My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1035: Dead duck

When Xie Wukong sacrificed the evil sword, Lu Chen felt a terrible sense of crisis. Seeing a white light flying over, although he could block it, he didn't want to release his breath and be noticed by the other party.

Without any hesitation, he flashed into the world of void particles.

The evil knife turned into a white light that shattered Lu Chen's attack, and the invisible knife energy split the location where Lu Chen had just been, but he was a step late and Lu Chen escaped.

Seeing Lu Chen disappeared, Xie Wukong and Mingzi immediately opened up the Dao domain and blocked the surrounding space. Although the sneak attackers could Void Dao, their domain could also affect the Void Particle World, and Ximen Yu had already entered, etc. Ximen Yu blasted the opponent out instantly.

"I've grown up in Wuming, and I haven't been rammed from behind. This is such a shameful shame that I will return it ten times a hundred times." Wu Ming's eyes were blood red, and he gritted his teeth and said, the big bag on the back of his head was swollen visible to the naked eye. Not only did he flatten the back of his head, but he also arched it like a huge tumor.

Wu Ming was embarrassed and inexplicable. For the first time, he was rammed on his head. At the same time, there was no way he could do it.

All hopes are pinned on Ximen Yu.

Lu Chen had just entered the world of void particles, a dangerous aura came from the left, and then curled up a sword intent, tearing apart the big void palm prints flying from the left.

Lu Chen turned his head and saw Xi Men Yu standing about ten feet away from him.

Ximen Yu squinted his eyes and said, "It's you."

Hearing Ximen Yu's words, Lu Chen knew immediately that he had recognized him, because this guy had been in the mountain and sea world and knew the sword intent of the Sword Emperor Palace against the sky.

"I don't know what you are talking about" Lu Chen shook his head.


Ximen Yu sneered. Does this guy think that disguise is good, rolls his eyes and said: "You are so bold that you dare to attack Wuming in front of the four emperors."

Ximen Yu understood that it was estimated that when Wu Ming was introduced to Lu Chen last time, he said that Wu Ming was the fattest, and then this guy missed Wu Ming.

But can this guy find a good time to start, for example, when Wu Ming was alone, he was so impatient.

In fact, Ximen Yu misunderstood Lu Chen. Originally, Lu Chen had some thoughts about Wu Ming, but after borrowing his five magic weapons from the realm of creation, the old servant of the Time Master had no idea about Wu Ming. If you want them to kill Zhu Yi, it is best to force Zhu Yi out.

Because the Eudemons Forest is too big, it is difficult to find Zhu Yi with a few of their Sky Demon Realm.

"Hey, you didn't even get promoted to the emperor." Ximen Yu felt a little bit, and found that he was only at the Heavenly Sovereign Realm, which was a bit surprised.

"What's wrong with Tianzun? Are you my opponent?" Lu Chen glanced at Xi Men Yu with disdain, his tone full of contempt.

Ximen Yu showed an unkind look on his face, and Jie Jie smiled strangely: "Hey, let me teach you to be a good person while you are not promoted to the emperor."

After Ximen Yu finished speaking, he directly opened the Dadao Realm. If he didn't teach the other party now, there would be no chance in the future.

As Ximen Yu opened up the Dao realm, Lu Chen immediately felt a strong sense of restraint, and the surrounding space seemed to disappear.

The Dao realm, the exclusive magical powers of the strong imperial realm. The realm expands to isolate other rules. The big realm is synonymous with the invincibility of the strong imperial realm. Below the emperor realm is like an ant. Of course, if you are fighting at the same level, it is whose realm you compare Stronger.

"Catch it with your hands" Ximen Yu laughed, thinking that Lu Chen had become a fish, but soon his expression changed because he saw Lu Chen ignoring the power of the domain and a huge fist appeared in front of him.


Lu Chen hit Ximen Yu's eye socket with a fist and directly knocked the guy hundreds of meters away.


Ximen Yu let out a wailing, and then a joking voice came from his ear: "Even if you are promoted to the emperor, you will not be my opponent."

Lu Chen was in the Dao realm, and he really didn't feel the strong binding force. He moved freely, and suddenly made his move, so that Xi Men Yu couldn't react at all.

Ximen Yu came back to his senses, and was immediately furious. When he was about to resist, the time around him suddenly slowed down, as if time and space were still.

Ximen Yu immediately thought of the domain, but immediately rejected it, because he felt the power of the rules and did not promote the Dao, but this force was not weaker than the Dao, even stronger than the Dao.

The surrounding space seemed to be locked, he couldn't move, he could only watch his fist fall on his face.

Lu Chen kept swinging his fists and greeted Xi Men Yu's face. Xi Men Yu screamed and shouted, "Too much deception."

Ximen Yu said, activating the body's defensive magic weapon, and a layer of light flowed around his body, and Lu Chen's fist bombarded it, making a clicking sound.

"Stop, stop." Ximen Yu felt that the light of the body guard was about to be shattered, and he screamed, and he was horrified in his heart that couldn't be described in words. What kind of monster is this guy, and why his domain can't restrain him? At this moment, he felt his head. He was so dizzy, the **** hit him at least a hundred punches, and tears of pain surged.

Lu Chen stopped, and Xi Men Yu immediately left Lu Chen's distance of a hundred meters away, looking at him with alert.

Lu Chen said lazily, "Even if I haven't been promoted to the emperor, it's easy to abuse you."

After Lu Chen finished speaking, he walked away. After walking for long, he felt an invisible wall. This was the power of the avenue of the two outsiders. Lu Chen stretched out his hand, tore the avenue directly, and left instantly.

Outside, Xie Wukong and Mingzi felt that the avenue was torn apart, and their faces were ugly. Didn't Ximen Yu stop each other.

Ximen Yu appeared in front of them, her appearance was horrible now, her eyes were black and her face was so full that she had been stung by a wasp.

People around them all looked weird when they saw Ximen Yu's appearance.

Wu Ming asked angrily, "Ximen Yu, you can't stop the opponent."

Ximen Yu had so many magic weapons, but he didn't stop him, and it was too useless.

"I can't help him. He ran away." Ximen Yu said with some embarrassment, perhaps realizing that he is a bit ashamed of being a great emperor, his waist straightened, and said proudly: "Although I can't help him, he took me. There is no alternative."

Several people:"....."

A few people were speechless, they were beaten into this bear-like shape, and they were still stiff.

On the side, Qin Li, who had not passed out into a coma, was secretly surprised. Lu Chen was only in the realm of Heavenly Sovereign, but he had beaten a great emperor to his head. Isn't Lu Chen Wang Zun?


A terrible conjecture appeared in Qin Li's mind, and his heart throbbed, but isn't the emperor in the legend.

Because the Tianzun realm couldn't sense the twenty-four rules, and when the emperor was in Tianzun today, he didn't do it either.

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