My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1076: Invincible Emperor

The palm prints of the avenue were bright and dazzling, covering the sky and obscuring the sun, exuding the atmosphere of ruining the sky and the earth, falling from the sky, the city lord's mansion could not withstand the pressure, collapsed and turned into ruins.

Smoke and dust billowed all around.

The aftermath of the avenue spread, spreading over Lu Chen's body at an extremely fast speed. In an instant, the blood in Lu Chen's body boiled, his throat was sweet, and there was a faint urge to vomit blood.

"Puff puff"

Not far away, two figures did not have Lu Chen's good fortune. After being swept by the aftermath of the avenue, they immediately vomited blood and flew upside down for a distance of several kilometers.

These two people are naturally Xu Qingyao and Huiming.

Lu Chen didn't care about the two of them, because he was too busy to take care of himself. The beaten-out old man's breath was so powerful that he was the strongest emperor he had ever encountered, and he might have stepped into the realm of the holy emperor with half his foot.

Revealing his identity in advance and being spotted by the sky demon made Lu Chen feel miscalculated.

Because in his calculations, the Heavenly Demon royal family has a great cause, two or three great emperors are missing, and the soul card has not been broken, it should not be detected so quickly. He never thought of coming for the third time, so he came to a tiger. . ’

Lu Chen didn't know that the old man in front of him was Chu Tao's grandfather. He didn't care at first. Whoever thought that the emperor sent twice was missing, naturally aroused his vigilance, and now he came personally.

The old man stood in the air, exuding terrifying pressure, and the surrounding space was filled with a terrible depressive aura. A pair of old sharp eyes fell on Lu Chen, and his eyes breathed fire, as if they had turned into substance.

"You can suppress the emperor in a small amount of heaven." After a little while, the old man spoke with a hint of shock in his tone.

Yes, even if he was the Invincible Emperor, he was shocked in his heart. Originally, he thought that the person sent out was suppressed by Mingju, but who had thought that it was not Mingju, and Mingju also became a victim.

The old man couldn't figure out how one Tianzun could suppress three or four great emperors.

"However, even if you can suppress the emperor, that's it," the old man said with a confident tone, standing with his hand in his hand.

Although this young man can suppress the emperor, how can he be an ordinary emperor, the opponent is definitely not his opponent.

"Don't be afraid of the benefactor, the little monk will help you." Before Lu Chen had time to speak, an arrogant word came. Not far away, Huiming, covered in blood, rushed in stride, surrounded by Buddha's light, and appeared behind his head. A few circles of peaceful Foli aura, as if to ascend to heaven.

Lu Chen was speechless, this guy was really unbeatable Xiaoqiang, and the pressure of the Invincible Great didn't shake him to death.

"Take him away" Lu Chen said angrily.

Xu Qingyao shot and imprisoned Huiming with rules. He walked away from the distance. Along the way, Huiming yelled and shouted: "Let go of me, I will fight side by side with my benefactor."

The old man glanced at the two who had left, and did not stop him, because all his anger was focused on the young man in front of him, who abolished his grandson and the three great emperors in the clan.

He decided to take this young man back, to ask his secrets, and then to get rid of the soul, tortured for thousands of years, in order to eliminate the hatred in his heart.

"Young people, self-defeating cultivation, can still suffer a little less sin," the old man said indifferently, stepping forward, and the whole body was full of blue light, a great power spread out, forming a field, and trapping Lu Chen in the middle .

Being besieged in the area of ​​the avenue, Lu Chen was not only not afraid, but full of fighting spirit.

Because he has not played against the Invincible Emperor.


A stern look flashed in the old man's eyes, stretched out his palm, and snapped a snap across the air. In the domain, a cyan handprint appeared, snapped to Lu Chen's neck, and then squeezed it forcefully.

As soon as the elder started his hands, Lu Chen felt that the space had disappeared, and all the rules and attributes contained in it had disappeared. There was no other power that could be used besides the great power that the elder mastered.

Lu Chen's body shook slightly, releasing his regular power, and the space suddenly let out a dull loud noise, and the cyan handprints that grasped Lu Chen cracked every inch and became invisible.

The old man narrowed his eyes when he saw this scene. At this time, he was 100% sure that the other party had suppressed the four great emperors.

What kind of cultivation technique the other party cultivates can actually contend with the power of the Great Dao. If you learn this kind of cultivation technique, wouldn't it be able to compete with the holy emperor? If you step into the emperor, wouldn't even the demon **** be an opponent?

Thinking of this, the old man's eyes burst out with a hot light, which is a kind of greed.

Lu Chen released the power of rules, rumbling, and the violent power in his body broke out, tearing open the surrounding avenues. At the same time, an incomparable rule spread out, covering the entire field, wanting to turn away.

"A strong rule"

The old man woke up, felt the fluctuation of the rules, and immediately showed a look of surprise.

Logically speaking, in the Dao domain, the controller should be invincible. Unless it encounters an existence of the same level, the domain will lose its effect. Now the young man in front of him has broken his Dao domain with the power of rules. Occupying the magpie's nest, this shocked the old man.

"Suppress me," the old man screamed, and his whole body emitted a brilliant light to enhance the firmness of the avenue field. If he was an invincible emperor who was counter-controlled by the rules, he would have no face to live in the world.

The old man's mouth spouted a mouthful of blood, and a spear was intertwined with the cyan light. The whole body was bright, like a cast of immortal gold, the spear's sharp pointed, exuding peerless killing.

"Haha, let's see how you stop it" the old man let out a cheerful laugh.

Although he fought against a Celestial Realm, the old man didn’t keep his hands. He came up with a powerful peculiar skill. The peculiar skill he displayed was the most powerful divine art of the Kang clan, even if he was a powerful saint. To the effect, blood will splatter the sky.

It should be easy to kill a Heavenly Venerable now.

Lu Chen stared at the cyan spear, as if locked by a wild beast, it was chilling, his eyes suddenly became unstoppable, and the terrifying sword power accumulated around him, swallowing strands of sharp edges.

The cyan spear trembled, exuding a peerless sharp, swish, pierced through the void and shot towards Lu Chen.

Lu Chen's whole body was covered with sharp meanings, his palms stretched forward, cutting open the area of ​​the road, his body turned into a light and shadow, avoiding the fatal blow of the old man.

The old man saw Lu Chen tear his main road, his eyes became somber and terrifying.

After avoiding the old man's attack, Lu Chen directly rushed towards the latter, and two sword intent vortexes appeared in his palm, filled with powerful strangling power.

"court death"

Seeing Lu Chen attacking him, the old man flashed a coldness in his eyes. He stretched out his palm to meet the enemy, his fingers glowed, the lines of the avenue appeared, and his strength was extremely strong.


The two sides fought hard, and there was a dull loud noise from the sky and the earth, like a star exploding, followed by the sound of broken bones, and a figure flying upside down.

The person who flew out was naturally Lu Chen.

Because the power contained in the Invincible Emperor's palm print is beyond his might.

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