My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1042: One person subverts the entire battlefield

At this moment, heaven and earth seemed to be quiet, only the buzzing of sword intent, shuttled around on the battlefield.

The two sides never thought that someone could subvert the battlefield with their own power, even the Emperor could not do it, but now Lu Chen has done it.

Lu Chen's sword intent was too terrifying, reaching the honorable Dzogchen. The sword river split into thousands of currents, and the battlefield was crossed. As soon as the sky demon touched, the stomach of the body exploded, the secret treasure was broken, the essence and blood God was obliterated, soul flew away.

In the Tianzun battlefield, countless sky demons scattered and fled, trying to escape, puff puff puff, sword intent passed through their bodies and harvested their lives.

Inside Tianhen, the Purgatory Emperor and Long Lai were both frightened and angry, their faces were blue, their eyes were bloodshot and they looked at the chaotic battlefield. Under those death swordsmanship, their subordinates died one by one, cooperating with the warriors of the mountain and sea world. After hunting down, the army of hundreds of thousands of heavenly demons died instantly.

The morale of the mountains and seas skyrocketed, chasing and killing the sky demon who was injured by the sword.

The eyes of the two emperors cast their eyes on the battlefield of the imperial realm, and their own imperial realm also suffered unimaginable casualties, one after another corpses in the imperial realm.

The Purgatory Emperor came back to his senses, looked at Su Yingxia, and said with an eager tone: "Su Yingxia, let's stop the war, we will admit defeat in this battle."

Long Lai's anger has also dissipated for most of the time, and he echoed: "Continuing will cause great losses to both parties. There is no need to continue, so stop the war."

The two had to cease fighting, because if the fight continued, the elite of the two races would have to die.

This kind of situation would never happen in the previous battles.

The Tianzun battle group came out of Lu Chen, a monster, and one person overturned the entire battle. There were more than a dozen invincible emperors on the battlefield of the Emperor Realm. These emperors were promoted from the emperor, and they were much stronger than the average emperor. , Can't contain it at all.

These more than a dozen great emperors were brought by Lu Chen from other realms.

Su Yingxia also produced an extra Tiandi-level peak secret treasure to seal the Tianhen and prevent them from taking action.

Lu Chen alone, can be said to have changed the overall situation.

Hearing the words of the two, Su Yingxia showed a scornful look in her beautiful eyes, and said faintly: "Why don't you start the world war when you talk about it. If you say the truce, then the truce. Since it has already started, let's continue."

Su Yingxia had never thought of a truce. If it weren't for Lu Chen to come back and give her a super secret treasure to stop the two emperors, they would definitely break the rules.

Now that I see the situation on the battlefield side down, I want to stop the war, where is such a beautiful thing.

The purgatory emperor said coldly: "Su Yingxia, if you insist on doing this, don't blame us for attacking the lower realm."

Long Lai also threatened: "Okay, you just insist on doing this, don't blame us for being cruel."

Although the two of them said so, but watching the death of one after another in the emperor realm, they felt pained in their hearts. This battle in the realm was definitely the worst loss in history.

They could only watch the death of one clansman after another.

In the Tianzun battle group, Lu Chen stood up and looked around the battlefield. He wiped out a lot of the heavenly monsters and injured more. He couldn't resist the Tianzun on the side of the mountain and sea. Seeing that the overall situation had been determined, Lu Chen raised his head and looked. Looking at the distant battlefield of the Great Emperor, there are hundreds of Great Emperors fighting.

The three Pan Yue, the four Xiu Luoyan, and the four Ximen Yu were all in the team.

Lu Chen stepped on his feet and turned into a flash of lightning, directly rushing into the battlefield of the Emperor Realm.

"Kill him" The Purgatory Emperor and Long Lai saw Lu Chen rushing into the Emperor Realm battle group, and spoke to each other.

In fact, without the need for two people to transmit sound, the emperor realm sky demon saw a Tianzun rushing in, with crazy killing intent in his eyes, because when they were fighting, they also saw Lu Chen changing the situation of the Tianzun battle group alone.

If the opponent doesn't come, they will be dragged, and there is no way to kill the opponent, but now that the opponent rushes into the imperial battle group without a fight, don't blame them for being cruel.


A powerful sky demon slapped his palm and knocked off the great emperor who was fighting with him. Then, his whole body rushed towards Lu Chen, releasing the power of the avenue, forming a realm with a radius of hundreds of meters to cover Lu Chen.

Dadao domain, generally speaking, the smaller the scope, the stronger it is, and it has absolute control over the domain.

Seeing that the realm bound Lu Chen, the emperor realm sky demon raised his hand Zheng out of a scarlet spear, turned into a red light and shot towards Lu Chen's eyebrows, trying to kill Lu Chen.

The eyes of this Emperor Realm Heavenly Demon were full of grinning smiles. In his realm, he was like a god, and a small Heavenly Lord would definitely die if he came in.


As the sound of glass breaking sounded, this was his domain shattering, and the flying emperor also opened the avenue domain, and the two domains collided and cracked constantly.

However, this emperor realm sky demon didn't care about the fragmentation of the domain at all, only had the purpose of killing Lu Chen in his eyes.

Lu Chen saw a spear that was shot over, his eyes calm, raised his hand, a horrible storm of sword intent roared out, swallowing the opponent's spear.


In front of the powerful crushing power of the sword intent storm, this emperor realm magic weapon made a crackling sound, with faint traces of cracks.

"How can it be"

The Emperor Realm Heavenly Demon was shocked, whether it was Lu Chen's ability to move freely in his domain or the sword storm swallowed his magic weapon, it shocked him abnormally.

Not only him, but the surrounding emperors all showed different colors.

In the area of ​​the avenue, it was actually unable to restrain a Tianzun.

"My magic weapon"

The Emperor Realm Sky Monster exclaimed, because he felt his magic weapon was broken, and his manipulator spear wanted to escape the sword intent storm, but he was not under his control at all.

When the sword qi storm passed, several broken spears were floating in the air.

Lu Chen walked towards the other side for a stroll, staring at the other side, Da Mengrui shrouded towards the other side.

In an instant, this emperor realm sky demon felt his eyelids gloomy.

"not good"

He was shocked, bit his tongue, and forced himself to wake up.

Then, just a second after he woke up, he saw Lu Chen cut through the space with his palm and drawn towards the center of his eyebrows.

Lu Chen's palm was sharper than a sword, and a ray of destruction penetrated the emperor realm sky demon's eyebrows.


The eyebrows of the emperor sky demon were cracked, and his eyes were staring wide. Maybe he didn't expect that he would be killed by a god, and it was so easy.


Next to him, the great emperor realm powerhouse who fought against the emperor realm sky demon had just torn apart the realm of the emperor realm sky demon, and he saw that Lu Chen had killed the sky demon, and his whole person was stunned.

When the people around saw this scene, they also took a breath, and their hearts trembled wildly.

Lu Chen killed a great emperor, which was really exciting.

Not to mention that the people of the Emperor Realm battle group are stupid, even the two emperors in the sky mark, seeing this scene, their eyes are almost staring, and there is an unprecedented storm in the heart.

ps: Two changes today.

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