My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1141: Moon God

Although Helanway could not call the word senior, he was grateful. If it were not for the youth to take action, he would fall in every case. Although he did not want to take refuge in the abyss for his life, but if he could live, who Willing to die.

Surviving is the greatest happiness.

Helanwei couldn't help but look closely at Lu Chen. He was tall and straight, with a confident air, and a calm and extraordinary temperament, which added a lot of charm to him.

I have to say that this kind of temperament is so outstanding that it is difficult for the God Realm to find a counterpart.

The opponent is not only extraordinary in temperament, but also carries a divine imperial weapon, which shows that there is a super power behind the youth.

Generally, the world where the **** emperor ranks were born, basically has one or two divine emperor artifacts, but most of them are in the hands of the **** emperor, and it is impossible to hand it over to juniors casually.

It shows that the young people in front of us are probably from the source world.

The Source Realm is the center of the heavens and ten thousand realms, a vast and vast world where powerful people gather, and there are 36 realm masters in total. As for the power of the **** emperor, there are countless ones.

Since there are so many big cows in the source world, even if the **** of the gods goes to the source world, he has to shrink his neck and behave.

There are many big cows, good luck, chances, and magic weapons.

Perhaps this young man came from a superpower in the source world with the existence of a world master, and he was also focused on training, so he went out for experience to have a divine imperial weapon.

But having said that, a true **** martial artist can spur a divine emperor weapon, which is almost unheard of.

The divine power possessed by the martial artist of the True God Realm can't mobilize the Divine Emperor at all, unless it is hereditary inheritance, otherwise it can't be mobilized at all, but the youth is urged, which is enough to show that the opponent's talent is enchanting.

"Dare to ask the little friend from the source world?" Helanwei asked cautiously.

"Source Realm" Lu Chen's eyes flashed, neither denying nor approving.

Seeing the other party's cautious appearance, he seemed to be very afraid of the source world, so he acquiesced. Although he was not afraid of the other party's desire for money, it is better to do less.

When Helanway saw the other party's silence, he confirmed the guess in his heart even more.

"It turned out to be a little friend from the source world, so polite," Helanway continued.

"Lu Chen"

Lu Chen also hugged Helanway, and after he reported his home, he asked, "Dare to ask seniors how long it will take for the teleportation formation here to be repaired. I have to go to other places."

Lu Chen learned from the previous jade slips that the God Realm is very big, at least several times larger than the Mountain Sea Realm. If he drives on his feet alone, he doesn't know how long it will take to reach the Void Family.

If there is a teleportation formation, it would be best.

Helanway asked: "Where does Xiaoyou Lu want to go? You saved my life. I should return you."

"Void Family"

Helanwei showed a trace of astonishment on his face when he learned where Lu Chen was going, and then replied with a wry smile: "Little friend Lu is embarrassed to live the old man. I am just a corner of Lord Moon God's rule. Even if the teleportation formation is restored, It is impossible to transfer to the Void Family."

The land ruled by the Moon God is extremely vast. There are thousands of kingdoms like Helan Kingdom. Among the many kingdoms, both the power and resources of the Helan Kingdom belong to the middle and lower classes, and their teleportation formations are basically all It is the transmission between the kingdoms of God.

The farthest place to reach is the Moon God Mountain where the Moon God lives.

And as soon as Lu Chen spoke, he had to go to other places where the **** emperor ruled outside the Moon God's territory, which he couldn't do either.

Lu Chen thought for a while and said, "Then teleport to the realm of Valkyrie."

"No way"

"Middi Mountain"

"No way"

"A place where the goddess of death reigns"

"No way"



After a conversation, Helanwei said in a rather embarrassing manner: "Little friend, don't embarrass me. The places you mentioned are the domains of the **** emperor list, and I belong to the domain of the moon god, separated by endless distances. Only Moon God Mountain has an ultra-long-distance teleportation array."

Even if he went to another divine emperor's territory by himself and flew at full speed, it would take a long time to fly.

Lu Chen looked speechless, but felt reasonable.

Because according to the opponent’s cultivation base, it is equivalent to the Saint-Emperor Realm of the Mountain and Sea Realm. Its most powerful subordinates can only gather at the Divine King level, that is, the Emperor Realm. .

The God Realm is more expansive than the Mountain and Sea Realm, and the emperor-level teleportation array is not enough to see. The Moon God Mountain mentioned by the other party should be a formation that is one level higher than the emperor realm, equivalent to the holy emperor realm. Hurry up to the land where other **** emperors rule.

When Lu Chen was silent, Helanwei said: "Little friend Lu waits for me to clear the alien race, gather my men, repair the teleportation array, and send you to the Moon God Mountain. As for the time, it should be completed within two months. You can take the moon by then. Divine mountain territory, go to other divine emperor sites."


Lu Chen nodded helplessly, there is only one way right now.

And since I came to the God Realm, I didn't rush for a while, so I practiced for a period of time and left in the teleportation formation.

Lu Chen's figure flashed, occupying a relatively intact building, and began to cultivate.

Helanwei looked at Lu Chen's back and took a deep breath, then his face was firm, his figure flashed, and he flew away.

Helanwei has many things to do. He needs to go to other cities, kill foreign races, and then call on the people of Helan Kingdom to rebuild their homes and so on.

Because there was no alien restraint at the Divine Emperor level, Helanwei belonged to the top master, and no alien could stop him at all. Under the leadership of Helanwei, he pursued and killed the aliens. Soon the aliens of the Helan Kingdom were killed. The slaughter was clean, with only a few god-king alien races, fleeing like mourning dogs.

For more than a month, Lu Chen stayed in the capital to practice, closing his eyes and practicing quietly.

The spirits of the gods from all directions converge and are inhaled into the body, using the conversion of the exercises to silently improve their cultivation.

In addition, he also relied on Ning Wei and others to take in the precious spiritual stones in the ring, and promoted his cultivation to Heavenly Consummation.

From the middle stage of Tianzun to complete Tianzun, Lu Chen's power has increased a lot, and the spiritual power in his body has also doubled. Next time he uses the magic weapon of the creation realm, he will not be as weak as before.


At the same time, the distant Moon God Mountain.

Moon God Mountain, where the spirit of the gods is strong, the clouds are lingering, the trees are lush, vibrant, and the leaves are emerald green and plump, like a piece of emerald jade.

Nourished by such a strong spirit of spirit, flowers, plants and trees can be given a certain amount of time to unlock spiritual wisdom. As for the human race here, it is three to five times faster than other places.

The Moon God, fourth on the God Emperor Ranking, lives here.

In the elegant courtyard of Yueshen Mountain, there are bursts of curling piano sounds, which contain unique rhythms and rhythms. They fall into the ears, which are comfortable and pleasing to the ears. Moreover, this string of piano sounds also contains a unique breath of tranquility and calmness. Listen With such a beautiful piano sound, people who are anxious or full of anger can calm down.

This person who plays the piano must be a person who is very good at music.

In the corner of the yard entrance, two beautiful maids with pale faces and panic expressions looked at the man playing the piano in the distance, their bodies trembling, as if the man playing the piano was a murderous demon.

The piano player is a man in a white robe. Just looking at his temperament and his slender hands playing the piano will make people feel that this must be a gentleman and well-educated young man, so he plays the piano from time to time to cultivate his sentiment.

You don't need to look at his appearance, just with this unique temperament, you can guess that the man in the white robe is a peerless and beautiful man who can fascinate thousands of young girls.

But as the camera moves up, the person who appears in the camera, no...should not be a person, but a guy with a lizard head.

This creature had a lizard head and closed his eyes. With his slender fingers frantically plucking the strings, the rhythm of the notes accelerated, and he seemed to be immersed in the beautiful and moving sound of the piano, with a cheerful expression on his face.

After a little while, the young lizard stopped his hands and the sound of the piano disappeared. He opened his eyes, turned to look at the maid at the door, and smiled: "Is it good or not?"

While talking, he took out his handkerchief and wiped his fingers like a respectful young man.

"listen well"

The two maids were about to cry, drops of cold sweat slipped from their cheeks.

"Then I'm playing a song for you, this time to cleanse the soul." The man with the lizard head grinned.

However, this smile gave people a hideous feeling, especially the two rows of sharp teeth, shuddering with chills, making people shudder.

"No... No need," the two maids stammered: "Lord, dominate, you don't have to worry about us."

"You two seem to be very scared of me." The man's eyes fell on the two maids, he sighed, and said, "Don't worry, I, unlike other rude masters, won't eat you."

"No, no fear." The two maids stammered, their bodies trembling together.

But they want to cry without tears in their hearts. Can they not be afraid? The young man with a lizard head in front of them is a prestigious master of the abyss realm, named'Sheep Quan', whose strength has already reached the **** emperor. In the late stage, even his own Moon God Lord could not suppress the opponent.

This time, the place under the leadership of the Moon God was completely invaded by alien races, and the leader of these alien races was the master in front of them.


Suddenly, bright moonlight gleamed down from the sky, and a stunning woman appeared on a lotus foot. This woman was graceful, with slender and slender legs. Her curvy body was blooming with holy brilliance, as if she was the best in the world. Beautiful woman, everything pales in front of her.

The Moon God is a woman who is known as the most gentle goddess in the God Realm. Of course, her temperament and appearance are also unparalleled.

It’s just that she can’t be called the most beautiful goddess, because on top of her head, there is a beautiful goddess of death. In terms of appearance, she doesn’t lose to the Moon God at all. It’s just that the goddess doesn’t have a good temper. , No one's face will be given.

"Miss Moon God" Yang Quan got up, arched his hands to the person who came, and greeted him like a prince.

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