My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1047: Provoke

Xu Qingyao squashed her eyebrows, but Lu Chen's usual reasoning of playing cards made her stunned.

Originally, according to this arrogant personality, he had to resist no matter what, so it was just that the guards who had experienced many battles could call him a person. Now the other party not only does not move, but bluntly says that there is someone behind him.

However, this is not an alternative arrogance.

Xu Qingyao remembered that there were two mysterious powerhouses behind this product. Just a trace of divine thought is equivalent to the realm of the Great Heavenly Sovereign. I don’t know why, Xu Qingyao always feels that the person who uses this product to fight her is the Sealed Empress Su Yingxia, but I don’t want to come. may.

This guy was born in Shiyu, how could he be accepted as an apprentice by the Sealed Empress.

It seems that he can only play himself.


With a breeze, Xu Qingyao stood in the air, with a fair face and delicate body, her black and white eyes staring at Lu Chen coldly.

When the surrounding guards saw Xu Qingyao appear, they were relieved. To tell the truth, they had no confidence to face this second generation ancestor, and could not beat or scold them.

Lu Chen saw Xu Qingyao appear and stared at that flawless face. I have to say that Xu Qingyao has a faint glamorous state, which can arouse the desire of male creatures to conquer. The other party has not changed decades ago, it is still the same as before. So cold and arrogant.

Lu Chen looked at Xu Qingyao and said, "Little girl, you can finally give it up. I thought you wouldn't dare to see me."

When I saw Xu Qingyao for the first time, the other party was a great god, and he was no more than a small king. At that time, Xu Qingyao existed like a **** in his heart.

Seeing each other again now, although Xu Qingyao's strength has been greatly improved, rising to the realm of the emperor, but his strength has also undergone earth-shaking changes, some time ago, he also killed several great emperors.

Now facing Xu Qingyao, Lu Chen didn't feel any pressure at all.

Lu Chen's words of no respect at all made the guard next to him shocked, dumbfounded, feeling hallucinations in his ears.

How could Lu Chen, who had been on leave for decades, dare to be so frivolous, Emperor Xu Qingyao? Is this looking for death or looking for death?

Xu Qingyao exudes endless coldness, as if it has turned into an iceberg, causing the surrounding temperature to drop sharply, and an angry look appeared in her eyes, and said: "Lu Chen, don't forget your identity, you are a member of our army. Little soldier, respect me."

Xu Qingyao knew that Lu Chen was very arrogant. He had offended many holy monarchs and holy kings when he was only a small king.

Now it's not arrogant if it's not arrogant.

Lu Chen replied lazily: "There are people above me."

Xu Qingyao's pretty face was covered with frost, and said coldly: "I care if there is anyone behind you. To reach the supreme level, you must serve in the city for a hundred years. This is a rule jointly specified by several emperors, no matter who you are behind. You can't violate the rules."

"Someone above me" Lu Chen repeated mechanically.

Xu Qingyao's beautiful eyes spit fire, her face was full of anger, she couldn't believe it, and couldn't control a soldier.

Lu Chen looked at Xu Qingyao and said, "I didn't come to listen to your instructions when I came to Jiecheng to spend time."

After speaking, he threw a token directly to Xu Qingyao.

Xu Qingyao took the token and saw that it was the Divine Phoenix Female Emperor's token. Her beautiful eyes widened for an instant. Even if she was an emperor, there was a shock in her heart. Lu Chen was actually related to the Divine Phoenix Female Emperor?

Lu Chen looked at the wonderful changes on the woman's face and said with a smile: "Now you know who my master is. If you make things difficult for me, I will find master to beat you."

"By the way, arrange a better room for me. I came to Jiecheng in a hurry. I was a little tired and needed a rest."

"Since you are assigned to your subordinates, you must be responsible to me and not allow me to be wronged. If I am wronged, you have to spoil me. If I am unhappy, you have to coax me to be happy, and you have to protect me in danger. It’s better to arrange my room next to you so that you can protect me anytime, anywhere"

Lu Chen made various rude requests.

Xu Qingyao's apricot eyes widened, her body wobbly, almost spurting out a mouthful of old blood.

Could this guy make more rude requests?

Is this assigned to her soldier or to her uncle?

The face of the guard next to him became extremely exciting, and at the same time he admired Lu Chen's courage, dare to make so many unreasonable demands to Emperor Xu Qingyao, is this itchy.

It took Xu Qingyao half a minute to digest Lu Chen's words, staring at Lu Chen gloomily, gritted her teeth and said, "Would you like to put you in my room."

Xu Qingyao swears that she has never seen such a shameless guy who actually made so many demands, even if he is the disciple of the Divine Phoenix Empress, what if she provokes her and teach him a lesson, she does not believe that the Divine Phoenix Empress will do this for this A little thing to show up.

Lu Chen propped his chin and said, "Although men and women are not married, it's not impossible, but I'm a bit disadvantaged, it's cheaper for you."

Lu Chen handed Xu Qingyao a look of your advantage, which caused Xu Qingyao's veins to appear, clenched his fists, and said coldly, "Would you like to put you on my bed?"

"Is this okay? Wouldn't it be too good." Lu Chen's eyes showed a certain look of expectation.

Seeing someone's expressive expression on the soul, Xu Qingyao couldn't help it anymore, releasing mighty coercion all over her body, and said angrily: "I won't give you a lesson today, I won't be surnamed Xu."

This time, Xu Qingyao was completely annoyed by Lu Chen, and the terrible coercion enveloped a radius of 100,000 miles, and everyone could feel the anger in this breath.

Inside the city, everyone raised their heads, looked in the direction of Xu's mansion in confusion, and muttered, who has made this beautiful empress irritated.

Xu Qingyao walked down from the air step by step, staring at Lu Chen with a sneer, a tender white fist, greeted Lu Chen's face.

"Fuck it, it's a big game" Lu Chen's heart moved, and Xu Qingyao was completely irritated by him.

But Lu Chen was not afraid. Xu Qingyao was no more than the emperor, and his strength was far inferior to him. He immediately released a regular aura and instantly shredded Xu Qingyao's coercion. At the same time, the invisible power of the rules enveloped Xu Qingyao, and a huge sense of restraint filled the surrounding area. Space.

Xu Qingyao felt a locking force, as if there were dense chains that locked her body invisibly.


Xu Qingyao was full of the light of the magic way, and the magic blades gathered together, shattering the surrounding regular power.

"It's so strong, slightly stronger than when Peng Tianyi didn't break through the emperor." Lu Chen felt this resistance and released his full strength to suppress Xu Qingyao.

Xu Qingyao's heart was filled with intense horror. Originally, she saw that Lu Chen was no more than an ordinary Tianzun, and it was not easy for her to be an emperor to clean up the other party, but now it seems that it is not that simple.

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