My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1033: Another source of the world

"You dare you"

The eyes of the two were about to split, and their bodies rolled up with violent killing intent, and two **** red palm prints slammed into Lu Chen's body.

Lu Chen perceives the danger and disappears out of thin air. The palm prints of the two of them hit the void. With a bang, the trees in a radius of a hundred miles are swept away by the ripples of violent energy, and they are instantly turned into dust.

Their spirits stretched out, but they couldn't find Lu Chen, which meant they had lost their goal.

When the thought moved, it directly opened the Dao realm, covering the vast space. The two people’s realm was filled with boundless killing intent. Even Lu Chen, who was hiding in the world of void particles, felt this killing intent, and countless blades penetrated Skin, tingling sensation.

But he didn't particularly care about this pain. He imitated Zhu Yi's voice: "After eating my people, I will smash your corpses."

One of them pinched the tactics and sent out a distress signal, because the three of them are kings who have been promoted to the emperor realm, and the two beasts are both emperor advanced, and their combat power is higher than them, not to mention the other party can be invisible .

"You'd better not act alone, or wait for me to hunt you down one by one" A voice containing killing intent resounded through the void.

The two were furious in their hearts, and shouted: "Naughty animal, after eating the leopard, dare to threaten us. When the young master arrives, it will be your death date."

Lu Chen put down the threatening words and left directly, ignoring the two angry people, leading Tan Jing and the others into it, hesitating and deepening. During the period, he encountered several people and all of them ran over with Xuan Zhongyin. But it's just a moment.

After the stunned person, he immediately appeared and grabbed the stunner's acceptance, while at the same time exposing his face to other people's eyes by coincidence, creating a plan of sneak attack and robbery.

In a mountain forest, Tan Jing and Qin Li who were next to Lu Chen were speechless. During this period of time, they witnessed Lu Chen stunned seven or eight people. Those who were stunned were very angry and shouted one by one. To kill Zhu Yi and Long Feixiang.

At this time, the two also understood Lu Chen's strategy and deliberately used Zhu Yi's appearance to offend people, so that Zhu Yi two became public enemies. Once discovered, they might be hunted down by the world.

I have to say that Lu Chen's trick is too insidious.

"Someone is attacking the formation ahead"

Lu Chen stopped suddenly, looked ahead, and saw Ximen Yu and Wu Ming through his spiritual mind. The four gathered to attack a white enchantment, holding magic weapons, and violently pouring violently on the enchantment. The world trembles violently, but the barrier is very powerful, easily sharing the attacks of the four.

So that the barrier has not been broken.

Four people attacked an enchantment. There should be something good. Lu Chen's spiritual thought penetrated the enchantment, and he was shocked. It turned out that there was a world origin inside, no wonder the four of them would also attack together.

After all, a world origin represents a strong creation realm, and in the age when the realm gods did not emerge, the strong creation realm is the existence that ranks among the best.

The four-person attack formation is extremely strong. I don't know how long they have attacked. There are only a few small cracks on the barrier. This kind of crack is insignificant and can be repaired automatically.

Lu Chen turned around and said to the two people around him: "You go there first, and you will be like this later..."

The two looked weird, but they nodded and walked towards Ximen Yu and the others.

At this moment, the four of Ximen Yu were a little bit painful. It was obvious that the world's origin was only a thin layer of formations away from them.

Ximen Yu sighed and said: "This barrier is intact, not decayed due to the erosion of the years. After attacking for two days, the broken cracks are not as fast as the formation of active repairs, and it is lonely."

Xie Wukong touched his nose: "Leave now willingly."

"I'm not reconciled to any way, this formation is too strong to be completely destroyed" Mingzi also gave up.

"Help, a few brothers, help." At this moment, a panicked voice came to their ears. The four raised their heads and saw Tan Jing and Qin Li rushing over in a panic. Is embarrassed.

The four people showed different colors, and the two kings dared to come to the depths of the Eudemons Forest, who gave them the courage.

However, recognizing the origins of the two, they came from the same world as Lu Chen. Wu Ming asked, "What happened?"

I didn't see any monsters chasing them behind, why are they so flustered.

Tan Jing said breathlessly, "We were chased and killed."

"Who is chasing you" Ximen Yu asked.

Logically speaking, the people who came in came from different realms. There was no grievance between the two sides and would not cause chase, but now the two were chased.

Tan Jing said quickly: "It is Zhu Yi, the two emperors from the sky demon world, we accidentally ran into one, and kept chasing us."

Listening to Tan Jing's words, they understood that Ximen Yu had told them about the mountain and sea realms for some time, and knew that the two realms were in a hostile relationship, just as their **** realm was often invaded by the abyss realm.

Wu Ming said: "You will follow us temporarily, no one will hunt you down."

The other three did not speak. For them, this matter was just a matter of convenience. Forgive the monster beast not daring to attack them in front of the four emperors.

"Thank you"

Tan Jing and the two suddenly showed gratitude.

Ximen Yu said: "Let's go, see if there is no other chance, if not, then forget it."

So a group of people left.

Long after they left, Lu Chen appeared in front of the barrier, looked at the world origin in the transparent barrier, and thought to himself that he must get it.

Lu Chen didn't say these words without proof, but with a certain degree of confidence.

He is now regarded as a god-sovereign cultivation base, his sword intent has reached the superior-level Dzogchen, and there are too many rules for fusion. It is several times stronger than the ordinary superior-level Dzogchen's sword intent, and should be able to break the barrier.

Lu Chen's palm was like a sword intent, and it landed on the barrier, and a few cracks appeared in the smooth and round barrier.

Lu Chen saw this scene with a little excitement in his eyes. As he expected, the ultimate sharp power was the nemesis of the barrier, and he could break the barrier by himself.

A day later, the enchantment full of cracks exploded and dissipated into countless halos. Lu Chen stretched out his hand, took the origin of the world inside, and put it into the ring.

If Ximen Yu and the others were here, they would be ashamed and speechless. The four great emperors attacked here for two days, but there was no way to defeat this formation. Lu Chen only took one day to destroy them.

There are already three world origins in Lu Chen's body, which is equivalent to three more heavenly emperors in the mountain and sea boundary.

After Lu Chen got the World Origin, he secretly contacted Tan Jing, learned their location, and silently followed.

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