My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1074: Teasing

Chu Rao was full of surprise. Why didn't Chu Tao be found in his spiritual thoughts? Could it be that Chu Tao was taken away from the ancient city of Ming.

If he probed someone's ring with his spiritual mind at this time, he would discover the existence of Chu Tao and Mingju.

Although Chu Tao was not found, Chu Rao didn't have much disappointment on his face. Since he couldn't find it, he caught the people in the city lord's mansion and asked.

There are a total of three people in the City Lord's Mansion, two Tianzun and one Supreme.

Chu Rao's tyrannical spirit swept across the three of them, and they naturally felt it.

In a certain room, Huiming opened her eyes, her figure flashed, and she came outside, staring at Chu Rao who was high in the sky with scorching eyes, yelling: "Well, I have just made a small achievement in Conferring the Gods. The great emperor, haha, it's really God's help. The little monk is going to cast down the great demon today."

Lu Chen also came outside, and saw Huiming standing in the field. The opponent obviously did not realize the gap between the enemy and ourselves, and was uttering wild words there.

When Chu Rao saw a supreme provoking him so, a cold light flashed in his eyes, but when he heard Huiming's words, he was stunned.

Chu Rao looked at Huiming and said, "You are a descendant of Tantric Buddhism."

As the most unreliable sect in the sky demon world, Tantric Buddhism is so famous that it is impossible for the sky demon not to know it.

It is said that Tantric practice is a masterpiece called Fengshen Jue, which even demons can suppress.

Of course, this is just what the descendants of Tantric Buddhism think they are. Apart from making people bolder and short-lived in their practice, there is nothing surprising about them. Think about the deaths of the descendants of the past. It’s clearly not a level. But he has to provoke the Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouse.

Chu Rao had heard the name of a descendant of Tantric Buddhism, but the first time I saw it, it was mainly a single pass of this sect, and short-lived. Basically, he died in a few months or a year, and he had no chance to see it. living.

"Little monk Huiming, the 999th generation descendant of Tantric Buddhism"

A proud look appeared on Huiming's face, and said lightly, "Wait to be sealed by me."

Suddenly, Huiming's body was full of Buddha's light, and the whole body was radiant, like an Arhat's golden color, and several Buddhist auras appeared behind him, and the surrounding area was golden, which was extremely sacred.

Huiming folded his hands together, with a pious expression on his face, reading Buddhist scriptures in his mouth.

At this moment, Huiming seemed to be possessed by the Lord Buddha, full of majesty.

Lu Chen looked at the Buddha light on Huiming's body, felt a strong and pure Buddha power, and couldn't help narrowing his eyes.

It is not the first time he has come into contact with Buddhist cultivation, he has been in contact with him in the Lower Realm. The most memorable one is naturally the demon monk of Fumo Temple.

Lu Chen was surprised to find that Huiming's Buddha power was very strong, which was higher than the monks in Fumo Temple.

Lu Chen had a slight expectation of Huiming, could this guy really seal the emperor.

Xu Qingyao flashed a beautiful shadow and appeared next to Lu Chen, also looking at the light of the Buddha around Huiming, her beautiful eyes showed a strange look. At this moment, Huiming seemed to be the Lord of the Buddha, his precious appearance was solemn and inviolable.

Both of them looked at Huiming expectantly, hoping that the other party would give them a surprise.

High in the sky, Chu Rao looked down at Huiming, who was reading the Buddhist scriptures. His calm eyes were mixed with a hint of sarcasm. The descendants of Tantric Buddhism really liked to die like the rumors. A mere supreme actually took the initiative to attack a great emperor. It's not what is going to die.

At this time, Huiming opened his eyes, his pupils were golden, his expression solemn, and his hands were imprinted: "The mantra of the Great Buddha, all beings are equal, ten thousand Buddhas add to the body, and the Buddha kingdom in his palm, give me a seal."

After Huiming finished reading, put his hands together and closed his eyes.

However, nothing happened.

I am most afraid of the sudden silence of the air.

Lu Chen, Xu Qingyao, and Chu Rao looked at Huiming, who closed his eyes dumbly.

It was over like this, and the slogans were so aggressive, you suppressed it.

After three seconds, Huiming opened his eyes and glanced at Chu Rao who was standing in the air, and muttered, "I have already cultivated the Fengshen Jue to the Xiaocheng realm, why can't I suppress it."

After he finished speaking, he continued to put his hands together, and read in his mouth: "The mantra of the Great Buddha, the light of the Buddha is shining, and the ten thousand Buddhas come to the dust. Give me the seal of my Buddha."

After speaking, he closed his eyes again.

Three people: "...,"

Huiming didn't believe in evil, and continued to use his so-called Conferred God Art in front of the three of them, but except for him being covered by a halo of Buddha power, even the sound of farts.

Even if you send a Buddha palm or gather a real Buddha to fight.

This guy just shouted slogans so loudly that it didn't work.

At this time, Lu Chen had fully understood the situation. This guy was a joke, and God sent him to make a joke.


Chu Rao wasn't in the mood to accompany Huiming to be funny, took a fluttering palm, and directly caused Huiming to spit blood and fly upside down to a distance of hundreds of meters.

After Chu Rao hit Huiming, he shifted his gaze to Lu Chen, looked up and down a few times, and asked slightly, "You are a follower of Mingju, where did you take Chu Tao."

"With my heart and my way, Buddhism is boundless, and the demon is sealed."

Before Lu Chen could answer, Hui Mingbao's solemn voice sounded next to him.

Looking back, I saw that Huiming, who was beaten by Chu Rao, came to the field with embarrassed bloodstains, reciting Buddhism in his mouth and making seals with his hands, trying to suppress Chu Rao.


Chu Rao's face sank, his sleeves waved, Huiming's body flew out like a broken kite, crashing a building, and the smoke was full, but soon Huiming rushed out of the dust like Xiaoqiang who could not be beaten to death. , Continue to use his confession skills.

Lu Chen: "..."

Lu Chen's heart is really tired, and this guy is also unreliable.

However, Lu Chen discovered that Huiming was unreliable. He was shot three times by a great emperor, and he still had the strength to run out and perform acrobatics. A supreme stalwart resisted the emperor’s three attacks, indicating that his physical body was Really being big, of course, this has something to do with Chu Rao's uselessness.

If Chu Rao used all his strength, Huiming would never have the opportunity to continue to tease him.

Lu Chen sighed, his figure flashed, his figure burst out, and he instantly appeared in front of Chu Rao.

When Chu Rao saw that Lu Chen still wanted to shoot him, there was a deep ridicule in his eyes. A certain Tianzun actually dared to shoot him. Could it be because of the phenomenon of human-to-human transmission in front of the tantric heirs with abnormal brains? As a result, his brain became abnormal.

Lu Chen didn't say anything, a thick and continuous force of rules gushed out of his body.

Chu Rao's expression suddenly changed, because he realized that he could not release the power of the avenue, the surrounding space was filled with the power of rules, and his avenue was suppressed.

"How could it be?" Chu Rao's expression on his face was shocked, mixed with a trace of fear.

Because if the power of the great avenue cannot be released, he is the fish on the chopping board, which can be slaughtered.

Lu Chen's current advantage is that his realm is only the emperor, any great emperor would underestimate himself, let him get close and take the lead in calmly.

This trick has been tried repeatedly, and many people have suffered.

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