My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1034: In a scapegoat

Somewhere in the canyon.

Zhu Yi and Long Feixiang sat on a rock to rest, with a faint smile on their faces, because they were lucky enough to break a decadent formation and obtain a world origin, which can make the sky demon world more than one. Wei Tiandi.

"Let's go, it's time to go out" Zhu Yi stood up and said after a while.

Entering the time realm this time, not only has the realm been elevated to the emperor realm, but also gained a world origin, which has gained a lot and has already satisfied them.

Long Feixiang said: "Go to the entrance to ambush and kill the little thief Lu Chen."

A cold killing thought flashed in Long Feixiang's eyes, and he didn't forget to kill Lu Chen in it.


Regarding Long Feixiang's decision, Zhu Yi obeyed unconditionally. They had been in for so long and had been so angry that they would never be reconciled to not killing Lu Chen.

They hoped that Lu Chen would go out alone so that he could kill the opponent.

If Lu Chen showed up with a group of people, they would immediately run out, because that guy had met several emperors here, and if he was besieged, he would only be killed by a spike.

The two stood up and left, but before they went far, they were stopped by four people, staring at them with indifferent eyes, and one of them was extremely angry.

When they met the eyes of the four, Zhu Yi and Long Feixiang shook their hearts and had a bad premonition, because they felt that the four were going to kill them.

The "four friends" clasped their fists, smiled and said, "I don't know what you can do."

"You are very ruthless." The eyes of the four people fell on Zhu Yi's body, and one of the long-haired youths raised a mockery at the corners of their mouths: "I finally caught you today, let's see how you run."

"Everyone, what do you mean, we have no grievances and no grudges, why do you say this?" Zhu Yi smiled far-fetched, and took a step silently. Zhu Yi was a little confused in his heart. He didn't understand what the words meant. The two sides clearly didn't have any hatred. , How do these people look resentful.

Long Feixiang's body was tight and he was ready to fight.

"It's quite pretentious," the long-haired young man stared at Zhu Yi and said, and then pulled a person beside him, letting him turn his back to him, only to see a big bag full of blood on the back of his head, the size of a steamed bun, and it had not disappeared. .

After showing the big bag, the young man looked at Zhu Yi coldly and said: "Beat my brother like this and want to **** the ordination. Why? Now that I have met us, are you ready to die?"

Zhu Yi saw the other party's big bag, the corners of his mouth twitched, and secretly said a big bag, it should be very painful, but he soon understood that someone should pretend to attack this person and make him take the blame.

After all, he and Long Feixiang have been looking for opportunities, this is the first time they have met someone.

Zhu Yi immediately clasped his fists and said, "My friends, my companions and I have been looking for opportunities. There is no sneak attack on your friends. Someone is posing as me."

Long Feixiang also said, "Several people have found the wrong person."

"Find the wrong person"

The corners of the four people's mouths evoked a sarcasm. They were so dark at first, but now they are caught head-on, saying that someone framed him.

The young man with a big bag on his head was full of resentment and roared: "If you don't kill you two today, I write your name backwards."

This person's words are full of resentment.

Because the **** in front of him was so cruel, he passed out in pain. After waking up, the big bag had been with him, from time to time.

"Hands on"

A stern look flashed in the eyes of the long-haired young man, stepping forward, a storm blew all over his body, and the terrifying power of the avenue was released, and the coercion enveloped the boundless space, and the ground shone with golden lines, spreading away, and wanted to form a domain Cut off the retreat of the two.

The three people next to them also shot at the same time, blooming the power of the avenue, and the whole body was radiantly brilliant. Two palm prints covering the sky appeared on the sky, as well as a huge fist, covering the two of them.


Zhu Yi and Long Feixiang released the power of the avenue, and the golden realm was torn apart by the avenue of the two at the moment they appeared. The two turned into a faint shadow, soaring into the sky, and flew away.

When encountering four people whose strength is equal to theirs, they naturally dare not stay. If they stay and fight, they may be killed.


The four watched the two escape and turned into four Changhong chases.


On the other side, Lu Chen caught up with Xi Men Yu and the others. At the moment they were resting on a cliff. Xi Men Yu looked at the two and asked, "Right, where is Lu Chen."

Tan Jing said: "I don't know, maybe it's still in the Time Wheel Dojo, or maybe it's not necessarily after going out."

Wu Ming looked envious, and sighed: "I really envy Brother Lu Chen, he walked to the center area and gained tens of thousands of times to accelerate."

As soon as these words came out, Ximen Yu, Xie Wukong, and the others all showed envy. Although they walked to the third area behind, the time did not add up to ten thousand years, and Lu Chen got ten thousand times faster, which was equivalent to practicing cultivation. In one hundred thousand years, it is estimated that the various rules and martial arts of practice have all been completed.

Tan Jing said: "The time wheel is really a good thing. If you can always practice on the time wheel, wouldn't it be possible to reach the realm of creation soon."

Qin Li also said, "If anyone can get the Time Wheel..."


As soon as these words came out, Xi Men Yu all laughed.

"A person can only use the time wheel once in his life. If it is used the second time, it will damage the body, unless you understand the rules of time."

"Also, no one can **** the treasure of the Time Wheel. This is the owner of the Time Realm. Who dares to **** it, is it tired of living?"

While they were talking, Lu Chen went into hiding and quietly walked behind Wu Ming, and then a black mark slammed on Wu Ming's head.


Wu Ming immediately hugged his head with both hands, screamed screaming, tears and tears, and almost fainted.

Ximen Yu and the others instantly stood on guard and stared at the surroundings. Only Tan Jing's eyes flickered because they knew who made the move.

"Hey, I didn't faint." Lu Chen stared at Wu Ming and jumped up high, revealing an unexpected look. After a long time, he had put seven or eight people, and they passed out after a brick. Wuming actually stiffened. Living.

"Who the **** attacked Lao Tzu" Wu Ming burst into tears, feeling that his head was about to crack, and let out an angry roar.

"The people I want to kill, you all dare to shelter and seek death," a jealous smile sounded nearby.

This sound made them immediately understand that Zhu Yi was in the dark, and Xie Wukong shouted: "Ximen Yu, this person has the same rules as you, go in and blast him out."

Lu Chen continued to show up, patted Tan Jing on the back of the head with a brick, Tan Jing's eyes were black and he fell straight to the ground.

When Tan Jing lost consciousness, he cursed in his heart, there was no such link in Lu Chen's plan.

After Lu Chen stunned Tan Jing, a red glow between his fingers shot at Tan Jing's neck, as if he wanted to take his life, Xie Wukong gave a cold snort, raised his hand to offer a magic weapon, and an evil knife bloomed with billions of sword lights. Rolled up a violent killing force enveloped.

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