My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1046: Dude

Lu Chen's figure flashed before he came to the city wall and glanced at a few people. The burly man was in the realm of Heavenly Sovereign, while the rest of the soldiers were still in the realm of Supreme Consummation.

Since this is a small world city, there are many supreme realms, and the warriors who have reached the supreme realm in the nine days and the mountains and seas will come to the world to serve for a hundred years.

When Lu Chen was looking at them, several people were also looking at Lu Chen, their eyes were a little curious. When the list of people who entered the city was sent a few decades ago, Lu Chen was still in the supreme state. After a few decades, when he arrived in the city, he would be Tianzun. Realm.

It is estimated that it is the core disciple of a certain great power, or the younger generation of a certain emperor realm strong man, who is afraid of falling in the realm city and let his cultivation break through to the heaven to come to the realm city.

Boundary battles in Xiaojiecheng usually result in the death of the Supreme.

"Brother, whose subordinates I belong to" Lu Chen asked when he looked at the leading burly beard man. Although he came to Jiecheng, Lu Chen was extremely strange to Jiecheng, and he still didn't know who he was under.

"Wu Tiehan" the bearded man hugged Lu Chen, and said, "You have been assigned to Emperor Xu Qingyao."

When Wu Tiehan said Xu Qingyao, his eyes were full of respect.

Xu Qingyao is the only emperor in Xiaojiecheng, able to contend with the emperor, and his reputation in Xiaojiecheng is greater than that of some powerful emperors.

"Xu Qingyao, that girl" Lu Chen muttered in his heart, with a strange color in his eyes.

There is such a coincidence in the world. The last time he met someone from the Undead Demon Race in the Five Elements Heaven, he spent a few words with Xu Qingyao. He did not expect that this time he came to Xiaojiecheng and he really stayed in the same city with Xu Qingyao. , And was also assigned to the opponent's men.

Lu Chen continued to ask: "Brother Tiehan, I just came to Jiecheng and I am not familiar with it at all. Can you take me to Xu Qingyao's residence."


Wu Tiehan was very enthusiastic and agreed without thinking about it. He turned to look at the person behind him and said, "You guard the city, and I will take Brother Lu Chen to the residence of Emperor Xu Qingyao."

Wu Tiehan took Lu Chen away and reminded him on the road: "Lu Chen, be careful when you see Xu Qingyao."

Wu Tiehan looked at Lu Chen with a look of sympathy.

"Why, is Xu Qingyao's menopause and her temper erratic"

Wu Tiehan staggered and almost fell out of the air. Lu Chen was too courageous, so he was such an emperor.

Wu Tiehan came back to his senses, and suddenly thought that Lu Chen could ask for leave, and his temperament was outstanding. It is estimated that which family's son, there is no need to be afraid of Xu Qingyao. He shook his head and said, "Nothing."

The two flew over the city for a while, and soon came to a magnificent mansion with the word Xu Mansion written on the plaque.

Wu Tiehan pointed to the mansion and said, "This is the residence of Emperor Xu Qingyao. Brother Lu Chen, go in by yourself. I won't accompany you in. I'm going to tour the city."

"Thank you, Brother Tiehan" Lu Chen gave Wu Tiehan a fist.

"You're welcome." Wu Tiehan waved and turned to leave.

Lu Chen glanced at the mansion and walked inside. As soon as he reached the door, the two guards next to him reached out and stopped Lu Chen, and said blankly, "The visitor stopped, do you have a pass?"

"Lu Chen, come to report" Lu Chen said lazily.

"You are Lu Chen." The eyes of the two guards suddenly widened. They seemed to have heard of Lu Chen who was absent from work, and said, "Wait a moment, I'll report."

The guard finished speaking, and hurriedly walked in to report.

As a guard, it is impossible to directly transmit Xu Qingyao's voice, and there is no transmission crystal. He needs to walk in to report, but only then turned around, a cold voice sounded in his ear: "Let him in."

This is Xu Qingyao's residence, and every move is within the scope of Xu Qingyao's mind.

In the depths of the mansion, Xu Qingyao saw Lu Chen's face through Divine Mind, her narrow Danfeng eyes narrowed slightly, and the young man standing at the door was indeed the one she met in Shiyu.

Xu Qingyao held her fragrant cheek in her jade hand, her slender jade finger swayed slightly, thinking about how to punish Lu Chen, after three seconds, her expression changed and she had a good idea.

At the door, the guard turned back and looked at Lu Chen and said, "General Xu called you in."


Lu Chen boasted in his footsteps and walked in. When he walked in, he suddenly remembered that he didn't know where Xu Qingyao was.

But there is no need to ask. Before they have gone far, a group of imposing guards rushed to him, surrounded him round and round, holding a long spear at him, and the tip of the spear was horribly cold.

These people were in the realm of Tianzun, and several breaths fell on Lu Chen, but Lu Chen didn't feel much pressure.

Because Lu Chen could even ignore the breath of the Great Emperor, not to mention that it was only the breath of Heavenly Venerable.

A guard held a long spear and pointed it at Lu Chen's neck, showing a stern expression: "Who are you, who let you break into Xu's Mansion."

Lu Chen spread his hands and said, "My name is Lu Chen, here to report."

"Don't quibble, trespass into the imperial palace, grab it first, and take a hundred of blame." The head guard said directly as if he didn't hear Lu Chen's words, or didn't need a reason.

Xu Qingyao embraced her hands, her pretty face was like white jade, and her face was beautiful. Seeing the scene outside, the corners of her mouth made a glimpse of pride.

Since the little thief Lu Chen fell into her hands, he naturally wanted the other party to suffer.

Lu Chen looked at the fierce and vicious guards. The guards should know him logically. From the expressions of the two previous guards at the gate, it can be seen that most people know that he has taken a leave of absence for decades.

But the guard in front of him ignored his name and charged him with being good at mansions without hesitation. As for who authorized them to do so, it was already clear.

Lu Chen didn't expect that before seeing Xu Qingyao, the girl would give her a good start.

However, it is also in line with the other party's style, because the master and the fourth master used his body to fight Xu Qingyao.

Seeing a glimpse of a group of guards approaching, Lu Chen didn't move, and said lazily: "I advise you to stay still, there are people above me. Have you thought about the consequences before moving me."

Lu Chen's words made a group of guards stunned.

Generally speaking, if someone else is charged with trespassing in a mansion, other people will fight or resist. However, the person in front of him didn't move a bit and said that there was someone on it.

"You also know that I have asked for a vacation for decades. Can no one succeed in doing it? Besides, I came to Jiecheng to gild and mix time, not to accompany you to play games." Lu Chen waved at them with a dull face. He waved his hand and said, "Hurry up and call out Xu Qingyao."

Lu Chen stared at them arrogantly: "Why, I have to repeat it a second time, it makes me angry, and I make you unable to eat and walk around."

A group of guards were stunned, and the person in front of them looked like the legendary dude. Although they disliked such dude, as the other party said, they could easily disappear into the world without knowing it.

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