My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1139: Taboo Monster

The space seemed to be quiet, and the onlookers of the **** King Pinnacle aliens were dumbfounded, their faces were petrified, and their huge eyes almost protruded.

This Lord Helan is a ruthless person, and he would insult the boss before he died.

"Die this heart, I Helanway will not take refuge in the abyssal world" a disdainful word slowly spit out from Helanway's mouth, looking at the big lizard with contempt: "No matter what, Lao Tzu It is also Yushu Linfeng, personable, not interested in being transformed into a human, ghost or ghost thing."

Throughout the history of the God Realm, there is no shortage of people who are greedy for life and fear of death. When faced with a life-and-death crisis, they will not hesitate to take refuge in the Abyss Realm, but taking refuge will have sacrifices, that is, they will be transformed into monsters like the big lizards in front of them.

And there are only two forms, half-human, half-demon and fully animalized form.

Why is this so, this is about the abyss realm.

The abyss realm is the hostile world of the **** realm, and the battle between the two realms has lasted for tens of millions of years.

In the vast borderless area, there are taboo monsters, disaster heretics and other wanderings.

The yellow-robed youth generates consciousness with grievances, which is difficult to kill, and can be classified as a kind of disaster heresy.

The abyss realm is ruled by a taboo monster that resembles a large lizard, and it devours the world. The God Realm is the snack that the ‘big lizard’ forbidden monster has never won.

The humans who take refuge in this big lizard will be given a drop of blood to change the bloodline and then become a deformed species with a lizard head and human body.

That drop of blood is a gift from the taboo monster if it sounds nice, and it is a control method for the taboo monster if it sounds bad.

Helanwei, the Lord of the Kingdom of Helan, naturally didn't want to become such a monster.

Lu Chen stood in the distance and watched. Hearing the righteous words, he nodded approvingly. If the other party took refuge in the Abyss Realm to survive, he would turn around and leave.

However, after the latter, there was a shocking reversal. It turned out that this person focused on appearance and didn't want to become a monster, so he didn't take refuge.

The big lizard froze for two seconds. After three seconds, the palace-sized eyes lit up with boundless anger. The Lord Helan was almost dead, and he dared to spit at him. What's more, he has cultivated to the realm of the gods. , Or the Lord of the Kingdom of God who commanded hundreds of millions of miles of rivers and mountains.

Can you be very polite and hygienic, or use nasty tricks like scratching, kicking, and spitting when the street folks fight.

The big lizard breathed fire and roared: "Old Helan, toast and drink fine wine, go to death."

After finishing speaking, he raised his huge claws and headed towards Lord Helan to cover it.

The surface of this claw is condensed with the terrible power of the abyss, spinning like a whirlpool, with terrible power flowing.

The power of this blow has reached the mid-level of the Emperor God, and if it is not unexpected, Heranway will be photographed into nothingness.

Helanway, who was seriously injured, felt the destructive power emanating from the giant claws, his face suddenly became extremely calm, closed his eyes, and waited for death to come.

Lu Chen waved his palm, and a small, crystal-clear tower the size of a palm spun out of his palm. With the massive amount of spiritual power poured into it, the Earthquake Tower above the big lizard suddenly magnified countless times, and the black light on the surface of the tower flowed. , The vigorous bounding force envelops the lizard.

The big lizard immediately felt something wrong. When he raised his head, there was a tower above his head, majestic, simple and vicissitudes of life, filled with terrible coercion, it seemed to have the divine power that imprisoned one world, its huge body was bound by the power of the world, and it seemed to be frozen. In the air.

"Jieli, Divine Emperor Tool" the big lizard trembled, and a trace of fear appeared in the palace-sized eyes.

The first reaction in my mind is that the Moon God, who is fourth on the God Emperor Ranking, is here?

But as soon as he took up this idea, he immediately rejected it.

The abyssal realm would naturally send a ruler to contain the Moon God, otherwise, how dare they invade the Moon God territory? If they really angered the Moon God, they would not be enough to slap the other side.

Could it be that other **** emperor-level powerhouses in the God Realm passed by and just came out to help, it shouldn't be possible.

This time the abyss realm aggressively invaded the **** realm, and other **** emperors were naturally constrained. They had a general understanding of the territories and strengths ruled by the **** emperors.

If there are two **** emperors sitting in the town, the abyss world will send two masters to contain it, and it is impossible to let the **** emperor ranks free.

And this is a tower-like magic weapon, the tower body is like black jade, and the strong boundary force is surging, confining this space.

When the big lizard was thinking about it, Lu Chen controlled the Earthquake Tower and hit the big lizard's back hard.

Lu Chen forcibly overdrawn his mental power, barely able to control the Earthquake Tower's attack. This required a huge amount of mental power. After a round of attacks, Lu Chen only felt his body hollowed out, his eyes turned black, and his body swayed from side to side.

"So tired" Lu Chen gasped, his face full of fatigue.

Manipulating the Earthquake Pagoda is more laborious than the Years Bow. Fortunately, his mental power is relatively strong. If he is replaced by a general Tianzun, even if his whole body strength is drained, he will not be able to exert a little power of the Earthquake Pagoda.

On the surface of the dark tower body, there were circles of black ripples, and the power of God was extremely terrifying, and it came into close contact with the back of the big lizard.

As for the big lizard, the body is bound by the power, and the divine power in the body is surging, but it is imprisoned by the pervasive power, and can't burst out, can only watch the black tower quickly fall from the sky.

Boom... There was a dull and loud noise from the sky and the earth, piercing through clouds and cracking rocks, and accompanied by the crisp sound of broken bones.

Immediately afterwards, a roar that resembled a ghost came from the big lizard's mouth, and tears flowed in the huge eyes.

Because it hurts too much.


When the Seismic Tower was in contact with the back of the lizard, a devastating shock wave spread from the explosion point. A group of king-level aliens and Helanwei who had exhausted their energy were swept away by the shock wave. , Fly across a distance of several kilometers.

This power close to the **** emperor was extremely terrifying, they were in the emperor realm, and they couldn't bear the aftermath, so they suffered heavy losses.

When the blood flowed smoothly, he stared at the black tower with horror.

The eyes of a group of king-level aliens were filled with horror, and their bodies were trembling.

Because from the arrival of the black tower to the attack on the boss, it was all in one thought, and it was only now that he reacted, and his eyes were full of fear.

They turned pale, and when they knew it, there must be a terrifying **** emperor in the dark.

The reason for this certainty is that the magic weapon of the creation realm is generally in the hands of the **** emperor.

Helanway smashed several broken buildings behind him, blood spurting wildly, but he couldn't see the wilt on his face at all. Instead, he looked excited. Regardless of his injuries, he rose up into the sky, glanced around, respectfully said: "I don't know. Which senior came, this kind of life-saving grace, made Helanwei grateful."

"Senior, please come and obliterate these alien races."

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