My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1032: Sneak attack

The two came before them, and the turbulent waves turned in their hearts. The scene of Lu Chen killing half-step imperial monsters at will was extremely visual. After calming down the emotions in his heart, he clasped his fists and said, "Thank you."

If they hadn't met Lu Chen, they wouldn't be killed by this monster, at least they would be chased hard enough.

Lu Chen glanced at them and asked faintly: "Peng Tianyi and the others."

Tan Jing said immediately: "They have entered the depths of the Eudemon Forest."

Seeing Lu Chen puzzled, Tan Jing continued to explain: "That's it. When the elders said that the origin of the world was sealed in various places in the Eudemons Forest, there are also various relics and treasures. Let us go in and find it by ourselves, but there are monsters. Guardian of the beast, around the most powerful monster in the Saint Emperor realm, there is no Heaven Emperor realm, and our realm is too low, so we walked around the periphery."

Qin Li smiled bitterly: "But whoever thought the surrounding monster beasts were too strong would be close to the monster emperor."

Basically, the following words need not be said, that is, when they encountered a half-step imperial realm monster, they fled around after being hunted down.

The Eudemon Forest is the most extensive forest in the time realm. Many relics and treasures are sealed in it, but at the same time there are monsters guarding them. Their realm is too low to go deep inside.

"Are everyone inside?" Lu Chen asked.


Affirmed, Lu Chen waved his hand and said, "Go, follow me in and kill the two beasts."

Lu Chen took the two into the Eudemons Forest. There were huge trees, mists and poisonous miasma, and there were dangers everywhere. During the period, he encountered a few demon beasts of the Celestial Realm. Lu Chen casually waved his sword and rolled up the corpse.

When the two saw this scene, their lips twitched.

It was too simple for Lu Chen to kill two Tianzun realm monsters, as if they were not in the same realm.

"Lu Chen, where is your sword intent?" Tan Jing asked.

The two recognized at a glance that the sword intent they had just revealed was the sword intent originally created by the sword emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty. The sword intent was extremely sharp. Lu Chen's sword intent calmly passed in front of them, and they felt a sense of determination, as if In solid objects, it will also be divided into two.

"It's so normal, it's just Dzogchen at the Respectful Level" Lu Chen replied lazily.

so so? Honorable Dzogchen? That's it?

The corners of their mouths twitched. Lu Chen's words were almost irritating. Although they did not practice sword intent, they knew that the way to improve sword intent was extremely difficult. It is said that many experts in the holy emperor realm in Sword Emperor Palace were stuck in the deity. The realm of Dzogchen.

But thinking of Lu Chen speeding up ten thousand times on the time wheel, that is to say, Lu Chen has cultivated for one hundred thousand years.

In one hundred thousand years, with Lu Chen's talent, it was enough to cultivate to the Supreme Dzogchen.

Qin Li said, "What realm are you now, the emperor?"

Lu Chen exudes the aura of an ordinary Tianzun, because the realm has not been improved to perfection with spirit crystals, it is estimated that the various rules have been perfected, but I don't know how many rules Lu Chen has understood, but I want to come to a lot of rules, after all, I will understand when entering the time world. Two kinds.

A rule of famine, a rule of time.

Lu Chen is the lowest emperor now.

"It's not the emperor," Lu Chen replied, adding in his heart: "It's the emperor."

Of course, Lu Chen didn't say it. He was afraid of killing the two ashamed of suicide.

"Not the Emperor"

The two of them were puzzled, it was impossible. With Lu Chen's talent, how could it be that Wang Zun was the only one who had cultivated for 100,000 years, and he had integrated the six rules?

"Someone ahead"

The two of them didn't believe it, why Lu Chen was just like them Wang Zun. Just when the two of them wanted to talk about mystery, Lu Chen suddenly stopped.

Lu Chen's Spiritual Mind swept to a short distance, three people were attacking the formation, and there was a dead monster beside the formation.

Lu Chen recognized that the people who attacked the formation were the three of the Shura Realm. They all reached the Great Emperor Realm. Shura Yan was not beside him, and he didn't know where he had gone.

"It's three people in the Shura world"

Tan Jing and Qin Li also found the three of them and said to themselves: "Xu Luoyan is not with them."

Lu Chen originally wanted to find Zhu Yi and Zhu Yi, but the monster forest is too vast. Looking for them is like looking for a needle in a haystack. However, seeing the three people in the Shura world, it happened that Shura Yan was not nearby. It came to his mind.

Lu Chen changed his face into Zhu Yi's face in front of the two of them, and said, "You are waiting here."

After Lu Chen finished speaking, his thoughts moved and disappeared out of thin air.

The two watched Lu Chen disappear and looked at each other. They saw the horror in each other's eyes. Shouldn't Lu Chen sneak attack the three of them, but with Lu Chen Tianzun's realm to sneak attack the three great emperors, isn't this seeking his own death?

Also, Lu Chen had no grievances or grudges against them, so why did he attack them?

The two didn't know what Lu Chen wanted to do, so they could only stand there and wait.

Lu Chen sneaked behind the three of them and watched them attack the formation. This formation was not low-level. It had not been broken by the strength of the three, but many cracks appeared. It was only a matter of time before it was broken.

"and many more"

Suddenly, the three of them stopped attacking and looked around vigilantly. One of them said to himself in doubt, "Do you feel a sense of danger? The sense of crisis seems to be right by your side, but there is no one around, is it? It’s my illusion."


The person next to him echoed his sentence, and his spiritual thoughts swept out. In his spiritual thoughts, he saw the surrounding monsters dormant in the cave, and he also saw Tan Jing and Qin Li, but these were not the source of the dangerous breath.


The last person shook his head and said with a smile: "We are too careful,"

The three of them are in the Great Emperor Realm, with keen sense of spirit, and a natural sixth sense of potential crisis, but after scanning for a long time, they did not find where the crisis came from.

Soon they relaxed. This is just the periphery. As long as the luck is not too bad, they won't encounter the Saint Emperor monster beasts. Even if they do, they can escape with the trio of them.

They relaxed and continued to attack the formation. After a while, the formation cracks more and more, and there was a faint feeling of brokenness. One of them showed excitement and exclaimed: "Strong hard, the formation will soon be broken."

When they were in a relaxed state, Lu Chen held a black seal and used a little bit of force to select one of them, and then Xuan Zhongyin firmly tamped it on his head. Although the attacked target felt the crisis first , But Lu Chen was originally'lurking' in front of him, and he was quick and ruthless, so that this person had no defense at all.

The back of the person suffered severe head pain, and his eyes went dark, and he was directly fainted by Lu Chen.

After Lu Chen stunned the person, he showed his figure and made the gesture of wanting to take off the person to take the ring. At the same time, he left the two people next to him with a flaw in the side face.

People in the Shura realm saw this profiled face and immediately recognized who the attacker was. The last time Lu Chen invited them to eat meat, two monster beasts turned into human forms were very angry, because the meat they ate was from their people. .

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