My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1110: Penzilu

"Who is trespassing into the city"

In the distance, more than a dozen people flew over.

There are hundreds of thousands of people in the city, and it is easy to hear the movement. More than a dozen people rushed to the first place. In the distance, there was a bright emperor rising to the sky, and a strong emperor was alarmed and came here quickly.


Lu Chen watched these people cast their spells and attacked him. He gave a cold shout, and the power in his body emerged violently, with rules like waves, wave after wave.

Puff puff!

A group of people vomited blood in mid-air, and then fell from the air.

Lu Chen's figure flashed, and he walked towards the first few guards, grabbed someone by the throat, and said coldly, "Who told you not to open the barrier for me."

"I, I don't know what you're talking about." The face of the man whose throat was strangled was pale, and his eyes were full of fear.

Obviously, they underestimated Lu Chen's strength and courage. They were also a number of Heavenly Sovereigns, but in Lu Chen's hands, they were similar to the ants, and they were beaten internally by the first encounter.


In the distance, a thunderous trembling heaven and earth, on the sky, brilliant golden divine brilliance gleamed, converging into a golden palm, accompanied by surging power, smashed towards Lu Chen's head fiercely.

The person who shoots, the stomach is bright on his body, the heroic is extraordinary, and he is an extremely cold young emperor realm powerhouse.

Lu Chen recognized each other and had dinner with Xu Qingyao.

And Luo Shaoyu also recognized Lu Chen. Since the guy interrupted him and Xu Qingyao for dinner, he suddenly disappeared. Not only did he disappear, but Xu Qingyao also disappeared. Luo Shaoyu felt that the two disappeared, there must be some connection.

I was unhappy with Lu Chen, but now I saw that the other party wounded the disciple of Shangxiao Tiangong, my heart burned with anger, without saying anything, he did it directly, with a hint of killing intent.

Following Luo Shaoyu's move, a large number of figures appeared around him. A few of them had a strong aura and surrounded them with the aura of great avenues. Obviously, they were all powerful in the emperor realm.

These people are all high-end combat power in Jiecheng.

In addition to the emperor realm, there are thousands of celestial beings, and the surrounding water can't get through.

Lu Chen glanced at the golden palm on top of his head, his face expressionless, his whole body circulated regularly, forming a defensive shield. When the golden palm fell on Lu Chen carrying the power of the avenue, it collided with the defensive shield, and the space made a dull loud noise. , Heaven and Earth seemed to tremble.

However, when the golden palm dissipated, Lu Chen stood still intact.

When the people around saw this scene, their eyes were different, the other party could even block Luo Shaoyu's attack, and there was no ass.

Who is this strange young man.

Most of the people present didn't know Lu Chen, because there was no chance of contact. After all, Lu Chen came to Jiecheng for a few days, stayed in a simple place, and then disappeared without knowing it, and went to the Sky Demon Realm.

Now Lu Chen's face can truly appear in the public eye.

Luo Shaoyu's face was gloomy, and there were surprises in his eyes. Obviously he hadn't expected that Lu Chen would be able to block his attack, nothing happened.

According to his thoughts, Lu Chen would be seriously injured even if he did not die.

"You **** trash emperor, who gave you the courage to shoot at me, and even showed me murderous intentions. I can't take care of myself if I don't beat you today. I don't believe in Lu." Lu Chen was rude to Luo Shaoyu. , After finishing speaking, his figure flashed, and he went directly to Luo Shaoyu.

"What a big temper"

"What an arrogant Tianzun"

When the people around saw Lu Chen walking away from Luo Shaoyu, their hearts were cold. They swore that this was definitely the most arrogant Heavenly Venerable ever, and he took the initiative to attack the Great Emperor.

And then, the words are even more arrogant and boundless.

He is only a god, but he yells at the emperor for trash, this is not what arrogance is.

Luo Shaoyu's face flushed when he heard Lu Chen's swearing. It was the first time he was sprayed with dog blood, and he saw how powerful the spray was.

But Lu Chen's search for death was just what he wanted.

In this way, he can continue to shoot.

However, when a strong rule enveloped him, Luo Shaoyu's face changed drastically, and fear grew in his heart. Soon, a huge fist appeared and hit his eyes hard.


Luo Shaoyu suddenly let out a scream, feeling that his eyes were about to burst.

Immediately afterwards, the other eye was also struck, and it was so painful that tears shed from his eyes.

Next, Lu Chen violently beat Luo Shaoyu for one minute, punching and kicking, everyone could clearly hear the sound of broken bones, the sound made people feel goose bumps.


"stop fighting"

"It's going to kill people anymore."

At this time, the people around finally reacted and hurriedly stopped speaking.

The reason why everyone's reflex arc became longer and didn't stop it at the first time was because Lu Chen's terrifying combat power made their brains blank.

Luo Shaoyu, a great emperor, was beaten violently by a Tianzun. When did Tianzun become so cruel.

Until Luo Shaoyu groaned, there was no sound, everyone shouted, don't beat Luo Shaoyu to death.

"Come here if you want to be beaten." Lu Chen glanced around and gave a warning, then turned around and continued to beat Luo Shaoyu violently.

At this time, no one dared to stop it. Even if the surrounding emperors existed, they would not dare to come forward. Luo Shaoyu was beaten into such a situation, and they were probably beaten up.

They couldn't figure out what the origin of this Tianzun came from, and why he could beat a great emperor.

Why have you never heard of this amazing vietnamese combat power?

"Little friend, stop. If you continue to fight, Luo Shaoyu will be killed by you." At this moment, an old voice came. A gray-haired old man appeared on the scene. When everyone saw the old man, they took a step back and respectfully. Jing called the city lord.

The visitor was Qi Haochang, the lord of the city.

Qi Haochang's eyes fell on Luo Shaoyu's body, and the corners of his mouth twitched. The disciple of Da Meng Tian Nu was too cruel, and regarded Luo Shaoyu like this.

"It's about your ass, I'm just being nosy, and finding someone to beat you up" Lu Chen gave Qi Haochang a glance and warned.

The reason why Lu Chen was so angry was because Luo Shaoyu sensed the killing intent he showed. With his current strength, bullying the emperor was a bit too much. Although this idea was even more exaggerated, I didn't know that it would make many emperors faceless.

Lu Chen didn't want to kill the opponent, because this kind of trash emperor was meaningless to kill.

But if you dare to show his murderous intent to him, at least you have to live a life without taking care of yourself, so that he will remember this shadow for a lifetime.

"You are too much"

"How can I say it, this is Senior Qi, the City Lord of Jiecheng, who has made great contributions to resisting the sky monsters."

In the crowd, someone said angrily.

The people who spoke were naturally the powerhouses of Shangxiao Tiangong. They dared not say anything about Lu Chen's violent beating of Luo Shaoyu.

After all, Luo Shaoyu was beaten like this, and they were only beaten up.

However, they can take the tiger's skin and carry the banner, and use Qi Haochang to scold each other.

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