chen asked, mainly because the auras of the three of them are similar to those in the witch body world. Their auras are similar to those in the witch body world, but they are much thicker than the witches. This kind of feeling, even the sword intent of the Saint-level Dzogchen, it is difficult to break their defense.

Hearing Lu Chen's words, the brawny man's eyes lit up and he was delighted: "Your Excellency knows the witch."

"It's true that the ancestor witch created Panjie. We are all descendants of the ancestral witch and practice the power of witchcraft." Another brawny man in Panjie said. Perhaps Lu Chen knew the reason for the witch and his attitude was much enthusiastic.

Lu Chen secretly said so, watching the three people laugh loudly: "There are also witches in the mountain and sea world, and they are probably from the same tribe as the three."


Pan Yue said: "Panjie has existed for hundreds of millions of years. The Ancestral Witch has disappeared for endless years. Other Ancestral Witches have experienced all walks of life. Perhaps there is an Ancestral Witch who has left his blood in your world."

After speaking, the three of them walked to Lu Chen and reported their names, Pan Yue, Pan Feng, and Pan Jiang.

The three of them are the most dazzling geniuses in the world. They may become the ancestor witch in the future. To obtain the title of ancestor witch, they must reach the creation realm at least.

"After this experience, I invite three people to sit in the mountains and seas. You can also see the clansmen" Lu Chen said to the three of them, and while talking, he took out the whole blood-resent cow, because there are a lot of people, take it. The big piece of meat that came out was obviously not enough.

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