My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1030: Time acceleration

Pan Yue and the three came over and said with a smile: "Haha, we're welcome."

They had long been greedy, and seeing Lu Chen said that there were witches in the mountains and seas, and they belonged to them.

A group of people ate meat, but Lu Chen couldn't roast it alone. Panyue and the three of them started the Daohuo barbecue.


The three were very sturdy and quickly integrated into Lu Chen's circle.

Lu Chen looked at Zhu Yi and Long Feixiang and said with a smile, "Look at the two of you drooling, if you want to come over to eat some food, I won't charge you."

Lu Chen's words were purely disgusting.

"Zhu Yi, come over and eat some" Peng Tianyi, Xiao Yuan and the others greeted enthusiastically, as if they were good brothers.

The clansmen who ate them in front of the two greeted them and asked them to come over to eat. Seeing that their expressions were as ugly as swallowing flies, this feeling was very exciting.

Soon, a cow was eaten up, mainly because the three people in Panjie were big eateries, and there were many thieves who ate, as can be seen from the pile of arched bones in front of the three.

Lu Chen simply took out the last cow and shared it with everyone. After some time, a group of people were already drunk.

Pan Yue looked at the pile of bones in front of him, and said embarrassingly, "Thank you Brother Lu for the hospitality, we ate a lot."

Lu Chen waved his hand unceremoniously and smiled: "It's just a little bit of meat, you're welcome, there are not many in the mountain and sea world, but the sky demon has a lot of meat. If you go to the mountain and sea world, you have enough meat."

"There are still two sky monsters, which are ready-made meat. When the ban on fighting is lifted by the seniors, they can be slaughtered for wine" Lu Chen looked at Zhu Yi and said in a malicious tone.

The person who succeeded in Lu Chen's words looked at the two of them, with an expression of looking at "food".

The two of them met Lu Chen's eyes, and they were all hairy, startled and angry.

Lu Chen, the **** guy, managed to make everyone look at them, especially the three big rice buckets in Panjie. Seeing their fiery eyes, he couldn't wait to peel it off and put it on the barbecue.


The two looked at each other and walked away silently. If it weren't for the restraint of a combat ban, I'm afraid this group of people would rush up to do it.


The Lord of the Time Realm has a magic weapon called the Wheel of Time. It is neither an attack nor a defensive weapon, but it is very famous, and it is circulated in all realms, or known.

The biggest function of this treasure is to speed up time. If you stand on it, you can increase the speed several times or even ten thousand times compared with ordinary cultivation.

For example, standing on the time wheel and practicing for one year is equivalent to ten years or even ten thousand years of practicing outside.

Everyone can quickly improve their own rules and increase their heritage.

Under the leadership of the old servant of time, the group came to the sky above a dojo.

Observing the dojo from above, it is found that the dojo is enveloped by a layer of time particles, as beautiful as stars, like dreams and illusions. There are four circular blue line circles on the dojo, the inner circle of the large circle is in a ladder shape, and the innermost one is A small circle.

When everyone comes here, they can clearly feel the existence of time rules.

The old servant of the Time Realm Master said to everyone: "Have you seen the four circles? The time acceleration in the outermost circle area is one to ten. One year of cultivation on it, ten years outside, and the second area has a time acceleration of one to ten. One hundred, and so on, if you can walk into the innermost circle, you can get ten thousand times faster."

When everyone heard the words of the old servant of time, their faces showed excitement. What they lacked the most was not the cultivation technique and the cultivation resources, but the time.

"The time wheel has been opened for ten years. Remember, not everyone can enter the innermost area, but it is enough." The old servant of the Time Master said solemnly: "If you don't listen to the warning, you will force yourself into the unsuitable area. , It will be life-threatening."

Everyone immediately said they knew, but there was an expression of disapproval on their faces.

Because they are all enchanting figures from all walks of life, they are very proud of themselves and think they can go to the innermost area.

"Go", the old servant waved his hand, and then said to Lu Chen, "If you can walk to the innermost area, I will lend you the magic weapon."

Hearing the voice of the old servant, Lu Chen squinted his eyes. It turned out that the old servant still remembered this incident. He had forgotten it in his mind, thinking that the other party was telling lies.

A group of people entered the range of the time wheel and flew into the first area. The particles of time passed through the body, immediately shocking everyone, and a strange feeling surged into their hearts.

Lu Chen also stepped inside, the particles of time shuttled through the body quickly, tried to perfect the rules, the power of endless rules was integrated into the body, and the speed of perfection was indeed accelerated a lot. This feeling was very wonderful, and Lu Chen's eyes appeared. There was a touch of excitement.

After everyone entered the first area, they immediately stepped into the second area, where time flows faster.

Lu Chen was standing in the second area. He felt that if he stayed here for ten years, the various rules he comprehended should be perfect, and he could easily step into the Heavenly Venerable Realm.

The second area accelerates a hundred times the time, ten years is a thousand years.

When stepping into the second area, many emperors immediately stepped into the third area, but when they stepped into the third area, many people changed their faces and retreated.

When they stepped in, there was a strange feeling in their hearts that they could not stand in the third area. If they did, they might die there.

Lu Chen tried it too, but when he stepped on one foot and before landing, the various rules in his body became disordered, and a backlash force rioted in his body, frightening him to withdraw his foot quickly.

Lu Chen glanced at it. There were not many people who could step into the third area. Xiu Luoyan, Wu Ming, Pan Yue, and the other two unknown people, everyone stayed in the second area.

After finding a suitable position, everyone sat cross-legged to perfect their own rules.

Lu Chen didn't do this, but felt the rules of time. As long as he understood the rules, he could step into the fourth area.

Even if it takes nine years to comprehend the rules of time, it is not a loss, because one year of cultivation in the innermost area is equivalent to 10,000 years of cultivation.

The people around them practiced quietly, practicing on the time wheel.

It took Lu Chen half a year to comprehend the rules of time, mainly practicing in an area where the time is one to one hundred. Six months is equivalent to fifty years.

In other words, it took him fifty years to comprehend the rules of time.

After mastering the rules of time, Lu Chen discovered that the speed of time can be slowed down and faster. Of course, it is not comparable to the acceleration of the time wheel. The rules of time are similar to the rules of slowness, but they are indeed the rules of slowness that increase countless times.

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