My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1043: untitled

The needle fell on the battlefield, and the scene of Lu Chen beheading the emperor was terrifying. Both sides were petrified, and their faces were dull.

Everyone is thinking, who is the emperor and who is the **** of heaven.

Lu Chen, a Tianzun, easily killed the emperor, as if his realm had been changed.

In the crowd, several people headed by the Lion Clan Demon Emperor were shocked on the spot as if struck by lightning.

The Lion Race Demon Emperor felt that he might not be Lu Chen's opponent anymore. Before the opponent entered the Time Realm, he was still Supreme, and now he can kill the Great Emperor.

The speed of growth made him speechless and speechless.

Not to mention the people of the mountain and sea world, even people from the other three worlds, such as Pan Yue, Xiu Luoyan, Wu Ming and others, all narrowed their eyes, with a look of surprise.

Xiu Luoyan swung the fifth sword of Destroy the World, and a thousand-zhang sword light rolled up to kill the sky, and slashed on a great emperor. The secret treasure of that great emperor's body was blown to pieces, divided into two, and blood mist filled the sky.

When the great emperor was smashed to death, Xiu Luoyan kept his eyes on Lu Chen, and did not take the war with the realm seriously.

Shura Yan secretly said with emotion that the strange power of the opponent's cultivation has increased again, and he is indeed the person who forced himself to quickly realize the fifth sword of the world.

Xiu Luoyan even wondered whether he could beat Lu Chen if the opponent's cultivation was upgraded to the Great Emperor.

"Don't look at me, go kill other people" Lu Chen said while looking at the dazed emperor next to him. His figure flashed and he entered another battle group. This time he didn't make a move. Instead, he used the rules of time to influence the enemy and the flow of time around him. As if still, the sky demon was restrained in the field.

The great emperor of the mountains and seas next to him, holding a sharp long knife, stood up and down.

The Great Emperor Sky Demon could only watch the long knife fall, and then his head was split into two.

Lu Chen constantly shuttled through the battlefield, using the rules to influence the Great.

One after another great emperor fell.

Lu Chen's fierceness also successfully aroused his own desire to fight, one by one, the enemy Great Emperor was defeated.

Inside the sky mark, the Purgatory Emperor and Long Lai stared at Su Yingxia, after a while, the Purgatory Emperor spoke; "Su Yingxia, when did you train your apprentice?"

Lu Chen had previously influenced the Tianzun battle group, and neither of the two heavenly emperors had Lu Chen in their hearts. Although Lu Chen's strength was much higher than his realm, he peaked the battlefield with his own power, but neither of them had Lu Chen in their hearts. .

Who are they, each commanding a royal family, standing at the pinnacle of the monastic domain, is qualified to sprint to the legendary supreme realm.

Even if Lu Chen was outstanding, he was still only a junior at the Heavenly Venerable Realm.

If there is no influence of the will of the realm, they can be shot into nothingness with a slap.

But now that Lu Chen entered the imperial realm battle group and easily slaughtered the great emperor, even if he existed as a heavenly emperor realm, there was a chill in his heart.

When did Su Yingxia cultivate such a perverted disciple, they didn't hear anything about it. If they knew it, they would definitely be strangled in the cradle. Now the opponent can slaughter even the Great Emperor, and there is an extremely powerful secret treasure on him.

Before the two of them shot, they didn't take the other party into the sky mark, although there was a reason for the weakening of the will of the boundary.

But from this, it can be seen that there is no way to take the other party, only to watch a small ant that can threaten them step by step, until the cultivation base rises to the point where it can threaten them.

Su Yingxia embraced her hands and glanced at Lu Chen who was traveling through the Imperial Realm. There was a faint smile in her beautiful eyes, and she said, "Why, I am a disciple, but I don't really listen to Master's words. I would like to ask the two for help. Hit it."

Su Yingxia said this and sighed regretfully.


When the two heard Su Yingxia's words, they wanted to vomit blood.

Su Yingxia seemed to belittle Lu Chen, but she was actually showing off to them, but it seemed that there was no way to take the other party, because the heirest of their clan had already died in the world of time, and could not use the second one to suppress Su Yingxia's arrogant arrogance. .

The two of them stopped talking and turned their heads, not wanting to face Su Yingxia's proud face.

In the imperial battle group, the battle is still going on, all kinds of great powers pierce through the sky and the earth, rumbling loudly, like the sky and the earth.

The sound of Kaka's fragmentation spread throughout the battlefield, and the sky was stained with emperor blood.

As time progressed step by step, the great emperor of the Sky Demon Realm continued to die, and the corpses that lost their life fluctuations floated in the air.

The Purgatory Emperor and Long Lai's expressions were so gloomy, a small Tianzun really subverted the pattern of the battlefield of the Emperor Realm.

They saw a place where someone went, and then their subordinates were imprisoned. They wanted to break their heads and wonder why the rules could oppose the guest and restrain the avenue.

They have never seen the avenue field restrained by rules. This is the first time that it has simply subverted their cognition.

Time flickered, half an hour passed, at least nearly a hundred emperors died with the help of Lu Chen. Lu Chen’s sword intent flowed all over his body, and it was so dense that it counteracted the terrifying power of the Great Dao. Then he was promoted directly and used the rules to influence the emperor. The Great Emperor of Shanhai Realm who was fighting next to him easily beheaded his opponent.

In the Saint Emperor's battle group, only two or thirty people fought on both sides, and those who fought on the side of the mountain and sea were all the masters of the same religion, or the supreme elders.

Such as the master of the Supreme Profound Gate, a terrifying powerhouse of the Saint Emperor who is good at formations. His whole body is shining, trapping the heavenly monsters of the Saint Emperor realm inside, killing violently, transforming various attacking forces and bombarding. The body of the sky demon.

There are also the elders of the illusion temple, the masters, everyone faces a strong saint emperor.

Su Yingxia's personal guard, Shuiwei, is a woman, but she is wearing a stomachache, and she has a sizzle on her body, pressing a holy emperor sky demon to beat her violently.

The battle group of the Emperor Realm came to an end. The two imperial clans had fallen to more than two hundred great emperors, and in the mountain and sea realm, less than one-tenth of the people died.

In the past, there were at least half of the people killed and injured in this kind of super realm battle, but this time, the death toll was the least, and all the Heavenly Demon Great Emperor was wiped out.

Taking advantage of the end of the battle to rest, they couldn't help but look at someone in the field, because of all this someone's credit.

Lu Chen played a key role in the battlefield.

Without Lu Chen, they might have to fight for a long time, and some more people would fall.

After the emperor battle group ended, it caused a chain reaction. Some outstanding emperors in the emperor realm such as Xtreme Great Emperor and Invincible Great rushed to the Saint Emperor battle group. Although they are not opponents of the Saint Emperor, they can open the domain to assist from the side to help their own The great emperor beheaded the enemy great.

After Lu Chen helped the Emperor Realm battle group, he didn’t go to the Saint Emperor Realm. Although he had the Six World Orbs, which could offset the attacking power of the Saint Emperor Realm, his own rules and sword intent had too much influence on the Saint Emperor Realm. Weak, which is equivalent to tickling the opponent, there is no need to participate.

The idle Lu Chen shuttled through the battlefield, searching for the smashed secret treasures and receiving the ring.

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