My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1075: Exposed

"Break for me"

Chu Rao roared with a frantic expression, and there was a violent roar in his body, like a violent wave. This is the power of the Dao trembling, and he wants to break out of his body. However, he is suppressed by Lu Chen's rules, and he can't get out of his body. Come.

Chu Rao's heart was full of shock. What kind of monster is this young man in front of him. He used rules to suppress his avenue. He has lived for endless years and is the first time he has encountered something beyond his cognition.

It is too shocking for the rulers to oppose restraint.

Lu Chen didn't bother to pay attention to the other party, and directly abolished the cultivation base and threw it into the ring.

A crisis was easily resolved by Lu Chen.

"Benefactor, you are really amazing" next to Huiming, watching Lu Chen said.

Suddenly, Huiming's face changed, he spouted a mouthful of blood, his eyes quickly dimmed, his body swayed, and finally he fell limp.

Lu Chen flew in front of Huiming, took out a pill and gave it to him.

This guy resisted Chu Rao's three attacks. Although it was just a casual wave of attacks, it was enough to cause Huiming to be seriously injured or even killed. At this moment, Huiming was a bit unable to hold on, his eyes became loose, and his face was also grayed to death. Italy is enveloped.

"Benefactor...I...I'm going to die, I must be me find...the thousandth-generation descendant of Tantra, the inheritance of Tantra, no...not me It's broken here, no...otherwise face...Go down and see the master" Huiming said intermittently, like a gossamer.

"You should stay alive, don't think of pitfalls," Lu Chen said silently.

Lu Chen felt that the Sect Master of the Tantric Sect was a big pit, pitting the descendants behind.

"En...Benefactor...I understand my situation, I know that time is running out, but the Conferred God Technique is really the number one exercise in the world, can't..." Huiming said here, and I can't go on. , A strange look on his face.

Huiming just felt that he was not far from death, but unfortunately there was no arrangement for the funeral, that is, he did not find the thousandth-generation heir, and he didn’t have the face to meet the descendants of Tantric Buddhism. But he felt wrong when he said it, because the more he said The smoother the conversation, there is a warm current in the body, which is quickly repairing the wound.

Huiming showed a look of surprise: "Benefactor, you saved my life again."

Huiming immediately patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, benefactor, this time is just an accident. When I practice the Conferred God Technique, the next time I meet the emperor, I will surely suppress it."

Lu Chen didn't speak, got up and left.

When the Kang clan, it has been half a month since Chu Rao left the fortress to go to the ancient city of Ming. According to reason, Chu Rao should have returned long ago, but why didn't they come back? Did they feel that Chu Rao had an accident.

First, Chu Rao's soul card is intact and not broken.

Second, Emperor Churao's perfect cultivation level cannot be won by Emperor Xtreme, unless the Holy Emperor comes forward, but this is impossible, and it is impossible for the Dark Blood Python family to pull down and use the strong Saint Emperor to deal with Chu Rao.

Inside a mansion.

Chu Tao's grandfather looked very gloomy, and there were still a few people sitting next to him. Although they knew that Chu Rao was okay, but if he didn't come back one day, his chest was like a big stone, which was very uncomfortable.

"There is only one possibility now, that is, Mingju sits in the ancient city of Mingju, Chu Rao went to ask someone, and was suppressed by Mingju," someone said after a while.

"Mingju was promoted to the emperor realm with Wang Zun back then. He is an extreme emperor. Chu Rao is indeed no opponent, but logically speaking, even if Chu Rao is not an opponent, he should be able to come back. How could he be suppressed?" Another voice sounded, full of doubts.

The Xtreme Great Emperor enters the Emperor Realm with Wang Zun, which is indeed much stronger than the ordinary emperor, but if an Xtreme Great Emperor wants to suppress the Emperor Realm and imprison him, he should not be able to do so.

"Mingju is so capable, he can suppress Chu Rao, he is probably already on the way to spy on the origin of the avenue" Grandpa Chu murmured, then looked at the two people below and said, "You two go, Ming Even if Ju is against the sky, it is impossible to suppress the two of them."

"Yes.." The two named stood up and responded slightly.

"Tell Mingju, if you don't want to cause a war between the two royal clans, let Chu Rao and Chu Tao. If he wants compensation, give him a little bit. If the lion speaks loudly, come back immediately," Grandpa Chu Tao said.

The two stretched out their hands, tearing the space and leaving.

However, these two people were also gone forever. There was no news. Now the old man could not sit still. He stood up and looked into the distance. His whole body released an extremely cold breath, making the people around him feel the bone cold. meaning.

Being both in the Great Emperor Realm, it was obvious that the oppressive power of the old man exceeded them too much.

"There must be someone next to Mingju to help him. With Mingju's strength, there is no way to capture them." The old man said coldly, and then said coldly: "It seems that I want to go there in person."

After the old man finished speaking, the monstrous and terrifying breath bloomed, making the surrounding space full of depression, as if it had solidified.

The people around looked at the old man in awe. This old man was the first person under the royal family's holy emperor, the invincible emperor with advanced emperor. He has been immersed in the realm of the emperor for more than 100,000 years and has successfully touched the level of the origin of Tao. It is a half-step holy emperor.

After that, the old man stepped on his feet and disappeared in place.

The old man soon came to the ancient city of Ming, standing in the sky, the extremely powerful atmosphere of the great avenue was released from him, covering the ancient city of Ming, at this moment, everyone shivered under the breath of the old man, countless people looked at the city lord mansion in amazement, The body trembled slightly.

They can feel that this breath is terrifying, and the same breath belongs to the Dangkang clan.

They are just making a fuss, how did they provoke such a terrifying existence.

The old man's divine consciousness swept through the vast city lord mansion, and the three of them were also found, but his extremely tyrannical divine consciousness immediately pierced the trio's receiving ring.

Then, the old man seemed to be irritated, his eyes were cracked, his beard and hair were stretched, like an angry beast, the momentum of anger was like a tsunami, boiling around him and spreading out.


On the ground, one building after another was turned into ruins, the ground cracked open, and numerous huge cracks appeared. The scene was terrifying.

The old man has already seen the five people imprisoned in Najie, his grandson, plus the three great emperors sent out, and Mingju. What made him even more angry was that all the five people had been abolished and became useless.

The old man suddenly realized that this was a conspiracy, and someone was using the identity of a follower of Mingju to make trouble.

"Little beast, die for me"

The old man couldn't help the anger in his heart anymore, the monstrous power in his body burst out, turning into a palm of the road, covering the sky and the sun, the energy was surging, and he fell on the building where Lu Chen was.

In fact, when the old man's divine mind scanned, Lu Chen noticed the incoming person.

The incoming breath is extremely strong, far beyond the imprisoned several great emperors, even if the incoming person is not the holy emperor, I am afraid he is close to the holy emperor.

When the opponent's big palm print fell, Lu Chen's figure flickered and he drew away.

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