My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1121: Observe a three-minute silence

"Please take a seat" Lu Chen made an inviting gesture.

"Thank you"

Gu Yun said, and left with the old man.

Lu Chen continued to greet the guests, sending batches of guests into the venue, many of whom he was familiar with, such as the **** shepherd of the Protoss, the Lei Cang of the Lei Clan, and these superpower figures, all came. They looked at Lu Chen with complicated expressions in their eyes.

I remember that the first time I saw Lu Chen, it was in the Lower Realm. At that time, Lu Chen's strength was still lower than that of them.

But who would have thought that hundreds of years later, the gap between the two sides was so big that it could no longer be made up.

Lu Chen had already left them far behind.

They can only admire Lu Chen, not jealousy.

Why, because the power behind them is not bad, and the resources that the Emperor of Heaven can use, their power can also be used.

Nothing is better than nothing, there is no other reason.

Soon, there were two more people, who were also familiar to Lu Chen, and they still had a relationship between teachers and sects.

The one who has the relationship with the teacher is naturally the senior sister Mei Yingluo, who represents the Xunmei Villa. Of course, the heavenly emperor Mei Wenlun did not come.

There were only two people here, and Mei Yingluo came curling up holding a temperament woman.

Mei Yingluo was still so beautiful, bright and charming, with unparalleled temperament, so that the young talents who had already seated had their eyes straight.

Mei Yingluo, the daughter of Tiandi Mei Wenlun, can save countless years of struggle if she can capture her heart.

The beautiful woman that Mei Yingluo is holding has an outstanding demeanor. She wears a gorgeous robe and has a noble temperament, but she does not have the slightest majesty on her face. She is a very gentle woman.

"Junior Brother, meet again" Mei Yingluo's bright eyes fell on Lu Chen, and she said generously.

"Senior Sister" Lu Chen shouted with a smile, and then looked at the gentle woman next to him, as if he had discovered the New World, and said in surprise: "Senior Sister, is this your sister? You still have such a beautiful sister. ."

Lu Chen's words made the gentle woman cover her mouth and smile: "Little guy, your mouth is so sweet."

Mei Yingluo glared at Lu, rolled her eyes and said, "This is my mother."

"Oh, it turned out to be auntie" Lu Chen said quickly: "Auntie, it's okay for me to shout like this."

The gentle woman smiled and said, "You and Yingluo are the same elder brother and sister, so naturally there is no problem."

After a few more greetings, she left with Mei Yingluo.

Next, Lu Chen greeted dozens of guests again. After some polite remarks, his saliva was dry. Lu Chen found that doing this kind of welcoming thing was too wasteful of saliva, and his throat was about to burst into flames.

When welcoming the next wave of guests, Lu Chen's face immediately turned black, and there was anger surging in his eyes.

The people here are seven or eight women in white clothes. They have extremely beautiful appearance, graceful and vigorous, like fairies who don't eat fireworks in the world.

The leading woman is a peerless beauty with beautiful appearance and ethereal temperament. These five masters are not weaker than her.

Of course, what made Lu Chen's eyes gush out of anger was not that he had hatred with a few beautiful fairies. After all, the two sides met for the first time, it was impossible to have hatred.

The reason for Lu Chen's upset was that there was an old fly around the head of the beautiful woman.

This old fly circled around the beautiful woman, an old face with a bright smile, wrinkled into a chrysanthemum.

This guy is not someone else, it is the old guy Wang Fuhai.

Lu Chen cursed secretly in his heart. Didn't the latter say that he had something very important? It turned out to be when a fly was turning around the beauty.

And look at that beautiful woman, her face is white and delicate, like a flower in full bloom, when it belongs to the brightest time. On the contrary, the old man next to her, with old white hair and wrinkled face, stands with the beautiful woman, just like a grandfather and a granddaughter. Walk together.

"Could it be that this woman is a fairy of Baihua" Lu Chen muttered in his heart.

I remember that when he first went to the realm, Lu Chen learned about Wang Fuhai's secret, that is, he liked Fairy Baihua.

Baihua Valley is located in a paradise on the side of mountains and seas, with hundreds of flowers in full bloom, competing with each other, and this school only recruits female disciples, not male disciples.

Baihua Valley is very famous in the mountains and seas, but Lu Chen has never been to it.

Unsurprisingly, the leader should be Baihua Fairy.

Soon, Fairy Baihua brought a few fairies to Lu Chen's face, her beautiful eyes fell on Lu Chen, and she smiled and said, "You must be Lu Chen, you have already heard of your reputation."

"Fairy Baihua, I have also admired you for a long time" Lu Chen smiled.

"You admire a fart, go while you are" Wang Fuhai waved his hand to Lu Chen impatiently with a serious face, then turned to look at Fairy Baihua, his serious face immediately wrinkled with a smile, and said with a smile: "Fairy please , I have arranged seats for several people."


Fairy Baihua nodded slightly, stretched out her bare hand, and handed Lu Chen a ring.

Lu Chen looked unhappy when he saw Wang Fuhai's flattery. Originally, he wanted to stop Fairy Baihua, saying that the other party did not give enough gifts and could not enter. Anyway, this was what Wang Fuhai said, and he could put the blame on Wang Fuhai. .

But after thinking about it, Lu Chen still didn’t take any action. Wang Fuhai was too old and disrespectful, so he wanted to cheat him, but Baihua Fairy didn’t offend her. He couldn’t let Baihua Fairy lose face, so this plan was dead. in.

Seeing Wang Fuhai greeted Fairy Baihua away with a dog licking on his face, Lu Chen shook his head.

Wang Fuhai, the old guy, wanted the old cow to eat the tender grass, which seemed a bit suspicious to him.

Because he was too old, he walked with Baihua Fairy like grandpa and granddaughter shopping.

At this point, Lu Chen silently mourned Wang Fuhai for three minutes in his heart.


At this moment, an excited voice sounded, pulling Lu Chen back to his sight.

Lu Chen raised his head, and saw a familiar shadow rushing towards him. It was junior sister Liu Qingcheng.


Liu Qingcheng came to the side of Lu Chen, her charming and charming face was full of surprises. She wanted to give Lu Chen a hug, but she stopped her thoughts abruptly when she saw countless people around her.

However, Lu Chen didn't hesitate to stretch out his hand directly and took the junior sister into his arms.


Liu Qingcheng's pretty face was full of blush, a little at a loss, but he didn't break free from Lu Chen's embrace, and quietly buried the red hot pretty face on Lu Chen's chest.

Next to them, a few beautiful women in armor and sassy demeanor looked at this scene with a smile.

They are the most powerful goddess of war that the Divine Phoenix Empress sat down. Following the Empress’s side, they naturally knew that the brothers and sisters under the Empress’s family were in a relationship.

And when Liu Qingcheng was in Jiecheng, he put his senior brother on his lips, with deep longing in his eyes. Today, the little couple finally got what they wanted and met again in the Sword Emperor Palace.

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