My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1138: Very insulting

With Lu Chen’s current cultivation base, holding a weapon in the realm of creation, enough to shoot the Emperor Xi, when the battle is over, he can take the teleportation array to leave and find Ximen Yu, and then Ximen Yu leads the way, and then he can find where the Emperor Xi is. position.

"Our country lord has also encountered trouble. He is fighting a powerful alien in the capital, and I don't know if he can defeat it," the people around said, with a worried look in his eyes.

This time, the abyss invaded the God Realm in an all-round way, especially the continent ruled by the Moon God, which was the hardest hit area. I don’t know if the Lord can fight to kill that alien powerhouse, because this is a matter of life and death for hundreds of millions of lives in Helan God Kingdom.

If the Lord of the Kingdom dies in battle, then the Kingdom of Helan will fall. If the Lord of the Kingdom defeats the powerful alien, it means that the Kingdom of Helan can be kept.

"Twenty thousand miles westward is where the capital of the country is." Someone pointed out the direction and said cautiously: "Senior, you'd better not go, because the battle group there is terrifying, and the top-level battles are basically.... "

"He really wants to go to the capital, is it that a **** emperor can't make it?" The people looked at Lu Chen leaving behind and were stunned, because their country lord was a divine emperor in the early stage and a foreign race who fought against the lord of the country. The presence.

Immediately shook his head severely, it should be impossible, they didn't feel the aura fluctuations that belonged to the **** emperor's level in the opponent.

As Lu Chen flew all the way, the battle he saw was extremely fierce.

The scope of the battlefield is very wide, and almost every city has a big battle, and the closer the capital is, the greater the fluctuation of the battle. The energy fluctuations shot by those who are strong in the battle are one level stronger than that of Lu Chen, belonging to the realm of the Great Emperor. , But fluctuations do not represent real combat power.

"Chong, kill all these alien races in the abyss"

"These sons of a bitch, even if they die in battle, they will fight for the last drop of blood to defend their homeland."

Passing by a city, terrible fighting broke out here.

The people in the city fought fiercely against the alien races in the abyss. Many people were left with only one breath, panting for breath, but they still held swords in their hands, fought desperately against the alien races, and finally ran out of energy and died.

When Lu Chen heard the roar of the people around him, they were afraid of death, and some of them died together with other races, and his blood boiled.

The God Realm is actually the same as the Mountain Sea Realm, belonging to brothers and sisters, each suffering from the invasion of other realms, but for the sake of their own homeland, they did not shrink from the death, and to be honest, Lu Chen's heart was slightly shocked.

Perhaps the mountain and sea circles back then have also experienced such tragic battles.

Lu Chen moved his compassion and waved the God Slaughter Sword, and golden ripples spread out. The body of the foreign race he touched shattered without any suspense, like a bubble, fragile and vulnerable.


In the city, two foreign powerhouses standing high in the sky, monitoring the battlefield, were equal to the existence of the emperor's rank, and immediately locked Lu Chen.

This young man easily wiped out a group of alien races at the pinnacle of the true gods, surprised them, and was also very angry.


Two alien races of great emperor rank, their huge eyes were filled with evil spirits, waves of horror burst out of their bodies, and a beast claw glowing with a cold air turned out, and slapped Lu Chen's body severely. , The other alien turned into a big mouth, swallowing towards Lu Chen.

Lu Chen cast his eyes faintly, and his whole body burst out with a dazzling sword light, like a sword immortal. In the dazzling sword light, the sharp claws and lizard's head cracked and disappeared quickly.

Lu Chen exaggerated in his footsteps, and in a flash, he came to the front of the two great emperor rank alien races. A bright sword light, glowing with incomparable sharpness, ran across his neck.


The heads of the two lizards flew up, and the blood of the headless corpse was flowing like a fountain. Before the other's primordial spirit came out, two ray of sword light blew their heads to pieces.

"Thank you, sir"

"Thank you, sir"

The survivors of the city thanked Lu Chen with tears in their eyes.

The reason why they are desperate is because there are too many strong alien races, and there are also two alien races of the **** king series holding on to the battlefield. They have no hope of survival. Now the most powerful alien race has died, and they have survived. Firm belief.

On the contrary, those true gods of alien races were braving all over their bodies, and their eyes were full of fear.

The two gods ruled, they died too fast, and in the hands of this young man, he didn't even survive a move.

Lu Chen ignored the cultivators in the city. He stood quietly in the sky and closed his eyes. At this moment, there were sword chants in the heavens and the earth, and there were thousands of sharp streams of water appearing. It was full of sword intent, as if consciously.

Puff puff!

One by one, the real gods of foreign races smashed the primordial spirits under the invincible sword intent.


Lu Chen's figure flashed, turned into a flash of lightning, and disappeared and left. The people in the city knelt down and bowed in the direction where Lu Chen had left.

Not long afterwards, a hazy and towering city appeared in front of Lu Chen. It was very huge, countless times larger than the city seen along the way. In addition to the city exuding a simple atmosphere, there were also monstrous energy fluctuations. Under this fluctuation, Lu Chen felt a sense of depression.

This is equivalent to the battle of the Saint Emperor Realm.

Only the battle fluctuations at this level made Lu Chen slightly depressed.

Lu Chen stepped forward, one step at the speed of a kilometer distance, towards the city.

From a distance, Lu Chen saw a super huge lizard suspended above the city. The body of this lizard was too huge, with a length of several thousand meters, exuding a mighty and boundless coercion, with black scales glowing all over the body. Cold light.

In front of the big lizard, stood a valiant middle-aged man with a national character face, thick eyebrows, big eyes, and a majestic face. He wore an imperial robe and had an imperial spirit on his body.

It's just that this person is very miserable now, his whole body is covered with blood, and there is a translucent blood hole on his chest, which is fatal.


The middle-aged man was extremely weak and staggered, but standing in front of the big lizard, he raised his head and chest, not letting his spine bend down.

"Lord Helan, give you a chance to take refuge in my abyssal realm. This will make you alive." A pair of eyes the size of a palace fell on the blood-covered middle-aged man, vomiting.

There were also a group of foreign races standing around, all of them at the level of **** king, quietly watching the boss bullying the Lord Helan.

Lord Helan glanced at the foreign races around him, the people of the capital and his subordinates, all dead and clean, there were piles of corpses on the streets, and many people kept their dying fear on their faces.

The eyes of the Lord Helan are full of sadness. As the leader of one party, he can't even guard his own people. What kind of face is there to survive?


Lord Helan spit on the big lizard, which happened to be on the nostril.

The last attack of the Lord Helan before he died, although it was not very harmful, it was extremely insulting.

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