My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1059: Unconscious apprentice

Mountain and sea boundary, a certain boundary city.

Ke Yirou's face is peerless, icy muscles and bones, sitting on the city wall, peerless in white clothes, suddenly opened a pair of beautiful and thrilling eyes with a look of doubt.

After three seconds, Ke Yirou stood up directly, her cold pretty face full of solemnity.

Because she couldn't feel Lu Chen's breath anymore.

She had always been accustomed to watching Lu Chen's every move anytime, anywhere. It was not until Lu Chen became the supreme that the interval between her gazes was much longer, basically scanning about twice a day.

But now, the disciple's breath that didn't make people worry all the time disappeared, disappeared completely.

Except that he could not perceive the time when he traveled to the time world, no matter where he appeared in the mountain and sea world, he would not disappear for more than an hour.

It has disappeared for several hours now.

"Where did he go" Ke Yirou asked lightly.

Because someone came next to her, the person who came was also a beautiful and elegant woman, exuding a noble temperament, generous, dignified and beautiful, her face and eyes looked a little gentle, at least it would not give people a kind Very strong sense of awe.

The person here is the Divine Phoenix Female Emperor Yao Xi.

"I heard the senior sister said, this little guy ran to the sky demon world" Yao Xi's mouth raised a faint smile, her beautiful eyes did not change at all, like a calm lake.


When Ke Yirou heard this, Feng's eyes widened, her delicate body swayed slightly, that unconscious apprentice, went to the Heavenly Demon Realm?

"Don't worry, she won't be okay," Yao Xi said with a smile, her beautiful eyes gleaming with a hint of smile, and said: "You should believe in Lu Chen."

"Believe him" Ke Yirou immediately gritted his teeth, and said with an expression of hatred for iron and steel, and said, "You know you will die all day long, and you don't care about him. It depends on you and the elder sister, how do you spoil him? Up."

"If it was directly handed over to me, it wouldn't be as naughty as it is now" Ke Yirou said coldly.

Although Ke Yirou knew that this guy was very courageous, she didn't expect to be so big, and he didn't pay attention, and went straight into the hinterland of the sky demon world.

If this guy appeared in front of her now, it would be too disobedient to see that she was not afraid of his ears being twisted off.

Yao Xi spread out her hands and said helplessly, "Lu Chen is no longer a kid from Shiyu. He has a sense of measure. Don't worry, he will be fine."

Ke Yirou turned her head to look at Senior Sister. Seeing that the other's beautiful face was full of calmness, she whispered, "Sister, you are so sure."


Yao Xi said softly, stepping on her feet, she disappeared into the distance, leaving only a beautiful back for Ke Yirou.

Ke Yirou looked at the disappearance of the senior sister, and stood there in thought.


Sky demon world, in the wild mountains.

At this moment, Lin Shan stared at the blood-robed man with horror. The dark red robe of the other party was very conspicuous, and the coercion revealed was extremely terrifying, much stronger than the consummated warrior of Tianzun.

The Blood Flame Villa has a powerful legion with a small number of only about twenty people, but it is undeniable that each is an elite among the elite, and needs to reach the realm of the Great Exalted to join the Blood Guard.

Now that the blood guard came to them, he must have killed two demon cultivators to attract them.

"Hey, it turns out that there are two Heavenly Sovereigns," the blood guard said in a shocked tone, looking at Lu Chen's eyes as if looking at the New World.

Because after the anti-demon alliance war broke out thousands of years ago, there are countless deaths and injuries among the strong above the human race Tianzun, and almost all of them died. The human race strong is completely broken, like within a radius of tens of thousands of miles, there is only one Tianzun, the leader of the Holy Wood. Seeing the two Heavenly Sovereigns now, the Blood Guard was quite shocked.

Although he saw the two heavenly veterans, the Blood Guard didn't care. He was able to join the Blood Guard and naturally had a strong fighting power.

Don't talk about two Heavenly Lords, even if it is three, he is not afraid of four.

Lu Chen looked at Lin Shan and asked, "After the blood python has gone to the town of Jiecheng, how many powerhouses are there in the clan?"

Lin Shan had a weird face when he heard Lu Chen's words. The young man in front of him is a newborn calf. Isn't he afraid of tigers? Or maybe he didn't see the blood guard, knowing that the danger is right in front of him, she was still in the mood to ask other questions. .

Xu Qingyao glanced at Lu Chen, the corners of her mouth twitched, she found it, Lu Chen especially liked to ignore people.

Before entering the Heavenly Demon Realm, thirty Heavenly Sovereigns attacked him together, but when you look at this stuff, you directly treat the enemy as air, and concentrate on collecting medicine, without treating the enemy as the same thing.

Now I ignored a great master again.

The Great Lord is at the top of the Sky Demon Realm Human Race and Demon Cultivation, because the Great Lord is the Great Emperor even further.

The sky demon promulgated new rules, not allowing the human race to break through the Great Emperor Realm, and the Great Emperor Realm was basically killed and clean.

As for Demon Cultivation, every time it breaks through the realm, the demon power in the body will be violent. The higher the realm, the greater the chance of becoming mad, and it is easy to become a delirious monster.

Therefore, the highest demon cultivator can only break through to the great emperor realm. No one dares to try it easily. In the entire sky demon realm, only one demon cultivator can successfully break through to the holy emperor realm. Live the frenzied blood and turn into a bloodthirsty monster.

The demon cultivator of the Great Senior level is also very rare.

In the sky demon world, only the real sky demon can cultivate smoothly and stably.

The Blood Guard stared at the two and asked: "You two young Tianzun, there should be strong guidance behind you."

After the Blood Guard finished speaking, an expression of excitement appeared in his eyes.

Because when he hadn't transformed into a demon cultivator, the human race had to pay thousands of times more difficulties if he wanted to cultivate, and promotion to Heavenly Sovereign within the age of long was normal.

The Blood Guard felt that these two men were promoted to Heavenly Venerable at such a young age, and there might be a strong guide behind them.

Can quickly guide a strong person out of the heavenly realm?

The answer is ready to come out, what else is there besides the emperor.

Thousands of years ago, the action against the Great Emperor of the Human Race did not completely eliminate all the Great Emperors. There were always a few fish that slipped through the net.

The great figure in the Darkblood Python ordered that whoever can find the trace of the human emperor can reward a **** pill.

This kind of **** pill can contain the demon power in the body when breaking through the realm.

The Blood Guard felt that if he could contain these two people and ask the position of the strong emperor behind him, the Dark Blood Python tribe might reward him with a **** pill.

He could be promoted to the emperor realm very early, but he didn't dare, because when the supreme was promoted to the heaven, the violent demon power in his body almost made him berserk and turned into a bloodthirsty monster.

The Blood Guard knew very well that before he had obtained the divine pill that could contain the blood of the monster beast, he didn't prepare to break through, or break through without the slightest preparation. It was tantamount to an act of seeking death.


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