My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1048: Ruan Chenshuang

Xu Qingyao's pretty face was full of disbelief. Her sixteen rules of Tianzun's background could not suppress an ordinary Tianzun. How could this be so.

However, at this time, Xu Qingyao could no longer treat Lu Chen as an ordinary heavenly sovereign. The other party was at least an emperor, but because he did not improve his cultivation to perfection, he exuded the illusion of an ordinary heavenly sovereign.

The guards next to him also watched this scene in shock. Although they were not affected by the rules of the two, they could see that Emperor Xu Qingyao was suppressed.

Could it be that this guy named Lu Chen is also a Emperor.

Lu Chen urged all rules to be suppressed, and Xu Qingyao couldn't help but struggle.

Lu Chen walked towards her, squeezed the latter's white face directly, and said with a smile, "Beauty Xu, how about it? Do you want to do it to me."

Xu Qingyao glared at Lu Chen, almost bursting out flames.

This **** **** actually pinched her face.

The guards next to him were also dumbfounded, but they left wisely. They never thought about saving their own emperor. Just kidding, they are tens of thousands of miles away from the emperor, and even the emperor Xu Qingyao is suppressed. They can do it. what.

The reason for their departure is also very simple, because they dare not watch the shameful scene of Emperor Xu Qingyao, and are afraid of being put on shoes in the future.

"let me go"

Xu Qingyao shouted angrily, although she could not move her body, she could speak.

"Why should I listen to you?" Lu Chen shook his head, then grabbed Xu Qingyao's little hand, stroked it lightly, and molested him: "It's so white and tender, it feels great to the touch."

Xu Qingyao's cheeks flushed at once, startled and angry.

"Ask you a question, do you have a boyfriend" Lu Chen asked.

"It's up to you," Xu Qingyao said angrily.

Lu Chen continued with a smile and said, "When I saw you, you didn't. Your temper is so violent, who wants to get along with you."

"Huh, someone is coming"

When Lu Chen was about to continue to molest Xu Qingyao, he suddenly sensed an extremely sharp aura coming from a distance, and immediately let go of Xu Qingyao. Once he was free, the latter moved away from Lu Chen and looked towards Lu. Chen's eyes were full of anger, but he dared not do anything.

In the distance, a streamer flew over, and the sound of swords was endless.

A woman in white stepped on a flying sword and came to the mansion.

This is also a beautiful woman with a coexisting appearance and cultivation base. She has a fiery figure, her skin is better than snow, and her golden sword intent seems to cut the world.

Lu Chen was stunned when he saw this woman, because he was an acquaintance.

Ruan Chenshuang, the most outstanding rising star of the Sword Emperor Palace, and the proud disciple of Sword Emperor Zheng Chunjun.

Lu Chen looked at the sword intent flowing away, feeling a chill, and a layer of goose bumps formed on his body.

This is the sword intent of the Supreme Dzogchen.

"Sister Ruan, hello, we meet again" Lu Chen said with a fist to the other party.


Ruan Chenshuang nodded slightly, then his gaze fell on Xu Qingyao's body, and said coldly: "You have taken action against my junior."

Ruan Chenshuang was another female general in Jiecheng. Before I knew that Lu Chen would come to Jiecheng, I asked my subordinates to pay attention to the movement. If I found Lu Chen was coming to Jiecheng, I would notify him.

After Wu Tiehan sent Lu Chen to Xu Qingyao's mansion, he went to report Ruan Chenshuang.

This is why Wu Tiehan and the others thought that Lu Chen had not come to Jiecheng, but they offended several generals.

Ruan Chenshuang felt Xu Qingyao's breath before, and there was an extreme anger in his breath, thinking that Xu Qingyao would do something to Lu Chen, he rushed over immediately.

Xu Qingyao obviously did not expect that Ruan Chenshuang, who had never been nosy, would appear, not to mention that she knew Lu Chen. It was not she who did with Lu Chen before, but Lu Chen did with her, but that scene was very for her. Humiliated, snorted and fooled.

"Junior Brother, come with me" Ruan Chenshuang turned around and looked at Lu Chen and said.

"Sister, no need." Lu Chen declined Ruan Chenshuang's kindness and smiled: "I have known Xu Qingyao for decades, and they are good old friends. I'm here with her."

Xu Qingyao had joy in her eyes when she heard that Ruan Chenshuang was about to take Lu Chen, but Lu Chen refused, her face suddenly ugly as if she had swallowed a rotten egg.

"That's OK"

Ruan Chenshuang nodded slightly, then looked at Xu Qingyao and said, "Junior Brother has a reason to ask for leave. You'd better not bully my Junior Brother."

"Ruan Chenshuang, do you think I am afraid of you" Xu Qingyao shouted with a pretty face.

Ruan Chenshuang has just been promoted to Wang Zun, only because of his strong sword intent and high contribution value, he has become a general, but he will not be afraid of each other. The strength of the two sides is almost the same, and the status is almost the same, Ruan Chen Shuang actually threatened her with the words of the superior.

It was depressed before, but now it is depressed and depressed, facing Ruan Chenshuang, he directly took out the majesty of the emperor.

"You should understand that your coercion has little effect on me, and my sword intent is enough to threaten you." Ruan Chenshuang looked at Xu Qingyao in his beautiful eyes, and said in a strong tone. The sword intent can be used to reach the Emperor Realm. This is Ruan Chenshuang's confidence to pose a threat.

"Junior Brother, if you are oppressed by Xu Qingyao, just come to me and Senior Sister will support you." Ruan Chenshuang said to Lu Chen, stepping on his feet and leaving with Feijian.

"I heard what my senior sister said," Lu Chen looked at Xu Qingyao and said with a smile: "Although you are the emperor, you are not my senior sister's opponent."

Seeing Lu Chen's proud face, Xu Qingyao let out a cold snort and turned her head.

"By the way, arrange a separate hospital for me. I want to rest." Lu Chen stretched.

Xu Qingyao ignored Lu Chen and turned away without saying a word.

Seeing that the other party did not speak, Lu Chen followed the other party's footsteps, one after another, and came to a courtyard.

"This is my yard" Xu Qingyao turned around and said angrily at Lu Chen. If she could beat Lu Chen, she would definitely do it without hesitation.

Lu Chen touched his nose and said in wonder, "Didn't you arrange me in your yard."

Xu Qingyao looked at Lu Chen with a sneer. She had never said that she had arranged the other party in her yard.

Lu Chen said, "You didn't speak, obviously you are inviting me to live with you."

Xu Qingyao vomited blood, and the whole person was in a mess. How could there be such a cheeky person in the world.

"Go to the side"

Xu Qingyao pointed to a yard next to her.

In Jiecheng, everything speaks with strength, she can't beat the opponent, and can only let the opponent get an inch in front of her.


Lu Chen nodded and said, "I am really tired. After I rest, we will talk in Bingzhuye."

After Lu Chen finished speaking, he left immediately.

Xu Qingyao faltered, rolled her eyes, and said in her heart who would like to talk to you Bingzhuye.

Xu Qingyao flashed away quickly, disappeared, and was out of sight or upset.

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