My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1091: Should be dead

"Void Rules"

Seeing Lu Chen disappear, the two of them couldn't help but have an angry look on their faces. How can this **** little ant be so annoying? Besides possessing two magic weapons that are suspected to be the Emperor of Heaven, how can they understand the rules of the void.

As we all know, the rule of the void is recognized as the first rule of escape. The opponent has the rule of the void, and the chance of trying to catch him is very small.

"I don't believe it, I can't catch you" Min Cheng's expression was full of irritation, and he growled very annoyed. If the two of them can't even catch a Tianzun, then they will definitely laugh and be laughed at. .

The two looked at each other and understood each other's thoughts. In the next moment, both opened the avenue domain, forming a domain on its own, and the two domains were superimposed.

In this way, even if the opponent enters the world of void particles, they are still in their realm, and they can never break their realm.

As long as they sense a little breath, and then cause the space to collapse, they can shake him out of the world of void particles.

The two men stretched out their spiritual minds, searched carefully, and soon felt a wisp of breath, a sharp expression flashed in their eyes, and they raised their palms and patted them in a certain direction.


Two terrible palm prints exploded in the air, and there was a dull loud bang. The space was shattered by the two, accompanied by a black hole, and a terrifying storm was blowing inside.

With this, they took a stunned glance and saw Lu Chen's figure, flashing away at the edge of the black hole.

"Bang Bang Bang"

The two kept waving their palms, causing black holes to appear one after another in the domain.

In the world of void particles, Lu Chen was miserable. If he hadn't been blocked by the Dao Realm, it would be even more difficult for Guangguang to capture his aura by relying on the divine will of the Saint Emperor and the strong, not to mention that he is almost exhausted now, it will inevitably be Leak a trace of breath.

He ran wildly and exploded continuously behind him. The energy was surging and the aftermath spread, and he almost hit him several times.

However, even though he did not hit him, he was still shocked with blood and blood, and his eyes went dark, showing signs of fainting.

Lu Chen bit the tip of his tongue and used his little spiritual power to activate Lingyin's robe.

This magic weapon can conceal the breath, make the breath disappear without a trace, and also prevent the world will from attacking. It is of the same nature as Ximen Yu's Dzi Bead, but it is much higher than the Dzi Bead.

Sure enough, as Lu Chen urged Lingyin's robe, the two Saint Emperor powerhouses couldn't perceive any aura.

The two of them frowned, and then a sneer appeared at the corners of their mouths. Did the other person think they could hide in this way? They were in their domain like a lamb to be slaughtered.

They also knew that the other party had a lot of treasures, but what about that, they didn't believe that a Tianzun martial artist had the physical strength to continuously spur magic weapons.

If possible, the opponent will not enter the world of void particles.

The two of them squeezed their fists, their minds moved, and at the same time they collapsed the avenue area.

Rumble, I saw a continuous explosion in the area of ​​the avenue, and the area covered by the area collapsed at the same moment, like a firecracker.

At the same time, a terrifying scene appeared, where the two of them were, the space exploded in the first place, and numerous large voids appeared.

They didn't believe it anymore, they broke the avenue, burst the realm, and couldn't kill a Tianzun.

But this time, I'm afraid the two will really be disappointed.

When Lu Chen collapsed in the domain, he noticed something wrong. He appeared next to the domain barrier and saw the barrier cracked. A terrifying aura spreading around him, his body flickered, he drilled directly out of the crack, and disappeared. Without a trace.

After escaping the area of ​​the avenue, the two would not be able to lock him.

Lu Chen felt very weak now, at least he had to knock dozens of pills and cultivate for a few minutes to recover.

As for the anti-human beings released by him, he doesn't care, it's dead or alive, it's up to fate.

And whether Yang Xingwen could fight the hunting and siege of several holy emperors, he didn't have time to take care of it. After all, his life was the first. If the opponent was still alive after a few minutes, he wouldn't mind continuing to fight.

If he died, then he would sneak away.

Lu Chen fled in the world of void particles, heading towards the depths of Ning Mansion.

As the saying goes, the most dangerous place is the safest place.

The realm was shattered and the surrounding area turned into a land of annihilation. Except for Min Cheng and Liao Ding, there were no living things.

At the moment when the two holy emperors collapsed from the realm, their divine minds shrouded the boundless space and concentrated on them, for fear of missing the slightest bit of strangeness.

The surrounding black cracks lasted for half a minute before dissipating, and the devastating aura slowly disappeared.

The two looked at each other, and both saw the doubt in their eyes.

Because from the collapse of the realm to the recovery as usual, I didn't feel the slightest movement.

"do you died"

"It should be dead"


"Not so sure"

The two holy emperors exchanged their eyes, and the results of the discussion were speechless.

If they hadn't seen the metamorphosis of the Tianzun Ant, they would not even bother to discuss how terrifying the power of the collapse of the two domains is, enough to severely injure the powerhouse on the top of the holy emperor, this is the superimposed dual domain power.

But now, they really dare not guarantee 100% that the other party is dead.

Because of that kid, there are too many treasures.

Moreover, the surrounding area was annihilated just now, and the opponent's body was not seen.

Not only did he not see the corpse, but he didn't even feel a breath.

"Should not die, but suffered a serious internal injury, and will not be able to recover within decades or hundreds of years."

The two finally discussed the final result. They agreed that the other party was not dead, but they were definitely injured and could not recover after hundreds of years.

Why the two of them are so sure? It's because the other party has activated the Celestial Artifact twice before.

The martial artist of the Celestial Realm urged the Emperor's weapon to explode the super power of the Saint Emperor's pinnacle.

The opponent can push twice, which should be the limit. They believe that the opponent can push the third time to resist the collapsed field. It is estimated that it is also forcibly overdrawing the body's potential, draining life, etc., so the opponent has not recovered for hundreds of years. Definition.

"Min Cheng, Liao Ding, did you kill that person?" At this moment, an urgent shout came from a distance, Xu Yuan's voice.

The two looked back and saw that Xu Yuan was beaten by Yang Xingwen.

Although the scope of the two people's fighting was in Xu Yuan's domain, Xu Yuan couldn't restrain Yang Xingwen.

Yang Xingwen's body bloomed with blood-colored light, two blood dragons entwined, and the roar of the dragon shook the world and blessed his combat power.

Yang Xingwen's expression was relaxed, his fists waved, and his fist imprints were incomparable. Xu Yuan's body broke apart and he vomited blood.

Xu Yuan was beaten back and down, and was at a serious disadvantage. His body was almost torn apart. There were countless big cracks in the area where the ribs were raised, as if they would be broken at any time.

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