My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1061: Ancient city

The blood guard's eyes were full of fear. How could he be so unlucky when he met a human emperor, this emperor is too rare, it is rare to have one in tens of thousands of years, even the sky demon can hardly give birth to the emperor.

At this moment of life and death, the Blood Guard didn't care about anything, hoping to exchange the secrets he knew for a way to survive.

Lu Chen temporarily stopped and asked, "What's the secret?"

The Blood Guard immediately said: "Although I don't know who Ning Tianjun is, Prince Mingju will go to the ancient city of Mingju soon. You can ask Prince Mingju to know where Ning Tianjun is."

Then the Blood Guard explained that the city lord of Minggu City had caught a few remnants of the Anti-Monster Alliance, and Prince Mingju decided to personally host the activity of killing the remnants.

"This is the secret you're talking about" Lu Chen showed disappointed expression on his face, his palms pressed slightly, and the fingerprints of the blood guard's rules were shattered, and the violent rules swallowed the blood guard with a bang, and the blood guard exploded into blood. The fog dissipates between heaven and earth.

After killing the Blood Guard, Lu Chen stretched his waist and said, "Let's go, go to Minggucheng, and see if you can catch a wild prince."

After finally coming to the Celestial Demon Realm, it is natural to teach the Celestial Demon an unforgettable lesson. The Celestial Demon sent many subordinates to sneak into the mountain and sea realm, causing fire within the Mountain and Sea Realm. When we came to the Celestial Demon Realm, we naturally wanted the demon to taste the backyard. The taste of fire.

Xu Qingyao frowned, "Will it be too risky."

Lin Shan couldn't help saying: "Young Master, Mingju is one of the best people of the Darkblood Python clan and has already entered the emperor realm."

Lin Shan felt that Lu Chen was very courageous. It was completely a newborn calf’s style of not being afraid of tigers. He might have been taken away by an expert when he was a baby. He didn’t understand the situation outside since he was a child. He thinks that the human race controls the world. Is the master of the world.

Lu Chen glanced at Lin Shan, and said lightly: "As long as you don't step into the Holy Emperor, you can capture him."

Lu Chen showed a confident and flying expression on his face. The rules and power he comprehended were invincible under the saint emperor, and he could escape even if he encountered the saint emperor.

Lin Shan saw Lu Chen’s self-confidence, she seemed to have a light, full of charming temperament, but she quickly recovered, now is not the time to be a nymphomaniac, and continue to say: "Master, you can’t underestimate Mingju Prince, he can be more famous than other princes, naturally..."

"Needless to say, let's go." Lu Chen looked at her and said, "If you don't want to go in, just lead the way to the vicinity of Ming Ancient City."

Lin Shan said, "Then I will go with the son."

Lin Shan is just a supreme. Her father does not know her life or death. It is too dangerous for her to travel alone. It is better to stay with them. Even if everyone dies together, she is not as afraid of dying alone.


The ancient city of Ming, located in the west of Mingzhou, is a city ruled by the blood python, but it is not the main city. Since most of the elite powers of the blood python royal family are transferred to the city, the city lord of the ancient city is a strong god. By.

Of course it is not an ordinary god, but a king.

At this moment, a group of three people flew towards the huge city in the distance, and quickly flew to the front of the city. When they were seen by the guards on the wall, they quickly shouted: "Humble human race, get out, who will let you fly."

Lu Chen didn't stop, and went straight away.

The dark blood python soldiers on the city wall had a cold face, and there were humans who came to seek death. It is estimated that they came to robbery, because their city lord had caught the remnants of the anti-monster alliance.

"Notify the city lord, there are humans coming to rob the prison," a soldier of the blood python said on the wall, and at the same time pinched the jade charm to open the barrier.


A dazzling light curtain appeared out of thin air, covering the entire city. Lu Chen came in front of him, the power of the whole body's rules was released, and it collided with the enchantment, and the enchantment could not stop the rules of Lu Chen's body. Strength, cracking and breaking.

The three of Lu Chen successfully entered the city and headed towards the city lord's mansion.

"So strong"

Lin Shan's heart was secretly awe-inspiring, this was a Tianzun level magic circle, in front of Lu Chen, it shattered like tofu.

The soldiers of the blood python looked at the backs of the three people away, and they also expressed a strong feeling, but since the other party chose to die, naturally someone cleaned him up.

City Lord's Mansion.

In a secret room, a bronze-colored man was cultivating, surrounded by wispy air currents. Upon closer inspection, there were actually dense black scales on both sides of the man's temple, which looked like snake scales.

This big bronze man is the Lord of Minggu City.

Suddenly, the city lord of Minggu City opened his eyes, and the narrow and long pupils like the tip of a needle shot out two cold lights, because he sensed that a human being was approaching quickly.

The city lord of Minggu City looked slightly puzzled, when did the human race become so courageous, he actually dared to break in with integrity.

Soon, the city lord of the ancient city of Ming Dynasty paled, because he received the sound transmission, indeed, three humans had just destroyed the great defense formation and entered the city, and the city lord of the ancient city of Ming Dynasty had already sensed that the humans had come to the sky above the city lord mansion.

Outside, the three of Lu Chen were standing above the city lord's mansion, and they were seen by the guards of the dark blood python.

A group of Dark Blood Python guards looked sluggish, then rubbed their eyes and found that it was not an illusion. Their heads were still a bit unable to turn. Since the collapse of the Anti-Demon Alliance a thousand years ago, the Human Race has never had a strong Saint Emperor, who Give these three people the courage to rush to the city lord's mansion.

"The humble human race who offends the city lord's mansion shall be blamed for their crimes"

A group of Dark Blood Python guards flew up to the sky, two Heavenly Sovereigns, dozens of Supreme Sovereigns, surrounded Lu Chen with indifferent expressions, and the cold air surging out of them seemed to be a frozen space.

"Tell your city lord to get out and die," Lu Chen said lightly while looking at the two heavenly veterans.

While waving his hands, there was the sound of thousands of swords humming in the sky and the earth, and the sharp kendo airflow roared from the sky, and the fortitude it emitted was invincible, tearing the surrounding cold storm.

"What kind of power is this"

As countless sword intents appeared in the boundless space, a group of Netherblood Python guards felt hairy in their hearts, watching the streams of water that randomly shuttled through the world, and smelled a hint of cold death from above.

Puff puff!

When the sword intent passed, a group of guards couldn't stop it for a moment. The sword intent pierced the eyebrows and tore the soul.

A corpse fell from the air.

"You are so courageous, dare to slaughter my people wantonly" a icy tone sounded next to him, and the Lord of the Ancient City of Ming Dynasty appeared, with bronze skin and a pair of tiger eyes full of murderous intent.

He never expected that his guard would die just after he came out one second late.

"No, this is sword intent, you are not from my world" Suddenly, the face of the city lord of Ming Ancient City changed drastically, and he said in horror.

The city lord of Minggu City once participated in the world war, and naturally understood the terrifying aspects of sword repair in the mountain and sea world. The sword intent of cultivation is one of the most terrifying powers in the world. It makes people talk about it, and no family is not afraid.

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