My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1140: cd cooling

One second...

Two seconds...

Ten seconds later, a cold wind blew by, and there was no response from the surroundings, and Heranway's expression was slightly dazed.

Even the big lizard that was smashed half-dead by the Earthquake Tower showed a suspicious look.

This big lizard was very miserable. There was a huge pit on its back, which was **** and bloody. You could see broken bones and stubble. The big pit was like a small lake, filled with blood.

Although the large lizard has a hard surface and a fully animalized form, it cannot withstand the magic weapon of the creation realm. Although this blow, the power has not yet reached the creation realm.

"Helanway will always remember the predecessor's life-saving grace in his heart, and I also ask the seniors to show up and let the younger generation remember your face." Helanway continued to face the empty emperor, and said respectfully.

Helanway's words did not receive a response, and no one appeared, only a black tower stood between the sky and the earth, filled with power.

Heranway couldn't help but he had a belly. This senior saved him, why didn't he show up? Does this senior like to do good things without leaving a name, or his personality is cold, not good at talking, or shy.

Heranway continued to say respectfully: "Senior, don't make trouble, I know you are here, don't hide and seek, come out soon."

Unfortunately, no one around has answered him yet.

Because Lu Chen had already slipped into the world of void particles to regain his strength, Lu Chen would never give his life to others. Only in his own hands would it be safest, so he was prepared to wait until he regained his strength before showing up.

The big lizard and the surrounding god-king-level aliens didn't dare to move, they were silent.

It's not going to go, it's not going to go.

Because if you run away, you will surely anger the senior in secret, and the result will be wiped out by a slap.

There is still a chance to stay in place.

Unfortunately, they didn't understand that they would have a chance to survive if they escape now. If they don't leave now, they won't have a chance to leave when Lu Chen recovers.

"Weird, a magic weapon for the circulation of realm power, why can't it exert the power of the **** emperor" Two minutes later, the big lizard's eyes showed a suspicious look.

"The power just now is about the same as the half-step **** emperor"

"In other words, it is not a senior who is secretly, maybe the realm is not as good as them, because the power is not enough, it can only activate the divine emperor once."

"It's not Senior Cold, but healed."


After figuring it out, the big lizard uttered something and said decisively: "Go."

Because if he doesn't leave now, there will be no chance in a while, if the previous attack is given to him again, he will surely be blown up.

Just when the big lizard realized that it was not good, Lu Chen reappeared, using his arms and pulling the bowstring in his hand, energy from all directions gathered, all concentrated in the center of the bow and arrow, countless rays of light flew, an aura of unreasonable horror. Slowly spread out.

Feeling this power, the big lizard was shocked, his eyes were frightened into a thin line, his limbs and claws slid in the air, and he wanted to leave.

However, the black arrow squeaked, breaking through the constraints of space, and shot it towards its body quickly and accurately.

The big lizard immediately stood up with its hairs, frantically surging with divine power, spreading all over its scales, making the scales crystal clear, like jade, with a faint flow of energy.


However, it was too late.

When this arrow flew over, it immediately penetrated the body of the lizard.


A terrible wave of destruction exploded, and the body from the hind paws to the tail of the big lizard exploded, and blood mist was drifting all over the sky.

The big lizard screamed and twisted his head with difficulty. When he looked back, he only had half of his body left, and he was bloody.

The chrysanthemum was beaten.


Another black light shot quickly, and the big lizard had a look of fear in its eyes, and before it had time to turn its head, the black light penetrated its head.


The head of the big lizard exploded with the soul, and the real life and death disappeared.

The big lizard feels very humiliated, because from the beginning to the end, the secret person has never appeared, and he doesn't know who the enemy is, and the enemy first exploded his chrysanthemum, and then killed him. I have never seen such a shameful method. And there are many enemies with magic weapons.

Here, the big lizard could have misunderstood Lu Chen because his back was facing Lu Chen.

Lu Chen's first arrow must have shot his ass. It turned its head to look at the back half of the body that had disappeared. This allowed Lu Chen to find a chance and blast its head with one arrow.

"It really makes me helpless, my strength is low, and there is a CD cooling in the release of the big move. This feeling is too uncomfortable." Lu Chen scratched his scalp in distress, and sighed.

Then, the figure flashed and disappeared.

Those alien races who were severely injured by the energy fluctuations saw the boss dying on the spot, and their eyes widened.

Even the boss is dead, what are they doing here, and northwest wind?

Anyway, it was dead, and he bit his teeth and fought.

Gazed at each other and quickly escaped.

Soon, only Helanway was left in the same place.

Seeing that there was no one around, Heranway’s tight body completely relaxed, fading down from the air, and quickly healed his injuries. Next to the bright blood hole in his chest, the flesh and blood were squirming like cells splitting quickly. Soon, the bright one. The blood hole disappeared.

Helanwei glanced at the Black Tower in awe, wondering what the mysterious powerhouse meant, and why didn't he show up.

In fact, Helanwei and the big lizard have thought of going together. If it is a big cow with a divine imperial weapon, it is a high-level and scary person, and there is no need to hide, but the previous several attacks have not achieved the true divine emperor's prestige. Yes, so the one who secretly shot.

Not a **** emperor, not a **** emperor, maybe just a **** king.

Divine King is the most likely.

Because if the opponent is a **** emperor of the same level, after severely inflicting a large lizard, he can be fearless, and there is no need to hide.

And the god-king powerhouse urged the divine imperial weapon, it is estimated that every time it is urged, the physical energy consumed is estimated to be terrible, which is the reason why the other party does not dare to show up.

It's a pity that Helanwei's idea is only close, and it is absolutely unexpected that only a Tianzun is urging the divine emperor.

Heranway slowly recovered some injuries. Suddenly, he raised his head thoughtfully, and in his sight, a handsome young man stepped into the air. With a stroke of his hand, he saw the towering black tower shrinking quickly, and soon It becomes the size of a palm and falls into the palm of the opponent.

Feeling the breath of the other party, Heranway's eyes almost stared out.

This ‘senior’ who saved his life had only True God level fluctuations, not even the God King.

Moreover, the other party's aura is different from the God Realm cultivation system, it should be an outsider.

Although there was a slight turmoil in his heart, Helanway still clasped his fists and said, "In the next Helanway, thank you for your help."

After Helanwei guessed that Lu Chen's realm, he would naturally not speak to Senior. Just kidding, the young man was two great realms lower than him. The word "Senior" is absolutely impossible to say.

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