My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1064: Mingju's little book

The Celestial Demon Realm has hundreds of races of Celestial Demons, which are divided according to the strong and their backgrounds. They can be transformed into royal and royal families. As for other Celestial Races, they will not be well-known among the Celestial Demons without the strongest of the town. .

As the saying goes, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

Lu Chen couldn't help remembering that the mountain and sea world was facing a massive invasion by the sky monsters, and the situation was grim. The most dangerous mountain and sea world was almost finished. Even so, many forces in the mountain and sea world still have infighting and hate each other. They are unwilling to stay together.

And the sky demon is so multi-racial, it is impossible to unite as on the surface. The reason for this unity is that there is a leader behind it.

Demon god.

The demon **** is the supreme **** in the sky demon realm, and does not belong to any group, but has the ability to command the major races of the sky demon.

The mountain and sea world has never been able to figure out how the demon **** ordered all the sky demon races, and why it must invade the mountain and sea world.

Lu Chen also learned from the master and servant of the Time Realm that the demon gods belonged to the powerhouses with perfect creation realm, but those royal families had dozens of creation realms, so why must they listen to the command of the monster god.

But having said that, the sky demon should be fighting with each other just like their humans.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen's eyes flashed, and he smiled and looked at Mingju: "Mingju, do you have any enemies? I can help you get rid of them, and you have the right to make friends."

Lu Chen's warm-hearted attitude fell in Mingju's eyes, and an ominous premonition suddenly rose in his heart.

Mingju is not a fool, he is from the mountain and sea world, and it is impossible to be friends with him.

However, I was still curious about why the other party said this.

"What do you want to do" Mingju asked warily.

Lu Chen smiled, with a look of harmless humans and animals: "I came all the way from the mountains and seas to make friends. I think you are good, so I want to be friends with you."

Mingju's left ear went in and his right ear went out, dismissing Lu Chen's words as a fart. The hatred between the two worlds couldn't be resolved at all. No matter who caught the opportunity, he would kill each other ruthlessly. He didn't believe that Lu Chen came to befriend him. friend.

"I have no friends" Mingju said coldly.

When Mingju's words fell, Lu Chen turned his face on the spot, and a regular palm print patted the latter's pubic area.


Mingju’s dantian suddenly shattered, the stored power leaked out, and Mingju’s breath continued to weaken, changing from the emperor realm to a mortal, Mingju’s face showed fear and resentment, staring at Lu Chen: "You, you are a waste Up me."

Mingju's eyes showed a deep resentment, and he couldn't wait to peel off Lu Chen's skin and eat Lu Chen's meat, and at the same time he was a little bit angry.

I have never seen such a human warrior who plays cards in an unreasonable manner. The last second he smiled and said he wanted to make friends with him, and the next second he was ruthlessly scrapped.

Xu Qingyao and Lin Shan next to him were equally speechless, and Lu Chen's expression changed so quickly that they couldn't keep up with the rhythm.

The reason why Lu Chen chose to abolish Mingju was because Mingju was just a tool man in his eyes, but as a tool man, he still played with himself. Isn't that asking for trouble.

In addition, there is a local person named Lin Shan nearby, so if you want to ask for information, just ask Lin Shan directly.

And Mingju cannot be killed now. If you kill it, it will be known by the blood pythons immediately, and you can't let go of the opponent, because Mingju is an emperor, and no one can control it except him. It is more secure.

After abolishing Mingju, Lu Chen withdrew his regular power, and Mingju fell directly to the ground from the air, with a dull sound.

Mingju lay on the ground, showing an expression of unlovable expression on his face.

Ignoring the deposed Mingju, Lu Chen turned his head to look at Lin Shan and asked, "Lin Shan, do you know the gaps between the Darkblood Python clan and which monster clan?"

"Gap" Lin Shan was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "The Darkblood Python clan seems to be with the ghost clan, when the Kang clan, the Shanzhu clan have grievances."

The news that Lin Shan knows is basically widely circulated, because the sky demon races are not harmonious. Many races have grievances. Some people have died in each other’s hands. This hatred accumulates. Will spread out.

One pass ten, ten pass a hundred, leading to spread all over the world.

Lin Shan continued: "Kangzhou and Yuzhou are adjacent to Mingzhou. Because these three clans have been fighting for the expansion of their territory and fighting for resources, the soldiers at the bottom of the border have been rubbing and accumulating a deep hatred."

Lu Chen walked over and took down Mingju's taking the ring. Mingju watched that the ring was taken away by Lu Chen, and roared, "Abandon my cultivation base and grab me to take the ring. You will regret it."

"Go away." Lu Chen kicked Mingju into the air. This product became a useless person, so he came to threaten himself and seek death.

Lu Chen's spiritual mind invaded Mingju's Najie. There were a bunch of spiritual crystals, some medicinal materials, and a few secrets. In addition to these, there were memory crystals, communication crystals, and formation flags.

Lu Chen took out a memory crystal to see if he could get some more useful information. When divine consciousness invaded inside, Lu Chen immediately showed a weird look.

What appeared in his mind were lines of words imprinted with divine thoughts.

"In the fifty-second year of the New Era of the Demon God, I broke through the supreme realm. The elder of the clan allowed me to enter the ancestral land to practice for three years. In the clan, I met the dark wind of the same clan. This guy relied on being the grandson of the elder and said I am a trash, and I have written down this grudge."

"In the fifty-fifth year, I came out of the ancestral land, from the early breakthrough of the Supreme to the Supreme Consummation."

"In the 362nd year, the clansmen Mingye broke through the Heavenly Sovereign and showed off in front of me. This **** fellow, wouldn't he step into the Heavenly Sovereign realm? Is there anything worth showing off."

"In the three hundred and sixty-fifth year, Ming Ye snatched the one million Fang Lingjing promised to me by the second elder. I have written down this enmity."

"In the 372nd year, I finally broke through the Celestial Realm."

"In the 384th year, I got the qualification to go to the mysterious realm of the mysterious spirit and participate in the battle of the mysterious mysterious realm. The demon **** personally presided over it. I must stand out in front of everyone and let the demon **** look at him with admiration."

"In the 386th year, in the Mystic Spirit Realm, the green paint of the Plague Demon Dragon Clan robbed me of a spiritual medicine garden. I wrote down this enmity."

"In the 388th year, in the Profound Spirit Secret Realm, Peng Xuan of the Tianpeng clan taunted me with two words, and I have written down this hatred.

"In the 392nd year, in the mysterious realm, I encountered Fengqing of the Black Phoenix tribe, and took away one of my cave mansion inheritance. I wrote down this hatred."

"In the 395th year, on the day when he came out of the mysterious realm of the mysterious spirit, the clansmen Mingfeng broke through the king and continued to come to me to mock him. I have written down this hatred."

"In the 401st year, Mingfeng entered the retreat of the cave. I went in ahead of time and put a piece of chaotic magic stone. Mingfeng went into trouble, and the gods were destroyed. I finally reported this hatred."

"Four hundred..."

"Five hundred..."

"In the sixteenth century, Mingye broke through the emperor realm, and died because of his devilishness. I put on a Kang clan hair and framed it for the Kang clan. Hey, no one knows that I did it."


"In the 2212th year, I successfully broke through the emperor realm and became the great prince of the dark blood python clan."


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