My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1122: Ugly daughter-in-law sees in-laws

The guests from all sides are almost here, all taking their seats, or whispering, or looking forward to it, waiting for the arrival of Emperor Luo Jun Lintian.

"Yaoyao, who is that girl, do you know?" At a certain table, Qiao Lan frowned when Lu Chen and Liu Qingcheng were snuggling together.

Lu Chen was the son-in-law she had fancy, and she had also inquired that she didn't seem to have a Taoist companion, but now she is hugged with a girl and wants to have an extraordinary relationship, which makes Qiao Lan feel a sense of crisis.

"How do I know?" Xu Qingyao didn't care much about this, and replied faintly.

"How do you know" these words directly angered Qiao Lan, staring at her daughter with a hatred of iron and steel, "Don't you have any sense of crisis, men chasing women across the mountain, women chasing men's gauze," You have to start as soon as possible. Even if it is not your turn to be the first wife, you must at least be in the second room to have status."

Xu Qingyao directly covered her ears, not wanting to listen to her mother's nagging.

Seeing that there were no more guests, Lu Chen took Liu Qingcheng to his parents' table. Seeing Lu Chen and Liu Qingcheng walking together, Lu Zhengheng nodded slightly, and the corners of his mouth curled up, expressing joy from the heart.

He and Liu Ling called brothers and sisters, and hoped that the younger generations of both sides would come together.

Now, this result makes him very satisfied.

"Calculating the time, Brother Liu Ling should also go to the upper bound," Lu Zhengheng sighed in his heart.

Shu Menglan had never seen Liu Qingcheng, but she smiled at the closeness of the other party and her son.

Sitting next to Lu Zhengheng and his wife were the Four Harms, Mei Xiao, Wu Zhan, and Murong Qiu Yi Gan.

"Xiaobao, this pretty girl is..." Seeing Lu Chen approaching, Shu Menglan couldn't wait to ask.

"Your daughter-in-law," Lu Chen said lazily.

"Uncle, hello, auntie" Liu Qingcheng blushed and greeted like a mosquito.

The first time I saw my parents, Liu Qingcheng was in a mess, and his eyes were full of shame under Shu Menglan's Chi Guoguo's "love" eyes.

"Okay, good girl, come next to Auntie." Shu Menglan was very satisfied with Liu Qingcheng, and quickly enthusiastically pulled her to sit down next to her, and then she went through the routine and asked questions. When she learned that Liu Qingcheng's home was in Shiyu , And Lu Chen went hand in hand, stepping into the upper realm, and Shu Menglan was more satisfied.

Liu Qingcheng was not born from a great power in the upper realm, and without the arrogance of a great power daughter, then Little Treasure would not be bullied.

The Four Disasters had seen Liu Qingcheng, and the other party warned them to stay away from their own senior brothers. At that time, Liu Qingcheng was so fierce. At this moment, in front of the'parents', he directly became a well-behaved and compliant little sheep. He blushed, wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh.


The peerless **** thief Gao Xuan and the flower-picking thieves Liu Wushuang, one of them couldn't help but laughed, and Liu Qingcheng suddenly sneered.

Although Liu Qingcheng is not easy to attack, he can sue and whisper in Shu Menglan's ear to narrate the origin of the four evils and his notorious reputation in the Zhongzhou region.

Liu Qingcheng didn't use divine intent to transmit the sound, but lowered his head to narrate in a low voice. The lowest realm of the people present was supreme, how could he not hear him.

The four evils immediately sat in distress, with cold sweat, and their notoriety fell in the ears of the eldest mother. How could they have good fruit.

Sure enough, the next moment came true.

"You guys have such a notorious reputation, stay away from my son," Shu Menglan said, looking at the four evils, with an expression of disgust.

When Shu Menglan saw that the four had just laughed at her future daughter-in-law, she naturally wanted to support her daughter-in-law now, and these four guys were not good at first sight. What if Xiaobao broke.

Faced with the condemnation of the eldest mother, the four evils did not dare to say a rebuttal. They could only look at Lu Chen asking for help, hoping that the boss would speak for them.

However, Lu Chen directly ignored Sihuo, and secretly said in his heart that he deserved it.

"Go to the other table," Lu Chen replied.

The four evils had no choice but to get up and leave.

"Little Treasure, don't walk too close to these four people in the future, be careful to be implicated by their notoriety," Shu Menglan instructed.

At this moment, the four evils hadn't gone far, and tears burst into tears when they heard Shu Menglan's words. Auntie, you don't make sense at all.

The four evils left, and new people came to Lu Chen.

"Hehe, take a seat" came a laugh, and then Yan Zixuan sat next to him, Pei Ji and Ruan Chenshuang.

The three of them respected Lu Zhengheng and his wife, and their uncles and aunts were short, which made the old couple very happy.


An extremely sharp coercion enveloped the boundless space, and the golden brilliance sprinkled down from the sky, turning into a ten-thousand-square-foot golden divine sword. Around the sword, a golden wave appeared, giving people a wave. Sharp texture.

This golden ripple, like a sea wave, is the perfect sword intent of the emperor.

Everyone was overwhelmed by this coercion, but fortunately, this was a gentle brilliance, and there was no threat to those present.

A figure fell from the sky. This was a wise middle-aged man with a tall and strong posture and unparalleled spirit. On top of his body, there was a terrible pressure flowing.

Luo Junlin, one of the two heavenly emperors of Sword Emperor Palace.

"I have seen the emperor"

"I have seen the emperor"

For a time, everyone got up and saluted Luo Junlin.

This sword emperor already exists in the Heavenly Emperor Realm, and has reached the end of his cultivation. Looking at the mountains and seas, he can't find the number of his hands.

Luo Jun’s position was not weaker than that of the Emperor of Heaven. Today, he has successfully reached the Realm of Emperor of Heaven, and his reputation has skyrocketed, and his power has attracted all sides to surrender.

Luo Junlin stood in the volley, standing high in the sky, with a pair of majestic eyes. After two seconds of silence, he clasped his fists and said: "My fellow Luo Junlin, thank you for coming all the way, everyone is welcome, please sit down."

Luo Junlin's voice was steady and strong. Although he restrained the pressure, the breath released between his gestures and feet seemed to be integrated with the world, giving everyone a feeling that he was invincible under this world.

Hearing Luo Junlin's words, the people who stood up all sat down.

"Looking back at the ancient times, the human race was at the end of the day. There was only one emperor in several eras, which can be called the dark day. Now, the mountains and seas are ushering in a prosperous and prosperous age. The Sealing Empress seals the Tianhen, and now the two sword emperors admired by the world have both entered the realm of the Heavenly Emperor, it is the blessing of the mountains and the sea."

A voice came from the crowd.

"Yes, there is only one emperor in several eras, and they have persisted. Now the number of emperors in the mountains and seas is soaring, and the sky demon wants to occupy the mountains and seas, and there is no chance."

"It is our honor to have witnessed the emergence of the most brilliant and brilliant era with our own eyes."

In the crowd, there are many extremely famous Saint Emperor powerhouses. They are all giants among the Saint Emperors. They are only one step away from entering the realm of Heaven Emperor, but it is the last step, I don't know how many people have been stopped.

Many old people who have lived very far away have a look of remembrance on their faces, as if they are cherishing the tragic past.

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