My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1067: War starts

If Lu Chen wanted to capture Chu Tao, he could suppress it by raising his hand, but he didn't do that because he suppressed Chu Tao as soon as he came up. How could the two parties fight and consume the power of the two clans.

Chu Tao watched Lu Chen leave with cold eyes, and his killing intent was bitter. A human being insulted him in such a way that he could escape quickly.

Chu Tao vowed that he must kill this human, even if the opponent is Mingju's subordinate.


Several leaders of the Dark Blood Python clan heard Lu Chen’s words, and all nodded solemnly. The ancient city of the Dark Blood Python clan belongs to the Dark Blood Python clan. Naturally, it is impossible to let it go because of Chu Tao. This is related to the face of the race. After becoming the Kang clan, it is spread out what others think of the Dark Blood Python clan.

Regardless of other races, even when the Kangs don’t appreciate it, they will think they are weak and incompetent.

Chu Jian looked in the direction of the city wall and said: "We don't want to go to war with you. We only need a city. This city will be used as a base for Prince Chu Tao in the future. I hope you will sell your face."

Similar to the prince of the Sky Demon Royal Family, once he reaches the Heavenly Sovereign Realm, he will go out to lay down a city by himself, and use it to recruit soldiers and buy horses and build his own power.

Because a big family has too many direct lines, and there is only one throne, it needs to go through cruel competition and fight to sit on the throne.

Chu Tao was not an ordinary prince. He broke the record of being promoted to the Heavenly Venerable the fastest in history. He was well-known in the Heavenly Demon Realm, and he will surely achieve amazing achievements in the future.

When other tribes encounter this kind of potential prince, they will give some face, and Chu Tao may become the pillar of the royal family in the future.

A leader of the Dark Blood Python clan looked at Chu Jian and said, "City Lord Chu Jian, I think your wife is pretty good, so how about giving it to me."

"You are looking for death" Chu Jian was furious when he heard the words. A pair of fire-breathing eyes stared at the person who was talking. The rules and divine light around him set off a violent cyan storm, passing all the way from the space, making a violent creaking sound. , Seems to be able to swallow space, extremely terrifying.

"It turns out that City Lord Chu Jian also knows to be angry," the leader of the Dark Blood Python clan said lightly, with a hint of irony in his tone.

"The ancient city of Ming is located in Mingzhou, belonging to the territory of the blood python clan, and you want to take it away with a word from City Lord Chu Jian. You can take it for granted when you say these things that are difficult for strong people, and we say it is to die, City Lord Chu Jian It's really overbearing," the commander added.

"Haha, well said"

"City Lord Chu Jian, why don't you give your wife to my brother, and we give you the ancient city of Dark Blood, as a deal, how about?"

The surrounding leaders all echoed, and the eyes that looked at Chu Jian were full of irony.

"Strong Words"

Chu Jian's complexion flushed, his eyes staring at the opening commander with murderous intent, and then he said loudly: "Since you want to go to war, then I will satisfy you."

Chu Jian knew that if he didn't go to war, he wouldn't be able to win the ancient city of Ming Dynasty, and he raised his arms.

The army of the Dangkang, already ready to go, rolled in killing intent, trampled on the ground, rumbled forward, and rushed towards the army of the Darkblood Python.


The Netherblood Python army also uttered sky-shaking roars, fighting with the Dangkang army.

As soon as the two sides met, a fierce battle erupted. Swords and spears collided, making the sound of gold and iron, the bodies flowed with the powerful regular force, collided with each other, the space transmitted a dull loud noise, and various broken arms and blood splashed. .

The roar, the fight, and the collision of weapons resounded throughout the boundless space.


A wild roar came, and at a certain position on the battlefield, a burly man suddenly swelled up, his clothes were torn, and he turned into a blue monster at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The monster beast looks like a pig, about three feet long, and has a burly body, like a hill, with a cyan streamer turning around. This is the rule of body protection and it is indestructible.

This is the animal body of the Kang Clan, filled with a powerful sense of strength, the fangs extending from the corners of the mouth are extremely sharp, and the cold light flickers.

Someone nearby threw Zheng with a spear, breaking through the constraints of space, like an arrow, the surrounding air was evacuated, reaching the blue light, but was instantly bounced off.

There are two forms of sky demon fighting, one is the human form and the other is the monster beast form. Some monsters are not good at martial arts, they will transform into the monster beast form.

The big man transformed into Kang Kang dashed on the battlefield, running fast, like a cyan whirlwind, and instantly hit three or four people. The people who were hit and flew either had broken bones or broken bones.

The Darkblood Python soldier in human form can't stand the rampage of Kang Kang in the form of a monster.

At this moment, a whip with the thickness of a bucket swept over, like a storm slapped against the waves, carrying violent air waves, and fiercely bombarding this head Dangkang.


When Kang made a dull sound, the hill-like body flew upside down hundreds of meters, smashing a huge pit in the ground.

Ho Ho Ho!

In the battlefield, most of the men and horses on both sides soared and turned into burly monster forms. Tens of thousands of Dangkang and tens of thousands of black giant snakes collided together, and the scene was extremely fierce.

Standing on the wall and watching the battle, you can see the battlefield covering the sky and the ground, and you can see the scene of monsters fighting.

A black giant snake waved its tail, tightly wrapped around a Dangkang, exploding the strength of every muscle in the body, preparing to strangle a Dangkang.


There was a crisp skeletal sound, but it was not so loud, because there was a fierce battle around, and the sound of fighting was enough to cover all the surrounding sounds.

One Dangkang ran quickly, the fangs as sharp as the tip of a knife, pierced into the body of the black giant snake that was entwined with Dangkang, tore, the black snake's body was cut through a huge opening, blood hula lala flowing out, stained red The earth.

The black giant snake made a painful neighing sound, and its body rolled over.


Another Dangkang appeared, with four hooves three times larger than the elephant's hooves, and stomped heavily on the head of the black giant snake, turning it into a muddy flesh.

Of course, there was also Dang Kang who was killed by the Darkblood Python soldiers and fell to the ground in pieces.

Because there are too many people fighting, there are about 100,000 people on both sides, and basically people are injured or lost every minute.

Although the battle continued, the two heavenly masters did not take action, and looked at each other indifferently. Finally, Chu Jian slowly got up from the chariot and stood up, with a fierce gaze fixed on the commander who had teased his wife before, his eyes revealed. Killing intent.

An ordinary Tianzun dare to tease his wife, which makes Chu Jian very annoyed.

Chu Jian did not intervene in the battlefield, and the sky demon fighting on the battlefield avoided Chu Jian tacitly.

Chu Jianhua turned into a blue light, passing through the battlefield and coming directly towards the city wall. His goal was naturally to kill the leader.

The commander was stared at by Chu Jian, and his heart was a little stunned. After all, he was only a heavenly respect, and Chu Jian was a kingly respect. If he competed with Chu Jian, he might only be killed by a spike.

"Bian Yong, open the formation" the leader's expression tightened and immediately shouted.

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