My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1109: Skyrocketing merit


The city was as quiet as it used to be. In the past few years, there was no battle with the sky demon, which made everyone feel a lot relaxed, but there was a very strange thing inside.

First of all, there is a mysterious man in Jiecheng. The jade brand of military exploits is 666666. According to the one who stepped on Jiecheng later, the greater the number of jade medals, it is inferred that the person who owns this jade medal should be a freshman from Shang Jiecheng, but this The man's combat merits rushed into the top ten with a rocket-like rising speed.

Everyone felt skeptical about this merit value, and always felt that it was fake.

A fresh new in the upper realm city, most of them are in the supreme realm, how could it be possible to get so much combat merit.

They almost searched for people, but did not find the owner of this jade brand.

In addition, in the past few years, the masters of the jade brand have been increasing in combat merits, and finally occupy the first place in the contribution list with more than 140 million combat merits.

This merit value dazzled everyone in the city, and was more than twenty times that of senior Qi Haochang, the number one in the former contribution list.

What is the concept of over 140 million combat merits? One great emperor counts one hundred thousand combat merits, which is equivalent to killing 1,400 great emperors.

how can that be...

Where in the Sky Demon Realm there are so many great emperors to kill people.

In other words, get rid of the fourteen holy emperors.

This is even more impossible, how easy is it to kill a Saint Emperor strong, and in Xiaojie City, the demon of the Saint Emperor rank can't cross the boundary.

This combat merit value was obviously fraudulent, because there was no battle with the sky demon, and the combat merit value could not be increased. Everyone in the city was speechless and did not understand why someone cheated on the combat merit value. Is this interesting?

Even Qi Haochang, the number one powerhouse in the city, felt false and outrageous.

But he didn't feel that it was all fake in his heart, because he learned from Ruan Chenshuang that the owner of the jade brand 666666 was Lu Chen, and the latter was the disciple of Da Meng Tian.

And in the past few years, I have disappeared, and I don't know where I went.

Qi Haochang felt that Lu Chen should have left this world city and went to other world cities to fight against the sky demon, so that his combat merits increased sharply.

According to Lu Chen's realm, it shouldn't be difficult to increase the combat merit by several million, 10 million, but the combat merit has soared to more than 140 million, which is a bit fake.

It’s so difficult that Meng Tian Nu helped cheat. I want my apprentice to exchange treasures in Dong Huang Space. It shouldn’t be. Dong Huang Space was established by Da Meng Tian Nv. What the apprentice wants, just let me know. Why should I do this? Kind of something to cover up.

Ruan Chenshuang, Lu Chen's senior sister, had the same idea as Qi Haochang.

She was sure that the merits were true, and just like Qi Haochang guessed, Lu Chen should have gone to another world city.

But they couldn't think of breaking their heads, Lu Chen went to the Sky Demon Realm.

Jiecheng Square.

A group of people stared closely at the contribution list, and saw that someone's combat merit instantly soared by hundreds of thousands.

"Look at it, the merit value of the meeting has skyrocketed again"

"No, you see, this time, Emperor Xu Qingyao's military merits have skyrocketed, almost approaching two million."

At this time, everyone was completely puzzled. If the merit of the jade brand 666666 soared, they would not think anything, because the other party had cheated to more than 100 million, and it was reasonable to continue cheating.

But this time, it was Emperor Xu Qingyao who had skyrocketed in combat merit.

On the square's contribution list, the news of the skyrocketing merits was once again spread, causing countless people to come here to watch them, their eyes fixed on the fast-jumping numbers.

If the value of the Jade brand 666666 has skyrocketed, everyone will not find it novel and will not watch it, but this time it is Xu Qingyao who has skyrocketed in value, which makes people confused.


A young man and an old man came here.

"I have seen the city lord"

"Meet General Luo"

When everyone saw the two coming, they immediately saluted respectfully.

The young man was Luo Shaoyu and Xu Qingyao's suitor, and the old man was Qi Haochang, the city's lord. They rushed over when they got the news, and they were slightly confused when they saw the number that kept jumping.

After that, the two men stretched out and enveloped Jiecheng, and their faces suddenly showed shocked expressions, because they did not perceive Xu Qingyao's breath in Jiecheng.

In other words, Xu Qingyao was not in Jiecheng.

Where did Xu Qingyao go?

Everyone stared closely at Xu Qingyao's combat merit, and soon broke through two million, moving towards 3 million, in less than five minutes, crossed the three million combat merit level, and marched towards four million. .

Everyone look at me, I look at you.

Obviously, Xu Qingyao is now fighting with the sky demon.

About five minutes later, Xu Qingyao's combat merits exceeded 4 million. Then, the jade brand, which contributed to the top of the list, also soared by more than 2 million, but compared with the total combat merits of more than 140 million, The increase of two million jumps is not large.

It took another five minutes before the merit value stopped increasing.


Lu Chen entered the mountain and sea realm smoothly, and flew towards the boundary city. When Lu Chen entered the mountain and sea realm, several peerless beauties who were all over the country and the city suddenly felt his feelings. Breath, got up almost at the same time and rushed towards Lu Chen's position.

"Hey, why is it a bit cold?" Lu Chen, who was on his way, suddenly shuddered.

Lu Chen glanced back and looked suspicious. He was now back in the range of the mountain and sea realm, and even the demon **** couldn't attack him across the realm.

But why did he feel a chill, as if something unknown was about to happen.

"Strange things" Lu Chen let out a long breath and shook his head. It should be his illusion.

Lu Chen hurried on the road, and after a while, the outline of a city appeared in his sight, and it was the boundary city he was staying in.

Lu Chen came to the bottom of the city, but there was a large formation of the city, unable to get in.

"Who are you?" Several guards appeared on the wall, staring at Lu Chen with alert, but when they saw Lu Chen's face, a strange color appeared in their eyes.

"Hurry up and open the barrier," Lu Chen said, looking at them, "I don't have a demon spirit."

"Open when you say open"

"Who knows if you are a traitor"

Several people on the wall said yin and yang strangely, with a disdainful sneer on their faces.

The man below was Lu Chen, who was very upset by the general.

It just happened to be their turn to be on duty, so why should they embarrass the other side to vent their anger to the general.

However, how many people know the consequences of embarrassing Lu Chen.

Their words immediately angered Lu Chen, and finally returned from the Sky Demon Realm. The people in Jiecheng dared to shut him out, and there was no extra nonsense, urging the Sword of Slaughter, and blasting a golden sword intent. Immediately descended on the enchantment.


The barrier was torn by the golden sword intent and a crack was made.

"Enemy Attack, Enemy Attack"

Several people obviously didn't expect that Lu Chen was so bold and dared to attack the formation. After a little dazed, he roared in anger.

Lu Chen's figure flashed, and he flew in directly, his palm stretched out, and he pressed down on several people.

Puff puff!

Several people vomited blood, their bones were broken, and their faces showed extreme pain.

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