My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1090: Melt instantly

"Phantom Yue Army, retreat speed"

With a solemn expression in Xu Yuan's eyes, he eagerly roared at the Yue Jun.

Although the Huai Yue army has tens of thousands of people, it is also the most powerful elite in the master's hands, but it has not yet grown up. Most of the soldiers are in the Celestial Realm, and only a few leaders have reached the Emperor Realm.

But in front of absolute power, the emperor couldn't see enough.

Moreover, they had a foothold in Ningzhou and couldn't recruit potential seeds at all. Even if they had, they would have been divided up by all the Sky Demon races.

This regretful Yue army is a subordinate brought by the Lord from the mountains and seas, and is also the most loyal subordinate. It is possible that all of them will become the emperor in the future. At that time, the status of the Lord will be infinitely elevated, and it will truly be called a hero.

Now, this group of Huan Yue army, which has not yet grown up, has a crisis of annihilation.

"The Power of Saint Emperor"

Yang Xingwen felt the terrifying power from Lu Chen's expression, his inner mood was just the opposite of Xu Yuan's, his eyes suddenly brightened, he was ecstatic.

Because the breath that diffused out was not weaker than the breath of his peak period.

Originally, his heart was full of pressure, because the cultivation base had not been restored to the peak. In addition to Xu Yuan who was fighting against him, there were two or more powerhouses of the Saint Emperor around him, plus the factor that Xiang Jibei might be unreliable.

And he is likely to die here, and now, seeing Lu Chen burst out of the power of the Saint Emperor, he is equivalent to one more powerful at the top of the Saint Emperor.

In the void, there are several fuzzy figures standing in the Saint Emperor Realm and the Great Emperor Realm. They did not participate in the war, but it is not that they are proud of their hearts and are unwilling to win with more than less. In fact, they are standing in the dark looking for flaws and launching at the critical moment. A fatal blow.

But when seeing the monstrous power of Lu Chen, the two Saint Emperor powerhouses immediately burst into dazzling brilliance, and the spirit power around them was boiling fiercely, and the vastness was like the sea, accompanied by the terrifying scene of the road shaking, lightning and thunder.

One of the figures is straight, with sharp eyes, and the pupils evolve with a rhyme, and then shoot out two pupils, like the divine light of the beginning, exuding the meaning of peerless sharpness, penetrating towards Lu Chen's body.

The people around him raised their palms, and the Dao Sanskrit sound rumbled, shaking the heavens and the earth. Immediately, a luminous giant palm appeared on Lu Chen's head, carrying an extremely powerful force, and quickly suppressed it.

"Remember, the person who killed you came from the world of mountains and seas, called Lu Chen." Lu Chen looked at the scared Yue Jun in front of him, his lips moved slightly, and said in a silent tone.

The tens of thousands of Yue Army's eyes showed fear. They were locked in by this surging weather and couldn't even move bullets.

As for Lu Chen's words, although he didn't say it, he could be clearly distinguished by his tone.

This young man who draws a bow unexpectedly comes from the world of mountains and seas.

how can that be.

Lu Chen released his arm, and a terrifying beam of light lased out. Wherever he went, the surrounding space quickly collapsed, annihilating nothingness, and then exploded in the Yue army.


The arrows exploded like a round of scorching sun, and there was a loud noise that smashed the eardrums, and the dazzling brilliance flooded everything, and tens of thousands of Yue troops were covered, and it looked like a beautiful firework in full bloom.

The brilliance that the arrow exploded and erupted was extremely terrifying, not only terrifying in power, but also exuding scorching heat, the world seemed to be a melting pot, melting everything between the world and the earth.

Those Huai Yue troops shrouded in glory did not even have time to scream, their bodies were evaporated by the terrifying high temperature, and even no blood was left behind.

A terrifying scorching storm spread, raging across the sky and the earth, the heat wave rolled, and many people were directly lifted by the aftermath, spurting blood from their mouths and noses.

When the bright light dissipated, the tens of thousands of Yue Jun completely disappeared from this world.

Lu Chen didn't care about Yue Jun's casualties, such as how many people died, and whether all of them died. Anyway, the second he released his hand, he immediately activated the Six World Pearl Guard.

Because of the warning signs in the heart and the feeling of heartbeat, two terrible attacks came.

Six fist-sized cyan beads flew around his body, and Lu Chen quickly covered his body with a cyan light curtain.


Two terrifying divine lights bombarded the cyan light curtain, and the circles on the cyan light curtain flowed, easily blocking the two eyes.


A giant palm contained monstrous destructive power, suppressing the top of Lu Chen's head, and patted Lu Chen's body, but it was completely blocked by the cyan light curtain, offsetting the power carried by the giant palm.

The two attacks carrying the power of the ultimate holy emperor dissipated, but Lu Chen stood intact, and the six beads on his body rotated. It seemed that there was nothing at all, but it was not the case.


Lu Chen felt severely deficient in energy and blood, dizzy, shaking his body, and there was a possibility of falling down at any time.

After Lu Chen urged the bow of the years, he immediately urged the Six Realm Bead Protector. The two magic artifacts of the creation realm were energized one after another, almost exhausting his physical strength. Although it was blocked, Lu Chen didn't have the idea to stop. , Quickly took out a few pills to restore strength.


People around saw that Lu Chen was intact, and their faces were shocked and shocked.

Whether they were released from the prison, the people from Ningfu, and the two powerful saint emperors who took the shot, their eyes were fixed on Lu Chen, and there was a slight wave in his heart.

They couldn't figure out, where did the latter come from so many powerful treasures?

The other party first urged a bow and exploded with a peerless blow from the top of the holy emperor, destroying the entire Jianyue legion, and then six beads appeared on the body, forming a cyan light curtain protecting body, easily blocking the attack of the two great holy emperors.

Whether it is an offensive treasure that can erupt on the summit of the Holy Emperor, or a defensive treasure that can block the attacks of the two Holy Emperors, it is not a common magic weapon.

A bold idea appeared in everyone's mind.

At least.... It's a Celestial Device.

At least Tianzun urged the holy emperor weapon, the ultimate power of the holy emperor weapon could not erupt.

One Tianzun, two Tiandi artifacts?

Thinking of this, everyone's eyes were full of shocked expressions, and their bodies trembled slightly.

Who is this young man sacred? Why does he possess two Heavenly Emperor artifacts? Even if the Heavenly Emperor sees it, he will be jealous, because many Heavenly Emperors do not have treasures that match the realm.

"Kill him, Min Cheng, Liao Ding, what are you guys doing? Kill him?" Xu Yuan's angry roar came from a distance. He stared at Lu Chen with blood red eyes, full of blood, and his expression was extremely sad. , Mixed with a strong killing intent.

The tens of thousands of Yuan Yue's army were completely melted by the opponent with one arrow, and among the dead, there were his heirs. This was also the reason for Xu Yuan's roar.

Hearing Xu Yuan's roar, Min Cheng and Liao Ding, who had attacked Lu Chen, immediately reacted. Two terrifying eyes fell on Lu Chen's body, and immediately came next to Lu Chen. The power of the great avenue spread out, filling every inch of space.

They sealed the space with the power of the avenue, trying to restrain Lu Chen.

However, Lu Chen disappeared directly and appeared in the world of void particles.

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