My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1137: Divine War

Lu Chen passed through a layer of invisible power and successfully entered the God Realm.

The God Realm belongs to a more famous world. In addition to the fact that the practitioners of the God Realm often travel to the surrounding world and are well-known, it is also because the Lord of the God Realm left a name in the Source Realm.

The source realm belongs to the center of the world, gathering practitioners from the heavens and all realms, and the **** realm with the existence of the realm is naturally well-known to the public.

The God Realm is a bloodline system, and the strength of the bloodline roughly affects future achievements.

However, the power of each practice world has similarities and similarities. The people of the gods also practice the rules, but they recognize that this is the attribute of divine power.


While flying, Lu Chen was familiar with the unique aura of the God Realm. He heard the sound of screaming for killing, the sound of weapons colliding, the roar of energy, the blood rushing to the sky, and a wave of fluctuations passing by from time to time.

Lu Chen looked down, and through the thin clouds, he found that countless people were fighting on the ground on the mainland. Looking at the battlefield, the coverage was very wide, and there were hundreds of thousands of people fighting visually.

These people's realm is not strong, according to the fluctuations, they are similar to the supreme realm martial artist.

In addition to the people on the ground fighting, there were also fierce fighting high in the sky.

Lu Chen showed a look of surprise. What's the situation in front of him? When he first came to the God Realm, he encountered a great chaos. Could it be that the aloof **** emperors let their subordinates fight to fight for the territory.

But soon, Lu Chen realized that something was wrong.

Most of the battlefields are human races, and they are fought with freaks like lizards.

In addition to the human body, the freak has a black lizard head, covered with scales, holding a sword, and some lizard people have their arms turned into claws. They are extremely sharp and can easily break people.

When Lu Chen saw these lizardmen, he secretly sighed, in the vast world, there is no wonder, are these creatures with lizard heads the product of a hybrid between humans and monsters, just like the dragon people and the sky demon in the sky demon world.

Lu Chen swooped down and directly entered the battlefield below. The sword intent around his body swirled and rushed out, pouch pouch, dozens of lizard human bodies exploded, and blood mist sprayed, instantly vacating a large battlefield.

The cultivators around had no enemies, and they all stopped, panting for a while, and then thanked Lu Chen in gratitude.

These cultivators felt that Lu Chen’s breath was different from them. There was no divine power fluctuation on their bodies, indicating that they were outsiders. However, even if they knew they were outsiders, there was no surprise on their faces at all, because the God Realm and many big worlds are maintained. After connecting, there are often practitioners from other worlds who come to their world to experience.

"Hello friends from the God Realm," Lu Chen arched his hands and asked, "I come from another world, and I'm visiting my friend Ximen Yu. May I ask where this stuff is."

Although he said that, Lu Chen's tone was mixed with a strong resentment, because Ximen Yu's goods caused a terrible disaster.

This catastrophe was naturally the yellow-robed youth who claimed to be an evil god.

At that time, Ximen Yu said vowedly that Jingshi Gourd can purify grievances. Who would have thought that let grievances become a climate that can not be wiped out, and he almost capsized in the gutter.

Lu Chen felt that don't brag about things you can't do, and everyone can think of ways together.

But now, that evil **** is already difficult to destroy.

"Ximen Yu"

Everyone was stunned for a while, and then said: "This friend, this place is under the rule of Lord Moon God, and it is very far away from the Void God family. If it is not during the war, we can help and start the teleportation array, but now, we are facing an abyss. The offensive of the world army can't help you."

Everyone's faces were embarrassed.

The Void God family, with the presence of a **** emperor, is very famous in the God Realm. As the only descendant of the Void God Family, Xi Men Yu attracted attention from all sides when he was born, and even the people at the bottom of the God Realm knew Xi Men Yu.

The level of the **** emperor of the **** realm corresponds to the level of the **** emperor of the mountain and sea realm, which is the creation realm of the source realm.

Most realms follow the unified realm of the source realm, but for the people of the **** realm who have never gone out, they still like their own name.

A murderous intent enveloped Lu Chen, and his blood was strong. The two lizardmen carried knives, carrying a strong aura of crazy killing.

The auras of these two people were much stronger than the lizardmen that Lu Chen had killed earlier, and they were not at the same level.

The two came directly to Lu Chen, vowing to kill Lu Chen.

Lu Chen glanced at the two lizardmen carelessly, raised his hand, and flicked his fingers. The two cold lights were like sparks, piercing the lizardmen's eyebrows.

The two lizardmen snorted and fell to the ground.

Lu Chen was not familiar with the Abyss Realm. He guessed it was similar to the Sky Demon Realm. He liked to invade other worlds on a large scale. He didn't ask too much about the Abyss Realm. He watched the people next to him and continued to ask: "You are the strongest person in this place. Who is it and how can I find him."

"Senior, this continent under your feet is under the rule of Lord Luna" someone said in a respectful tone.

Seeing Lu Chen's understatement, shooting two Abyssal alien races at the pinnacle of the true god, how dare they put Lu Chen on the same level, this young outsider, at least a **** king level existed.

"This is a jade slip, with various news on it." Then someone handed out a jade slip to Lu Chen.

About the introduction of the Moon God and the God Realm, it is impossible to describe it clearly in a few words. The jade slip contains the general situation about the God Realm, which is much better than oral.

Lu Chen took the jade slip, pierced in with a ray of spiritual thought, and a wave of majestic information poured in like spring water.

Lu Chen accepted the huge news one by one.

The Moon God, the fourth **** emperor, rules over a thousand kingdoms with countless sects. As for the population that governs the land, there are too many people to count.

This introduction alone made Lu Chen stunned. This place was actually the ruled place of a Divine Emperor Realm.

Lu Chen thought that Divine Emperor Xi was third on the Divine Emperor Ranking, so he made his masters look like a big enemy. This Divine Emperor ranked fourth, probably not weaker than a few masters.

The kingdom of the gods in the land where the moon gods ruled is similar to the dynasty of the mountain and sea world. It is an independent force, but it is dependent on the strongest standing at the highest level, the leader of the kingdom of gods, and the lowest level requires the cultivation of the peak of the gods. Or the realm of God Emperor.

The land under their feet belonged to the Kingdom of Helan, and ruled over a hundred million li of land, and the Lord of Helan was also a soldier under the Moon God.

Lu Chen looked at the divisions of the **** realm. There were ordinary gods, lower gods, middle gods... true gods, **** kings, **** emperors, and **** emperors.

Just looking at these realms, Lu Chen could not estimate which level he belonged to, but if the order was reversed, he would immediately know what realm he belonged to, the realm of true gods.

Because the emperor is equal to the emperor, the emperor is the holy emperor, the king is the great emperor, and he is the emperor, and he is naturally equal to the true **** of the gods.

"Where is your country lord?" Lu Chen returned to his senses, looking at everyone.

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