My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1065: Not many people are ruthless

Lu Chen read the handwriting imprinted by the memory crystal with a sorrowful expression on his face, and his eyes looked at Mingju strangely. This is the legendary record of the person who offended him.

I have to say that this guy is a ruthless person. From the trivial things that others show off in front of him to the big things that are robbed, everything is recorded in the memory crystal in great detail.

It can be seen from this that Mingju is a very deep city mansion, and he must report back.

According to records, Mingjuyin killed dozens of people. The victims were from other sky demon races. There were three or four members of his own tribe.

My brother Ju in society doesn't say much about it.

After "cow breaking" a little, Lu Chen gave Mingju a thumbs up.

Because apart from these two words, Lu Chen couldn't find any other adjectives. His admiration for Mingju was like a surging river, and like the Yellow River flooding out of control.

Mingju's face flushed and he was ashamed and angry. He knew that Lu Chen must have read the events recorded in the memory crystal. That was the deepest secret in his heart.

Mingju felt that once the memory crystal spread out, he was finished.

But then I thought about it, now that my cultivation base has been abolished, and my life is in the hands of others, he may die at any time. There is nothing worse than that.

Lu Chen grabbed Mingju, locked it in Na Ring, and then drew out a jade identity card, which symbolized Mingju's identity.

Lu Chen also studied the communication crystals next to him. There were dozens of them. Some of them were definitely connected with the strong in the clan. Lu Chen didn't dare to move. If he got in touch with the Holy Emperor Sky Demon, then he would be stunned.

"City Lord, something is not good"

At this moment, a hurried sound suddenly came from the door, and saw a burly man wearing a stomachache walk in, but the latter saw a corpse in the city lord’s mansion. When even the lord died on the ground, he was stunned. To the ground, take a breath.

On the ground, the corpse was lying horizontally, with blood flowing, and there was also a very eye-catching corpse, which was the Lord Minggu.

"you guys.."

The burly man immediately turned his eyes on Lu Chen, Xu Qingyao, and Lin Shan, and backed away with alert.

It is not difficult to infer from the murder scene that these three humans are the murderers, but they didn't hear anything about them.

"The city lord has betrayed Prince Mingju and has been beheaded by me." When the burly man was stunned, Lu Chen replied without changing his expression.

"Betrayal of Prince Mingju", the burly man looked dazed.

Lu Chen raised the identity jade medal in his hand. The latter recognized it immediately, and said respectfully, "It turns out that you are the prince's person, and you have seen you."

Lu Chen nodded slightly, and then asked, "Who are you and what status are you in the ancient city of Ming Dynasty."

The burly man said immediately: "The younger one is called Bian Yong, the lord and vice-general, I don't know what your Excellency has instructed.

When Bian Yong saw the corpses around, even the city lord had been killed, and there was a slight doubt in his heart about the identity of the three.

Why the city lord betrayed Prince Mingju, and why Prince Mingju reused several humans, which left him confused, but Bian Yong didn't go into it, because the identity of the jade card held by the other party is true, that is the identity of the Prince Mingju. This token is equivalent to the presence of Prince Mingju in person.

Lu Chen stood with his hands in his hands, staring at Bian Yong with sharp eyes: "Before Prince Mingju descends to the ancient city of Mingju, I will be solely responsible for matters large and small, do you understand."

Lu Chen's tone had an unquestionable meaning, his eyes were extremely sharp, and Bian Yong felt a super-strong pressure. This pressure was even greater when facing the city lord. His heart shrank and he said hurriedly: "Bian Yong I must obey your orders."

Although he didn’t want to follow a human’s order in his heart, Bian Yong had to obey. The first point is that the other party is holding the jade medallion of Prince Mingju’s identity. If you listen, you may be killed by the opponent.

Because the opponent can kill even the ancient city master of Ming, not to mention that he is a Heavenly Venerate Consummation.

Seeing the other party's submissive look, Lu Chen's eyes narrowed sharply, and he asked: "By the way, you just said that the big thing is not good, what happened outside."

When Bian Yong heard Lu Chen's question, he also remembered the purpose of the City Lord’s Mansion, and quickly said: "Just now the scout sent a message, saying that when a large army of the Kang clan was coming towards the ancient city of Ming, it might not be half an hour. I will come to the city lord to discuss countermeasures."

Mingzhou borders Kangzhou, and the ancient city of Mingzhou is close to the edge. Fights often occur on the border between the two sides. Either I occupy your city or you occupy my city.

Bian Yong guessed that when the Kang army arrived this time, it was likely to occupy the ancient city of Ming.

Lu Chen continued to ask, "How many people came from the Kang clan, and was there a strong Saint Emperor leading the team?"

"I don't know how many people there are at the moment." Bian Yong replied. He was a bit speechless about Lu Chen's other question, the border friction, and the strongest one is the Celestial Realm. A strong emperor would not engage in such small struggles.

Although he was speechless, Bian Yong still replied: "At most Tianzun leads the team."

"How many troops are there in Minggucheng."

Bian Yong said: "There are six Saint Kings Corps, one fifteen thousand, totaling 90,000 people, and one Supreme Legion, totaling five thousand people."

Lu Chen said: "You go to mobilize manpower and prepare to fight the Dangkang clan."


Bian Yong nodded and left.

"You two stay at the city lord's mansion and see where the people caught by the lord are detained. I'll come as soon as I go." Lu Chen said to Xu Qingyao, then his figure flashed and followed Bian Yong to the wall. At this moment, he stood on the wall. A few majestic men in armor are the leaders of the city.

They looked into the distance, at the end of the sky, the monster aura stretched vigorously, moving fast in the direction of the ancient city.


"Bian Yong, how come there is a human"

Several people turned around and found Lu Chen standing next to them.

Lu Chen did not speak, but Bian Yong replied next to him: "This is the person next to Prince Mingju."

After hearing the Prince Mingju, the eyes of several people returned to normal, without saying anything.

Bian Yong gave the order and sounded the horn of war. Soon, a group of soldiers appeared neatly in the open space outside the city.

Roar... roar... roar!

Close to a hundred thousand people gathered together, a group of people roared, swallowed the mountains and rivers, and shattered the sky.

When Lu Chen saw this group of Dark Blood Python soldiers, he squinted his eyes slightly. He had to say that this group of soldiers was very powerful, their blood was surging, their strength leaked out, and the sky was bloody. This huge blood gathered in Together, the power is unmatched, making the space full of depression.

The five thousand supreme sky demon standing in the air are all in the realm of Dzogchen, with a cold face, and their body releases a billowing killing intent, sweeping the boundless space.

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