My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1060: What do you keep


After catching these two people, they are forcing questions. If there is a great emperor behind, it’s best to give the beautiful woman next to him to the prince of the Darkblood Python clan first. The prince is so beautiful if anything else is not good. Look at this mouthful.

Maybe the prince of the Dark Blood Python clan would see that he was dedicated to a beauty for him, and he would be happy to reward him with a **** pill that can curb the madness of the monster bloodline.

However, what made the Blood Guard uncomfortable was that the two Tianzuns next to him ignored him, as if treating him as air, and the blood guard's face gradually became gloomy.

Lin Shan glanced at the Blood Guard, then returned to her senses and said: "I don't know how many Saint Emperor Realm powers the Darkblood Python still has, but I don't think there are many."

Lin Shan saw that Lu Chen ignored the blood guards, indicating that they had the confidence to face a great senior. Since they had the confidence to face the great senior, she had nothing to fear.

Lu Chen said puzzledly: "Why are you so sure."

Lin Shan said: "Because the anti-demon alliance first dealt with the Darkblood Python family. It is said that it caused the deaths of the three holy emperors of this family at that time. As for the emperor, it is unknown how many people died below the Tianzun. Anyway, this family is vitality. Badly hurt."

The number of powerful Saint Emperor Realm is the basis for determining the prosperity of the royal family.

Moreover, it is difficult for a strong person above the emperor realm to be born, and it takes tens of thousands of years for the royal family to give birth to the great emperor, and it takes longer to be born in the holy emperor realm.

The Anti-Demon Alliance War broke out a thousand years ago, and the short period of a thousand years is not enough for the Dark Blood Python to recover.

Lin Shan continued: "It is said that two-thirds of the elite of the Darkblood Python clan stayed in the city for a long time, ready to invade other worlds at any time. I don't know if the news is true."

With Lin Shan’s environment, there is no way to get in touch with things at the level of the sky demon, let alone know other outsiders. Anyway, the sky demon world is spreading the royal family among the sky monsters. The royal family has been fighting against other worlds, and they really rarely see it. The sky demon was active in the sight of the Emperor Realm.

"Of course the news is true" Lu Chen replied in his heart, but he asked, "Have you heard of Ning Tianjun?"

"Ning Tianjun, who is that?" Lin Shan blinked a pair of puzzled eyes.

Lu Chen and Xu Qingyao looked at each other, it was strange that Lin Shan didn't even know Ning Tianjun.

Ning Tianjun was a strong man in the Heavenly Emperor Realm anyway. After betraying the mountain and sea realm, shouldn't he be famous for coming to the Heavenly Demon Realm? Why didn't Lin Shan know.

However, it was soon relieved. Lin Shan didn't even know the news of the Heavenly Demon Realm's attack on other worlds, and it was still heard and circulated. If no definite evidence was obtained, then Ning Tianjun would naturally not be able to reach it.


The blood guard next to him was tragically ignored, his face was gloomy as water, and the demon power in his body surged out, turning into wisps of blood red light lingering around his body, and a strong sense of oppression was overwhelming them, but he heard Lu Chen's words. His eyes narrowed slightly: "You know Ning Tianjun."

"Don't disturb me," Lu Chen replied impatiently, and then slapped it out.

A seemingly fluttering slap, a violent force surge, the blood-colored light was shattered, and then the palm prints bombarded the blood guard's abdomen.

When Lu Chen waved his palm, the blood guard's expression was already frantically changed, because the power of his rules was directly broken, as fragile as tofu, and shattered with the touch.

Then, he felt a mountain hit his abdomen, a blood arrow spurted from his mouth, and the whole person flew out.

The Blood Guard was dumbfounded. This young man was so powerful that he shot him flying with a slap.

The Blood Guard flew a long distance.

Lu Chen was very upset when someone interrupted him when he asked for a question, and he shot the Blood Guard away, but the next sentence of the Blood Guard made him interested.

This blood guard seemed to know Ning Tianjun.

As a result, Lu Chen turned into a regular handprint and directly carried the blood guard at a distance of thousands of meters, like a chicken.

The Blood Guard was photographed flying thousands of feet away, and then he was detained. He was in a daze all the way. The handprints transformed by the power of the rules strangled his throat, and the breath that filled him even suffocated him.

At this time, no matter how stupid the Blood Guard was, he knew that he and the youth in front of him were not of the same level at all, and his expressions were panicked.

Next to him, Lin Shan saw Lu Chen lightly slapped a great statue, her eyes widened, her heart secretly calm, even Wang Zun couldn’t easily take the great statue as a toy, and just call it. Come.

Could it be that the emperor is the emperor.

Thinking of this, Lin Shan's heart beats uncontrollably, a little excited and excited.

Humans don’t know how many years have not been born to the emperor, I can’t remember, anyway, according to his father, the human has not been born in tens of thousands of years, and even if it has, it must be hidden.

Before the Anti-Demon Alliance incident occurred, the Sky Demon would not allow the Human Race to appear very few dazzling geniuses, such as the Emperor.

Because the emperor is very enchanting and masters the twelve rules of power, once he enters the emperor realm, he is the invincible emperor, and after he enters the holy emperor realm, he is even more difficult to control.

The sky demon didn't want to see things out of control happen.

Of course, even the holy emperor realm promoted by the emperor, it is difficult to escape the control of the sky demon, no matter what, they are the masters of the sky demon realm.

The main reason is that this kind of saint emperor is very harmful, and desperately can take away a saint emperor realm, or many lives of the emperor realm.

Among the giant clans of the Sky Demon, the strong emperor is already a high-level figure, and the loss of one will make heartache.

Therefore, in order to avoid encountering the birth of a very few Saint Emperor Realm powerhouses, the Sky Demon will assassinate outstanding human geniuses in advance.

As for those strong human races with mediocre talents, who have only slowly entered the Saint Emperor realm for tens of millions of years, they opened one eye and closed another.

But they are also not allowed to sneak into the emperor's rank, once there is a tendency to master the heart of the world, there will be a demon of the emperor realm to come out and kill mercilessly.

As for now, the sky demon even stipulates that the human race cannot give birth to a strong emperor. Once born, it will be ruthlessly annihilated, together with a family or a powerful person.

"Say, where is Ning Tianjun now" Lu Chen asked with a trace of strength as he looked at the blood guard.

"I, I don't know" the Blood Guard replied with fear on his face.

"Don't you know Ning Tianjun?" Lu Chen frowned.

The blood guard said hurriedly: "I really don't know. When the owner of the Mingblood Python family met the prince, he mentioned Ning Tianjun and said that he is the emperor. I really don’t know which heavenly emperor Jun is."

The Blood Guard spoke with a pleading expression on his face.

"What's the use of keeping you?" Lu Chen said, adding a trace of strength, and the blood guard felt the handprints on his neck invisibly gathered, and he was out of breath, with blue veins bulging on his neck.

"Wait, although I don't know where Ning Tianjun is, I have an important piece of information." The blood guard felt the handprints on his neck tightened and said hurriedly.

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