My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1058: Anti-Demon League

Lu Chen was very puzzled, shouldn't the demon beast start the spiritual cultivation? How do you hear the girl in front of me. The two who just killed are the demon cultivator, but the auras of the two are really weird. People are not like people. Like a demon.

Lin Shan heard Lu Chen’s words and did not doubt. Since the accident happened thousands of years ago, the human race powerhouse above the emperor realm has died, wounded, and lived in seclusion. Find out one by one and kill them.

The strong human race above the emperor realm is estimated to be less than ten figures.

The two in front of them were so young and at the Heavenly Sovereign Realm, they must have been taught by a strong emperor.

Lin Shan glanced at Lu Chen and explained: "The demon cultivator is the human race that devours the blood of the demon beast. The blood in their bodies has completely turned into the blood of the demon. By practicing the demon clan technique, the speed of devouring the demon aura is many times faster than that of the human race."

"The two came from the Blood Flame Villa just now, and their owner is a powerful emperor demon cultivator who specializes in the Dark Blood Python royal family." After a pause, Lin Shan added, her expression suddenly changed, anxiously Said: "Let's leave here quickly. Two demon cultivators have died, and someone will definitely come to investigate."

"Do you know where there is a safe place?" Lu Chen asked.

"I don't know" Lin Shan's face is full of hesitation, no matter where Human Race hides in the Sky Demon Realm, it is not safe.

Her father was the leader of Shengmujiao, a strong Tianzun, but after breaking through the emperor realm, she was chased and killed. Now Shengmujiao disciples are chased and killed by the demon cultivators, and her father is still alive and dead.

Lin Shan experienced this kind of thing for the first time, she was at a loss and didn't know where to go.

Although they didn't know where to go, the three of them left here.

A quarter of an hour after the three left here.

There was a boom.

A powerful pressure filled the surroundings, flying sand and rocks, a figure full of gloomy aura fell in front of the two corpses, expressionless and extremely cold pupils.

After a few moments, he said hoarsely: "People who dare to kill my Blood Flame Villa are bold."

After speaking, his figure flashed, and he went straight away.


Underworld, a wilderness.

Lu Chen, Xu Qingyao and Lin Shan, a native of the Sky Demon Realm, sat on the floor.

Lu Chen and Xu Qingyao glanced at their opponents and saw the surprise in each other's eyes. After Lin Shan patiently explained for half an hour, they probably understood the current situation in the Sky Demon Realm.

There are one hundred and six states in the sky demon world, and each sky demon royal family or royal family rules a state.

The place where they are located is named Mingzhou and is ruled by the blood pythons of the Celestial Demon Royal Family.

The sky demon is the well-deserved overlord in the sky demon world. Humans dare not provoke the sky demon, because once they provoke the sky demon, they will be madly retaliated by the sky demon, directly cutting the grass and removing the roots, implicating countless people without cause.

The sky demon often kills the human race for no reason, taking the killing race for pleasure.

Of course, the human race is not all weak, there are also great emperors, strong in the holy emperor realm, but there is no strong in the heavenly emperor realm.

Once the human martial artist is promoted to the Saint Emperor realm, he will enter the sight of the high-level sky demon. Once the sky demon feels that the strong human race has a chance to break through the sky emperor realm, he will be assassinated by the sky demon, which is directly on the top of the several holy emperors. The sky demon besieged the strong human race, or the sky demon of the heavenly emperor realm.

Although the human race had a very difficult life in the sky demon world, it also had time to breathe.

Until a thousand years ago, a drastic change took place, causing the sky demon to completely kill the human race.

There is a powerful alliance in the Terran, called the Anti-Demon Alliance.

The purpose of the Anti-Demon Alliance is to overthrow the cruel rule of the Sky Demon, and completely end the dark days of the Human Race. The Anti-Demon Alliance is extremely secretive, and only invites the strong above the Heavenly Sovereign to join, and the Supreme Martial Artist is not qualified to connect and touch.

Thousands of years ago, under the leadership of eight holy emperors and dozens of emperor realms, the Anti-Demon Alliance attacked the Heavenly Demon Royal Family at a speed that could not cover their ears, and successfully destroyed a Heavenly Demon Royal Family.

Of course, it was not successfully destroyed. The main Heavenly Demon royal family drew half of the elites to sit in the city, ready to invade the mountain and sea realms, resulting in not many people in the lair.

After the Anti-Demon Alliance destroyed a royal family, it disappeared and disappeared, and then lurked into other states to continue to attack the resident of the Sky Demon royal family.

After the first success, it attracted the attention of the sky demon, all the royal families and royal families became vigilant.

But vigilance didn't have any effect, because the leader of the Anti-Demon Alliance was a half-step heavenly emperor, so as long as he didn't meet the real heavenly emperor, it would be fine.

Until they destroyed the nests of the three royal families, they finally aroused the anger of the Sky Demon royal family.

The heavenly emperors of several royal families in the Sky Demon Realm came forward personally, and after not using it for even a year, they found clues about the Anti-Demon Alliance and killed all the members of the Anti-Demon Alliance hidden in a forbidden area.

Because the riots planned by the Anti-Demon Alliance caused the anger of the Heavenly Demon Royal Family and the royal family, the Heavenly Emperor Realm Great Demon stood up, facing the time, coldly warned the Human Race that the cultivation level is not allowed to break into the Emperor Realm, and if you dare to secretly violate the order, kill without mercy.

The sky demon used to allow the human race to cultivate to the holy emperor realm. After a riot, the warriors of the human race were not allowed to break through the emperor realm.

Those human emperors who did not participate in the anti-demon alliance were all found out and killed. The rest of them hid, but the sky demon world is so big, how to hide.

The powerful emperor realms who are still alive in the human race are hiding in places that cannot be scanned by the gods and lingering.

Lin Shan's father was within a radius of tens of thousands of miles, a well-known heavenly figure, and founded a Sacred Wood sect. After being reported by the disciples of the door to sneak into the emperor realm, it caused a catastrophe.

The blood python royal family ordered to go down, and gave the order to cut the grass and roots.

The Blood Flame Villa is the main force to destroy the Holy Wood Sect.

After a little while, Lu Chen came back to their senses, feeling deeply in their hearts. They didn't expect the human race in the Sky Demon Realm to be so difficult.

But this is also inevitable, because the Heavenly Demon background is too strong, more than double-digit Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouse.

If the mountain and sea realm is really occupied, I am afraid it will not escape the doom of the human race of the sky demon realm.

After picking up the emotions in his heart, Lu Chen asked: "You just said that demon cultivator can absorb demon spiritual power, so why don't you choose the path of demon cultivator."

"No." Lin Shan shook her head and said: "If you choose demon repair, then life will not belong to her."


Lin Shan said: "The blood of the monster beast is bestowed by the monster. The monster can control the monster. Once the monster has the idea of ​​betrayal, it will explode and die."

"There is also that every time the demon cultivator breaks through a small realm, he will suffer the pain of demon blood madness. After all, it is not their blood. Every breakthrough will cause madness. Qing, a monster that only kills"

Suddenly, a terrifying and **** coercion suddenly came, and a middle-aged man with a hook nose in a blood robe appeared, with a jealous smile: "Who gave you both the courage to kill the blood flame villa people."

Lin Shan immediately stopped talking when she saw the person coming. She was scared, her pretty face was white, and she tremblingly said, "Blood, Blood Guard..."

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