My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1177: action

The two reached a consensus and also let Lu Chen's tight body relax. Then, Lu Chen asked about the location of the altar.

Without hesitation, Heisha informed Lu Chen of the location of the altar, and said, "I've already told you the location. As for whether it can succeed, it all depends on your good fortune."

It is impossible for Heisha to help Lu Chen destroy the altar together, because once he starts, he will wake up the sleeping Dao Ancestor Pang Yun. After all, his body is controlled by Dao Ancestor Pang Yun’s essence and blood. Once the gravitational force destroys the altar, he will immediately be awakened by Dao Ancestor Pang Yun. Know.

Moreover, Heisha believed that it was more than enough for someone to destroy the altar with the four peak artifacts, and he didn't need his extra help at all.

Previously, the opponent had deeply experienced the power of urging the peak secret treasure to explode, and it threatened the giant level in the Divine Sovereign level, and the dominance level that Pang Yun Daozu sat down was conquered to attack other worlds.

Dao Ancestor Pang Yun, who lived in the abyss realm, had more than one world in the **** realm in his eyes, but also attacked several worlds.

Therefore, the strongest guarding the lost altar is at the level of the **** emperor.

After hearing what Heisha said, Lu Chen nodded. It was not necessary for him to destroy the lost altar. After thinking about it, he took out the transmission crystal and contacted other people who entered the abyss realm. He quickly got a few responses. When he learned that Lu Chen found the altar so quickly, the people in the gods were very happy.

Lu Chen informed the people in contact to gather in Heisha City, and after waiting for about half a month, the first person from the God Realm came.

Sword God descended from people, Jian Wuxin.

When Jian Wuxin arrived, his face was full of dust and dust, and there were a few dark blood stains on his clothes, indicating that he had experienced a lot of battles.

Jian Wuxin saw Lu Chen and Heisha together, showing a look of alertness, and the aura of Ruowu loomed on his body.

Jian Wuxin's first thought was that Lu Chen had been captured by the alien, and the alien used his life as a threat, asking him to summon the people who had sneaked into the God Realm one by one, and then swept them all out.

Seeing the latter's face on guard, Lu Chen couldn't help but smiled: "Don't worry, I just made a deal with Senior Black Sand. He will take us to the altar, which saves us a lot of time to investigate."

Although Lu Chen said so, the latter's pretty face was still full of solemn meaning, and he did not completely put down his guard.

At this moment, Jian Wuxin felt terribly flustered, Lu Chen and the Abyss Realm Master made a deal, and the other party would kindly take them to the altar, what a joke.

Seeing that the latter couldn't accept the latter for a short time, Lu Chen didn't explain it.

"Notify me when everyone arrives" Hei Sha said, and left.

After Heisha left, Jian Wuxin relaxed slightly. After all, standing in front of a master, the pressure was very high, and the master's breath was even stronger than his own master.

Jian Wuxin raised his pretty face and looked at Lu Chen and asked, "What deal did you make with the master?"

Lu Chen waved his hand and said, "You don't need to worry about it. Anyway, Heisha will cooperate with us and find all the altars. After the destruction, we can return to the realm of God."

Seeing that Lu Chen didn't say anything, Jian Wuxin didn't ask any more. Now he can only trust someone to tell the truth, otherwise, she can't escape from the domineering eyelids.

In the next few days, the **** kings came one after another, but Ximen Yu, Wu Ming, these guys, did not know where they went, and did not get a response.

A month later, hundreds of **** kings came.

Looking at a group of **** kings, Lu Chen felt that there were enough people.

Because Heisha told him that the guarding power beside the altar was not strong, at most two or three **** kings guarded him, plus hundreds of **** kings.

Although there are only a hundred people on his side, the people who came are all the elite of the gods, and the strength of the alien gods of the abyss is uneven, and the quality is not guaranteed. The invincible gods has no pressure with one enemy, three enemies and four.

As long as he restrains the most powerful **** emperor, the overall situation is basically set.

Lu Chen gave the order to set off. Under the leadership of Heisha, he went all the way to the west. After about half a month, he came to a rather desolate mountain range, which was gloomy and full of bones, and the air of death rushed everywhere, occasionally. Can hear the roar of the dead souls.

"The first lost altar is inside. Go, I won't go," Hei Sha said, his figure flashed and disappeared.

Of course, Heisha did not leave, but stood in the void and watched.

Lu Chen and the others sneaked all the way in the void, and came to the center of the barren mountain. A huge and magnificent altar, piled up with bones, appeared in the sight of everyone.

At first glance, everyone was shocked. What kind of altar was this, it was a huge mountain of white bones.

On the high platform of the altar, there are many sacrifices, a trace of invisible energy gathers above the altar, and then flows in a certain direction.

As they got closer and closer to the location of the altar, everyone was affected by the inexplicable rules, and there was a faint drowsy feeling in their minds, and their eyelids began to fight.

Everyone forcibly cheered up, or bit their tongues, forcibly to stay awake.

"Big Dream Road"

Lu Chen whispered in his heart.

This pervasive atmosphere of rules gave Lu Chen a very familiar feeling, that is, the Three Masters' Big Dream Dao. Although it was a bit similar, it was different. The altar was creating a breath all the time, and then flowing away.

Although it has flowed away, it still makes people around you want to sleep.

They also know that this kind of weird power is indeed very strong, after thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years of persistence, it can indeed make the will drowsy.

Around the huge altar of white bones, there were hundreds of aliens sitting cross-legged, practicing silently.

When he reached the sky above the altar, Lu Chen suddenly said, "You can do it now."

Lu Chen condensed the rules of the void, and hundreds of **** kings burst out of the avenue aura and flew out of the void castle. In an instant, the space boiled violently, setting off a terrible space storm.


Hundreds of invincible **** kings roared, bursting out overbearing power of offensive, one after another attack like divine light, bombarded them out.

Puff puff!

The alien body on the White Bone Mountain exploded, **** mist filled, and was beaten unprepared, and died tragically on the spot.

Don't watch the bodies of these alien races explode easily, but when the attack fell on the White Bone Mountain, it was blocked by an invisible force. The altar built by the white bones only shook a few times and did not fall apart.

The sudden fluctuations and the death screams of his companions immediately awakened other sleeping alien races.

They saw the enemy attacking. To tell the truth, they were a little dazed. Although the high-level officials had given orders a long time ago that someone from the God Realm might come sneak attack, they didn’t take it to heart because they knew that the attackers were a group of God Kings. There is not even a god-emperor-level powerhouse.

Moreover, there must be movement when a large number of gods arrive.

Once there is a slight fluctuation in the space, it will definitely be sensed by the two **** emperors.

But no matter where I thought, the enemy unexpectedly touched them and hit them by surprise.

There is nothing to say between the two sides. The **** kings on the altar burst out with great aura, using methods to collide with the **** kings of the gods.

Boom boom boom!

Hundreds of **** kings fought together, the atmosphere of various avenues swept across the square, the mountains trembled, the earth shook, and the space was full of loud roaring sounds. It seemed that this world was about to be blown up.

puff! what!

The screams came and went one after another, and the alien races were bombarded by the terrifying attacking force, screaming into the stairs.

This group of elite **** kings is really too powerful, the alien **** kings in front of them are like unbearable miscellaneous soldiers, who have been killed throwing their helmets and unarmed.

The strength of both parties is not at the same level at all.

Jian Wuxin stepped forward, the whole body shone with light, and a sword chant came out. I saw the scabbard behind him vibrated, and a purple light rushed up into the sky. This is a long sword glowing with purple divine light. The blade is as thin as The cicada wings and purple light are dazzling, accompanied by a cold chill.

Between the sky and the earth, covered by purple light, the scene is terrifying.


Jian Wuxin's sharp sharpness flowed all over his body, his eyes were cold, his fingers were a little bit, and the purple sword whistling, falling from the sky, exuding a powerful aura of destruction, instantly cut open a avenue field, and smashed the foreign race in the field. Divide the corpse of the **** king.

Immediately afterwards, he went to the next place, also seeing that there was nothing in the avenue area, and the purple long sword easily broke through the avenue area of ​​the alien race and slashed under the sword.

Lu Chen stood on the wall of Void Castle without moving, his eyes fixed on the two figures at the highest point.

There was a dangerous aura exuding from them, although they hadn't exploded yet, it was like two fierce beasts lurking, making people dare not to look down upon them.

Lu Chen's main target is two people.

As long as the two of them don't move, he won't move.

Seeing Jian Wuxin's attack, Lu Chen felt that the sharp sword light contained a special Dao. This type of Dao was very strong, and the area of ​​the Great Dao of the alien race under the sword light was as fragile and terribly fragile as paper paste.

Moreover, this power made Lu Chen feel a dangerous aura.

"Broken Dao, Dao's nemesis, really terrible," Lu Chen said softly in his heart.

Although Lu Chen was not familiar with that sword god, he knew the techniques that the sword **** practiced.

The opponent has two powerful Dao, Shattering Dao and Sword Dao.

It is said that the Dao of Destruction is the nemesis of Dao. It can easily break many powerful Dao. This Dao is as sharp as Sword Dao, but it is an alternative Dao, similar to the Slaughter Dao.

The Sword God combined the two kinds of Dao, and realized the terrifying and devastating kendo technique.

In the same level of confrontation, the Sword God is not afraid of anyone, even people a little higher than him, can break his wrists.

"court death"

At the same time, at the height of the altar, the two alien emperors finally opened their eyes and saw each of their subordinates being bombarded into blood mist, and their pupils burst into a terrifying fierce light.

The avenue breath of the two people burst out wildly, the air current swept across the sky, and the terrifying power caused the world to shake. One of the alien emperors raised his palm, the power of the avenue gathered, and the thunderclouds pressed on the sky, and a large area of ​​thunderous sea appeared The stock is shrouded like an aura of destruction.

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