My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1068: Sudden death

"Don't be afraid of Chu Jian, I can keep you safe" Lu Chen said lightly beside him, preventing them from closing the barrier.

Lu Chen didn’t want the two tribes to only kill the holy king, the supreme and the like, his goal was Tianzun, the great emperor, not only to kill, but also to let the high-levels of the Kang Clan and the Dark Blood Python clan fight each other, causing a super internal battle. Bucket.


The surrounding leaders looked at Lu Chen with strange expressions. Although they didn't know how strong Lu Chen was, since the other party said that he had killed the Ancient City Lord, he was at least a king-level figure.

Just when they were stunned, Chu Jian suddenly descended to the edge of the city wall, staring at the commander with gloomy eyes.

The aura that Chu Jian exudes was too terrifying, it filled the surrounding area, making the hearts of several Tianzun leaders seem to be blocked by a large stone, which was extremely heavy.

The four realms of Tianzun, ordinary Tianzun Consummation, Dazun, Wangzun, and Huangzun.

The number of rules mastered by each realm is not the same. The ordinary Tianzun masters two, the big one has three, the king has six, and the emperor has 12.

The integration of the number of rules is not as simple as one plus one equals two. It may equal three or ten.

If you compare an ordinary Tianzun to a six or seven-year-old child, then Wang Zun is an adult.

Just imagine how many six or seven-year-old children can be bullied by an adult.

So even though the leaders of them stood together, facing Chu Jian's breath, they felt unstoppable, the breath was too strong.

At this moment, the digital leaders turned pale and regretted in their hearts. They really shouldn't listen to Lu Chen, they should open the barrier. Now their lives are in the hands of Chu Jian.

"Give me death"

Chu Jian didn't have any extra words, he shot directly, the power of the rules surging around his body turned into a cyan match, and he went straight to the leader.

The commander releases the power of his own rules, forming a shield in front, but the shield has not yet taken shape, and the blue horses practice collision shields.

Kakaka, the shield shattered directly.


The commander's face turned pale, and he could only watch the Doppelin getting closer and closer to him, trying to take his life.


Lu Chen flicked his fingers, and a fierce energy shot out from between his fingers, colliding with the pike, with a bang, the blue pike was blown up, and scattered regular fragments flew around, setting off a aftermath of rushing to the surroundings. .

This aftermath spread from the bodies of several commanders, groaning one after another, blood qi surged in the body, and they hurriedly used the exercise technique to suppress the violent qi and blood, with a look of shock on their faces.

Chu Jian turned his head, his eyes fell on Lu Chen, and he said coldly: "Do you know the consequences of the shot?"

"You are a human being, the lowest race in the Sky Demon Realm. Although you are the person next to Prince Mingju, you should understand your identity. You are just a dog, do you understand?" This was a voice of contempt from a distance , Is the voice of Prince Chu Tao.

Chu Tao had been insulted by Lu Chen before, but at the moment he found an opportunity, he immediately insulted him.

Lu Chen glanced at Chu Tao, did not speak, looked at the general and said, "You, go to Chu Jian to fight."

The commander's complexion became stiff, standing still not daring to move, he deeply understood how powerful Wang Zun was, and he estimated that one move could kill him in seconds.

In the distance, seeing that Lu Chen was afraid to speak, Chu Tao flashed a disdain in his eyes, and continued to speak, "As a dog of our sky demon, we must do our duty. My son will give you a chance. For, if my son is happy, he might let you go."

"Stupid" Lu Chen glanced at Chu Tao and said, then turned to look at the leader next to him and said, "Don't worry, I will help you."

When the commander heard Lu Chen's words, he didn't know why, a feeling of safety rose in his heart, and then he lost his head, holding a long knife, and rushed outside.

When Chu Jian saw the leader come out, a sneer flashed in his eyes. The other party really dared to come out to find death, that would not be enough for the other party.

Chu Jiangang wanted to do something, but his face suddenly changed wildly, because he felt a powerful regular force binding his body, and the regular force in his body could not be used at all.

In the distance, Chu Tao and several others who were Kang Tianzun, saw the leader provoking Chu Jian, their eyes were full of indifferent sarcasm.


The commander gritted his teeth, his whole body aura violently, and he cleaved a black regular blade light.

Originally, this ruled sword light was not enough for Chu Jian as Wang Zun, but I don’t know why, a few people around found that Chu Jian saw the ruled sword light smash it, and the whole person did not move at all, just a pair of eyes. Full of deep fear.

"How is this going"

Bian Yong and other leaders showed strange colors and looked at Chu Jian strangely.

Even if Chu Jian is a king, he can't be so big.

Although Wang Zun was stronger than their ordinary Heavenly Zun in Consummation, he wouldn't ignore their attacks when he was strong.


Chu Jian didn't resist at all, he was directly split in half by the ruled knife blade, and blood was sprayed around.


After beheading Chu Jian, the commander held a long knife and stood stunned. For a while, his mind did not turn around.

He couldn't figure out why Chu Jian didn't resist, and let him fall with a slash.

Bian Yong and other generals were also dumbfounded, feeling hallucinations in their eyes. This is an illusion. He rubbed his eyes. The surrounding army was still fighting. The two corpses on the ground were bloody. All this is true. Not an illusion.

Chu Jian was really killed.

Unexpectedly, they turned their gazes on Lu Chen.

Although they didn't see Lu Chen doing it, they knew that Chu Jian's death would definitely have nothing to do with the other party.

"What... Chu Jian was killed"

In the distance, Chu Tao and several other Heavenly Sovereigns all stood up, with shocking expressions in their eyes. Why was Chu Jian a Wang Zun who was cut by an ordinary Heavenly Sovereign, and it was still a face.

The death of Chu Jian made them very angry, but they did not dare to come over, including Chu Tao who was Wang Zun.

The main reason was that Chu Jian died too strangely, which made Chu Tao feel a sense of crisis in his heart and he dared not pass.

Chu Tao and the others couldn't come, and Lu Chen didn't provoke them, but stared at the battle on the battlefield.

As time goes by, the war has gradually come to an end. Originally, both sides had 100,000 armies, but now there are less than 10,000 people still fighting. The ground is full of corpses, densely packed monster beast corpses, blood flowing into rivers. .

Chu Tao saw this scene with a gloomy look in his eyes.

Originally their two kings came, even if the ancient city lord of Ming Ming was not an opponent, they planned to suppress the ancient city lord of Ming with the two, forcing each other to submit.

But I didn't expect Minggu City Lord to have died, and Chu Jian died very strangely in the past, making him a king dare not pass easily.

Both sides can be said to have killed a thousand enemies and harmed themselves 800.

"It's time to make a move." Lu Chen stretched his waist as he looked at the increasingly scarce crowds, and his eyes fell on Chu Tao.

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