My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1036: Kill the Great

"Chasing, just ahead, don't let them run away"

Suddenly flying over several Changhong in the silent sky, the aura was strong, and the invisible coercion made the ground tremble, but it quickly passed by and disappeared into the distance.

After a few people left, there was a clicking sound among the bushes on the ground, the hidden barrier was broken, and two embarrassed figures appeared. There were blood stains on their bodies and their breath was a little weak.

The two are Zhu Yi and Long Feixiang.

Zhu Yi said depressed, "Damn it, who framed us?"

During this period of time, they were chased and killed miserably. They encountered five waves of people before and after. Every wave of people had at least one victim whose head was swollen. They were not given a chance to explain, and they did it directly. There were two processes. Thrilling, almost confessed here.

The main reason is that they got too little time order this time, only two yuan. If seven or eight people or a dozen people came in like before, it would be impossible to be hunted down so miserably.

Long Feixiang said coldly: "Peng Tianyi, it must be Peng Tianyi who framed us."

Needless to say, the people who framed them are definitely those in the mountains and seas, and Peng Tianyi is most suspected.

Zhu Yi said puzzledly: "It is not difficult to deduce based on the words of the hunters that the people who conspired against them have the Void Dao, and the problem is that Peng Tianyi has not mastered it.

Long Feixiang said, "Did you forget that Ning Hong was beheaded by Lu Chen."

Zhu Yi suddenly realized that Ning Hong had a void cloak, this magic weapon could enter the world of void particles.

They quickly guessed that Lu Chen lent the Void Cloak to Peng Tianyi, and Zhu Yi's face made enemies everywhere.

Zhu Yi stood up and said, "Let's go, time world can't stay."

If you stay any longer, you will die.

Long Feixiang said: "Disperse and escape."

After speaking, the two chose two directions and fled.

After Lu Chen beat Ximen Yu for a while, he acted alone. As for Tan Jing and Qin Li following Ximen Yu, they were not in danger.

One month later, Lu Chen found a Zongmen ruins, and when he came to the sky, he did not sense the existence of enchantment, indicating that there was nothing to see here.

Suddenly, a figure flew from Lu Chen's side, so fast that Lu Chen couldn't even scan his spiritual mind.

"Lu Chen, how dare you act alone" a cold voice came from the side.

Lu Chen turned his head and saw that the figure just now turned out to be Zhu Yi. At this moment, the other party looked at him with a sneer.

Lu Chen smiled and said, "What a coincidence."

"Yeah, what a coincidence, you said how should I kill you?" Zhu Yi said with a smile looking at Lu Chen. Although he was smiling, his eyes were murderous.

Zhu Yi didn't expect that when he ran away, he would meet Lu Chen. It was a great happy event. The important thing was that Lu Chen acted alone.

Zhu Yi glanced at Lu Chen's cultivation base, staying in the Tianzun realm, the corners of his mouth became more and more indifferent, killing a Tianzun with his realm, it was simply a matter of hand.

It was very depressed to be hunted down for a while, and now as long as he could kill Lu Chen, he could wipe out his depressed mood.


Zhu Yi's eyes were full of hideous expressions, unleashing the mighty power of the avenue, the crimson realm enveloped Lu Chen, and the realm was full of an aura of destruction and death.

"Hahaha, no one can save you today"

Seeing that the realm enveloped Lu Chen, with a crazy smile on his face, Zhu Yi raised his hand and grabbed Lu Chen's body, because in his realm, he was like a god.

Lu Chen flashed slightly, avoiding Zhu Yi's palm, and said lazily, "You talk a lot."

" could it be possible that you are a Tianzun ant, how can you escape?" Zhu Yi's eyes were almost protruding, and he was stunned for more than ten seconds before he said in disbelief.

He obviously used the domain to imprison the opponent, he controls everything in the domain, why can Lu Chen move freely in his domain.

"Because your domain is too weak." Lu Chen sarcastically said. To be honest, Zhu Yi's Dao domain is like a furnace, with all-pervasive air flowing into his body. However, he has many rules. Just wanting to restrain him by the realm is tantamount to idiotic dreams.


Zhu Yiman looked unbelieving. With a move of thought, he madly released the power of the avenue. In the domain, countless fiery red air currents spread chaotically, entering Lu Chen's body, and a violent burning pain spread throughout Lu Chen's body.

Lu Chen did not sit still, and then waved a sword intent towards Zhu Yi.

Zhu Yi saw Lu Chen attack him, his eyes were full of sneers. Although he didn't know why Lu Chen ignored his domain and probably used some kind of treasure, but when this sword intent approached him, his heart suddenly rose. A huge sense of crisis.

A terrifying crisis arose, and Zhu Yi went backwards like crazy.


The sword intent flew by and cut off a **** arm.

Zhu Yi was in a cold sweat, and a Tianzun in Lu Chen could hurt him. Why?

"What about the emperor, it is far from my opponent" Lu Chen came to Zhu Yi's face and said faintly. When his mind moved, a powerful rule affected the surrounding space, like a small domain, but it was countless times stronger than a domain.

Zhu Yi's face changed drastically under the influence of these rules, because he found that he couldn't move, and his whole body was restrained.

"You really understand the rules of time" Zhu Yi said while looking at Lu Chen.

When Lu Chen was in the Supreme Realm, he walked to the most central area of ​​the Time Wheel. He must have comprehended the rules of time. What made Zhu Yi's heart tremble even more was that Lu Chen’s rules were so profound that he opened up the Dao realm. Do not follow the rules of Lu Chen.


There was a crisp sound, which was a sign of the broken realm.

Lu Chen didn't bother to speak, a sword intent pierced Zhu Yi's forehead, shattering the soul.

Zhu Yi snorted and fell straight to the ground.

Zhu Yi regretted it in his heart. If he knew that Lu Chen was so powerful, he would never stay and run away. Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world.

Of course, I never thought that Lu Chen was so powerful. He was obviously only in the Heavenly Sovereign Realm, but he easily tore his avenue. After being close, he couldn't release any power, just like a mortal.

After Zhu Yi died, he appeared in the form of a monster beast. A monster beast full of scarlet scales appeared in front of Lu Chen. It looked like a wolf. Is this the body of the Purgatory Clan? It looks really ugly.

Outside, the two camps are waiting, and decades are only a matter of seconds for them.

At the moment Zhu Yi died in battle, the Purgatory Emperor stood up from his position and released his murderous intent, and looked at the people in the mountains and seas with a pair of extremely cold eyes.

Everyone in the mountain and sea world saw the purgatory emperor's expression, and immediately guessed it.

Perhaps only Zhu Yi's death would make the Purgatory Emperor so gloomy.

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