My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1063: Glowing

The two emperors were killed because of their heirs, and they went to war with each other. The result was heavy losses, and the people who were stationed in the city died clean.

Except for the two heavenly emperors, there are not many strong people in the two clans now.

These two clans have also become a joke in the Sky Demon Realm.

However, they were reminded that they must not be careless when they encounter the guy named Lu Chen in the future.

After all, it is rumored that the strength of the Heavenly Venerable Realm killed the Great Emperor, which is quite abnormal.

He is now in the Heavenly Demon Realm. He will not go to Jiecheng for the time being. If he can't meet that guy, he can still go and see if Lu Chen has three heads and six arms, and why he can kill the emperor at the Heavenly Venerate Realm.

Lu Chen said lazily, "I smelled a smell of snakes all over the way."

When Mingju heard Lu Chen's words, his face did not change. Obviously, his mind was very firm. Mingju's eyes fell on the ancient city master of Mingju, and said faintly: "You have lost the face of the royal family. You can judge yourself. "


The face of Mingju City Lord changed drastically. He never expected Mingju to call him self-discipline and want to beg for mercy. However, Mingju just looked at him unmovedly, and coldly snorted: "Don't let me throw you into the blood pool. inside."

Hearing the words Mingxuechi, the ancient city lord of Mingxue seemed to think of something terrifying. He slapped a spirit all over his body, slapped his forehead hard, his eyebrows cracked, and fell straight to the ground.

"Good means" Lu Chen gave Mingju a thumbs up.

Previously, the city lord had been barking three times to survive, but now Mingju made a word to let the other party decide to stay in place.

Mingju executed a Wang Zun, as if he had done a trivial thing. There was no change in expression on his face. He looked at Lu Chen and said, "Tell me, how did you sneak into the Sky Demon Realm."

"Um, I don't want to say, can I just leave it alone" Lu Chen bargained.

"What you say, I will give you a painless death" Mingju Feng said lightly, with a cold face on his face.

"Then there is no need to talk." Lu Chen showed disappointment on his face, then counted in place: "One second, two seconds, three seconds."

Mingju was confused by Lu Chen's inexplicable muttering, and couldn't help asking: "What are you muttering about?"

"I want to say that I will shoot in three seconds." Lu Chen grinned and rushed towards Mingju.

Mingju's face immediately showed a sneer. He had to admire the courage of the other party. He was obviously only a Tianzun, and he dared to take the lead against him, a great emperor. Is this tired of living?

Mingju was an emperor, no matter how fast Lu Chen was, he could clearly capture his orbit.


Seeing Lu Chen approaching him, Mingju directly released the Dao realm, and a very cold breath was released from Mingju's body, extremely cold, as if the space was about to be frozen.

Xu Qingyao and Lin Shan shuddered all over.

However, this icy cold feeling disappeared after only a second. Looking at Mingju's originally very confident expression, it suddenly turned into a look full of consternation.

Mingju is indeed very shocked now, and the whole person is in an extremely confusing state.

Because he wanted to release the Dao Domain to control the audience, but as soon as he was released, he was forced back to his body by an extremely powerful force of rules.

At this moment, he was surrounded by the power of strong rules, and the great power that suppressed him could not get out of the body.

Mingju snorted coldly, and the mighty power in his body was in a violent state, like opening a floodgate to release floods, with overwhelming aura, about to break out of the body and impact the power of the surrounding rules.

However, he snorted two or three coldly, urging all his strength, but it urged a loneliness.

No matter how hard he uses, the strength is not available at all.

Mingju found that the power of the surrounding rules was very strong and viscous, stronger than the power of the Dao, and restrained his Dao domain.

Until this time, Mingju's expression finally changed, his face full of amazement.

He was a great emperor who had mastered the power of the Great Dao, but now he was restrained by a Heavenly Lord.

Lu Chen clasped Mingju's neck with one hand, and instantly used force, and said with a look of interest: "Hey, the one I like to kill is your Celestial Demon prince, but unfortunately, the royal prince has never killed one. Last time I met the prince of the Dragon Clan with great difficulty, but my master solved it."

"Unfortunately, I also killed two royal princes. This is the first time I have met a royal family." Lu Chen's muttering reached Mingju's ears.

Mingju was stunned for a moment. The other party said that he had killed two royal princes. In an instant, Mingju thought of Zhu Yi and Long Feixiang, two well-deserved royal princes.

When he was the emperor, although the two of them were still in the heavens, they were the emperor. Once they were promoted to the emperor, they could be stronger than him in an instant.

"You are Lu Chen" Mingju thought of this, and suddenly blurted out, because from the information he had, only Lu Chen met this situation.

Mingju Lu Chen looked constipated. He also thought of the rumors about Lu Chen in the mountain and sea world. He did not expect that this young man who sneaked into the mountain and sea world was the rumored Lu Chen.

Mingju didn't believe it, how dare Lu Chen come to the Sky Demon Realm.

It is said that this guy is the apprentice of Su Yingxia and Da Meng Tian Nu, so he shouldn't dare to come to the Heavenly Demon Realm.

Because generally speaking, the higher the status, the more valuable life is.

Crock can be compared with jade.

Mingju, as the prince of the blood python, has a lot of resources. In the future, he will be properly promoted to the holy emperor, and even have the opportunity to attack the supreme Emperor of Heaven. He cherishes his life very much, and will not be stunned by Peng Wanli and Lu Miao. Compared to green.

These idiots are obviously very noble, but they just went to death and ran to the mountains and seas.

In Mingju's eyes, this is a very stupid style, and he doesn't cherish his life at all.

But having said that, the two ran to the mountains and seas, but there was no news of their deaths, because the strong men of the two clans did not stand up and furious, indicating that the two were still alive and kicking.

Mingju thought of those two, and then of himself.

The two of them ran to the base camp of the mountain and sea, and did not cherish their lives at all, and they were alive and well.

As for him, he cherishes his life so much that he has only participated in Jie Zhan once and has been active in the Sky Demon Realm.

But things often go against one's wishes, damn... I was overpowered by people from the mountains and seas in the base camp of the Sky Demon Realm.

This is so... Mingju wants to vomit blood a little, why is he so unlucky.

"Hey, am I so famous now? Has the reputation spread within your Sky Demon Realm?" Lu Chen touched his chin and asked happily.

Mingju snorted coldly, and said to his heart, you have a reputation as a fart, but only a heavenly sovereign.

Lu Chen squinted his eyes and looked at Mingju, and didn't kill the opponent right away, because to him, killing the opponent was just killing an ordinary emperor, and it would also arouse the vigilance of the Darkblood Python clan.

This guy stays in his hands and has the big effect of being able to glow and heat.

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