My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1045: Go to Xiaojiecheng

Lu Chen didn't need the origin of the world, because this was the origin of others. According to the old generations of the time, after breaking through with the origin of others, he might get stuck in the creation realm.

For others, what he pursued in his life was the Heavenly Emperor Realm, and Lu Chen had greater ambitions and was not limited to the Heavenly Emperor Realm, so he didn't need the world origin.

The Saint Emperor Realm to be promoted to the Heaven Emperor Realm requires comprehension of the mind and will of the realm and opening up the prototype of the world.

Many holy emperor realms could not comprehend the will of Jie Xin and become the emperor of heaven throughout their lives.

And the former's world origin is refined by the holy emperor, you can master the will of the world heart, give birth to the world origin, and become the existence of the heavenly emperor.

Su Yingxia heard Lu Chen's words, and the beautiful jade face was full of smiles: "Since you brought it out of the time world, you can assign it to whoever you want."

Lu Chen said: "Then give one to the four masters, one to the five masters, and the remaining two to the two sword emperors in the Sword Emperor Palace."

The reason why Lu Chen allocated this way was of course selfish. First of all, he had to arrange his two masters in place. If he didn't give it to his master, wouldn't it be impossible for outsiders.

As for the latter two for the two sword emperors, it was because the most powerful people in the Saint Emperor Realm were not Zheng Chunjun and Luo Jun.

If the two of them were promoted to the Heavenly Emperor Realm, they would definitely be the best among the Heavenly Emperors.

"Hehe, Xiao Lu Chen, you are so kind to Master"

The voice fell, and a silver bell-like voice came from the side, and there was an eccentric girl in blue with bright eyes and white teeth, who was born beautiful, who was not Huadie.

Hua Die's big beautiful eyes fell on Lu Chen, and he smiled and said, "Little Lu Chen, Master is so touched, I don't know how to repay you..."

"Or, or..." Hua Die stopped talking, her pretty face flushed, and she said shyly: "Why don't you learn from your father?"

Lu Chen's heart jumped for no reason. Seeing the shameful expression of the four masters, he couldn't help but feel unhappy in his heart. Instead, he felt bad.

The fourth master of my own family has always been unobtrusive, and how old a girl who doesn't know how old she has lived can be shy.

And in those big talking eyes, there was not a trace of shyness, but a trace of sharpness in it.

"Master, forget it, the disciple can't afford it," Dahan Lu Chen quickly refused.

"Say, how did you fool Master?" Hua Die took away her charming and shy expression, and when she walked over, she grabbed Lu Chen's ears and said viciously, "Xiao Lu Chen, your wings are stiff, don't you dare? Let the master help you carry the scapegoat."

Lu Chen yelled wronged: "Master, you have wronged me, how dare I let you be wronged?"

Lu Chen was about to cry, not knowing where he had offended the Fourth Master.

Hua Die said angrily; "I still said no. Last time Master came to Jiecheng, he could not help but scolded me, and said that I had taken you badly. If you did not perform well in front of the master, you would say that I bad you. Right?"

Hua Die felt angry when she thought of being scolded by her master a while ago.

Her master said that she had taken Lu Chen with him and that the middle beam was not right outside the beam.

Hearing that the master sister Jiecheng had won a big victory, besides taking a walk around, by the way, he took care of Lu Chen, an unconscious apprentice.

Lu Chen hurriedly said, "Master, you have misunderstood. I didn't talk nonsense in front of Master. I behaved very well last time."


Hua Die exploded directly, but when she saw that Lu Chen took out the origin of a world, the anger on Hua Die's face disappeared. Released her hand, Lu Chen sorted out her collar intimately, and her eyes were bent. Crescent Moon: "Little Lu Chen, really good."

Lu Chen said in his heart that his fourth master's wife was fickle.

But these words, I just dared to complain inwardly.

Seeing that the Fourth Master was comforted, Lu Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then took out the remaining three, and handed one to Hua Die, who asked him to help bring the fifth master, and the remaining two were given to Su Yingxia for safekeeping. Said: "Master, you will inform the two Sword Emperor Seniors to come and get it when that time comes."


Su Yingxia nodded, and took the two World Origins from Lu Chen.

"Little Lu Chen, be good, don't let Master help you carry a scapegoat. If Master is angry, the consequences will be serious, so I will let you go first this time." Hua Die touched Lu Chen's head, her image flashed, and she left the city in an instant.

Su Yingxia looked at Lu Chen and said: "This main world city has nothing to do, I will send you to the small world city."


Lu Chen nodded.

Su Yingxia waved her hand, rolled up Lu Chen and disappeared into Jiecheng, heading to Xiaojiecheng. Several hours later, Su Yingxia brought Lu Chen to a place beside the sky mark.

This sky mark is thousands of miles wide and tens of thousands of miles long. Compared with the sky mark of the main world city, this sky mark can only be regarded as a small crack.

Because Xiao Tianhen is not big, the resistance of the mountain and sea world is very strong, and it is difficult for the holy land experts to cross over. Generally, only the great emperor realm is crossed. Of course, the holy emperor realm can also be shot across the sky, just like the main world. It's as if Chengtian Emperor powerhouse can shoot through the mark.

"The seal rules you comprehend are integrated into the boundary marks, and the boundary marks can be repaired," Su Yingxia said, her palms glowing with the sealing light, blending into the sky marks.

I saw that after the seal divine light merged into it, the boundary mark quickly closed to both sides, and after a while, it closed a distance of one meter.

"Xiaojiecheng has other warriors who have the ability to seal. Their task is to repair the sky mark, but it will definitely not be as fast as you. You can follow them to repair the sky mark." Su Yingxia said: "After the great victory of the world city, Master There is also time to repair other boundary marks."

"Got it" Lu Chen nodded.

Su Yingxia just gave Lu Chen the means to seal the sky mark, got up and brought Lu Chen to a floating world city thousands of miles away, and then drew away and left.

Lu Chen wandered towards Jiecheng, expecting secretly in his heart. He didn't know who he would meet familiar people in Jiecheng.

When Lu Chen approached Jiecheng, a curtain of light soaring into the sky suddenly enveloped the entire Jiecheng, this was the Great Jiecheng Formation.


On the towering city wall, a group of soldiers armed with spears appeared, staring at Lu Chen vigilantly. Although Lu Chen did not have the aura of a sky demon, the people in the city did not dare to be careless.

"My name is Lu Chen and I will report from Jiecheng," Lu Chen said while looking at the guard above.

"Lu Chen, the name is a bit familiar," a group of soldiers murmured

"You are the Lu Chen who has asked for leave for decades"

On the wall, a group of guards showed strange expressions, then the barrier opened a door and said, "Come in."

The eyes of this group of guards looking at Lu Chen showed strong sympathy. Although they had not seen Lu Chen, they were as familiar with his name.

Lu Chen had asked for a fake for decades. They had never seen such an arrogant recruit.

Moreover, several generals in Jiecheng were very dissatisfied with Lu Chen.

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