My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1178: Abyssal Shake

In the sea of ​​thunder that is constantly surging with destructive aura, countless thunders are intertwined. Not long after, a giant hammer is conceived, and it is dark gold. The surface of the thunder dances like a silver snake, with its teeth and claws dancing, and a terrible might Can fluctuate into ripples and spread everywhere.


The condensed thunder hammer crashed down from the sky, and the blazing light of thunder covered the sky and the sun.

This force was too powerful, and its power was terrifying, causing the **** king below to show a look of horror, and his body trembled violently.

Even though they were the invincible kings, but under this breath, they were still trembling, and the soul couldn't help shivering.

Lu Chen's figure flashed, and he swooped over, appeared under the hammer, and the cyan light all over his body shone out, turning into a huge light curtain.


The thunder and lightning hammer bombarded down with terrifying power, and there was a loud noise between the sky and the earth, like a billions of thunder exploding, huge black cracks appeared in the space, and the surroundings turned into white and the temperature between the sky and the earth. It rises violently, and the space is corroded by high temperature.

This is the power generated by the explosion of the endless thunder, and the power of destroying the world spreads around, overthrowing countless gods.

Those who got close directly vomited blood and flew upside down, passing out.

Another **** emperor also shot, a huge and boundless handprint covered it, sweeping around.

Bang bang bang!

The bodies of many **** kings covered by handprints burst, and their gods were destroyed.

In the face of this absolute power, they have no resistance at all, and they are as fragile as babies.

Fortunately, Lu Chen had previously offset the attack of the first **** king, otherwise more **** kings would die.


On the high platform, the **** emperor who had condensed the hammer attack and was about to cause a horrific killing, said softly.

Earlier he saw a **** king who appeared under the hammer without his own strength, as if he was trying to resist his attack. At that time, a cruel ridicule evoked at the corner of his mouth, insinuating that the ant was unable to control his strength. The mere king of gods can resist it.

But now, he actually felt the breath of life in the vast expanse of light.

When the endless light was condensed, the eyes of the alien **** emperor were about to protrude.

Because he saw the **** king who was supposed to die and couldn't even leave ashes, but now he stood in the air intact, and there was no trace of messiness all over his body, that is to say, the other party was in the center of the destructive power, and there was nothing at all. .

"how is this possible"

This alien **** emperor showed an incredible look on his face, he couldn't figure out why the other party had nothing.

The divine emperor next to him also noticed this scene, with a strange look in his eyes.

"He has a treasure on his body, a magic weapon that is not weaker than the holy emperor. Don't grab it with me. This magic weapon is mine." The first **** emperor burst into a greedy look in his eyes, and his body image turned into a flash of lightning. , Appeared directly in front of Lu Chen, and the terrifying power swept out.

The second divine emperor saw the urgency of his companion, although he was a bit eager, but since the companion had gone, he was embarrassed to make a move. He secretly envyed that his companion would soon have a holy emperor weapon.

"Boy, hand over the treasures" the **** emperor came to Lu Chen and said fiercely.

"If you want treasures, come and get them by yourself" Lu Chen stared at the other side and said.

The two divine emperors in front of them both reached the late stage, and he alone was unable to fight with them. They had to resort to magic weapons.

"Okay, I will take it myself"

The **** emperor sneered, stretched out his palm, buckled to Lu Chen from the air, as long as he smashed the opponent, the holy emperor weapon-level defensive device was his.

At this moment, the latter suddenly felt a deep sense of horror. His hairs stood up, and he smelled the breath of death. Soon, he saw something, a small black tower the size of a palm flying out of the youth. .

The surface of the small black tower exudes a faint wave, without the aura of ruining the world, but it makes him seem to see death beckoning him.


He let out a low growl, and his stomach was glowing, and a large area of ​​light appeared, trying to prevent the small tower from approaching.

However, when the Earthquake Tower came into contact with his body, the latter saw in horror that the body slowly collapsed under the impact of the small tower, and annihilated from the middle position, floating away like ashes, then his feet, and finally his head. .

On the high platform, the second **** emperor saw his companion vanish in ashes, and his pupils shrank sharply and turned into pinpoints.

He was startled, and his companions were wiped out before they were close to each other. This scene was too terrifying and frightened him. The young man might have a magic weapon for attacking the realm of creation, so his companion was easily killed.

Soon, he saw a small black tower flying towards him at extreme speed, and Jie Li quickly surged over.

Without even thinking about it, the **** emperor turned and fled.

After all, his companion is not able to withstand a single blow under this magic weapon, and his strength is not much different from that of his companion. If he is approached, it will also be a fate.

The divine emperor's cultivation base broke out and he was about to tear the space apart, but he found a supreme power spreading, as if it had sealed the world and became extremely strong, he could not tear the space.

In a blink of an eye, the small tower was approaching, and the world seemed to be suppressed by a force, and his body was suppressed and could not move.


The small tower hit him, causing his lower body to disappear and become bloody.

The **** emperor was completely hairy and his eyes were full of fear. The avenues around him roared, trying to break free, but in the face of the absolute amount of pressure, it was useless. Finally, under a pair of fearful eyes, he saw the small tower again. Hit him once, and the pain swept through his body.

Then, he lost consciousness.

The two **** emperors were easily blasted to death by Lu Chen with the Earthquake Tower, without any suspense.

Because Lu Chen urged the Pinnacle Secret Treasure, an offensive force that threatened the **** emperor giants could erupt, and these two **** emperors were only in the late stage, and could not withstand the impact of the earthquake tower.

With the death of the two **** kings, the surrounding **** king alien races died almost completely. Five minutes later, they were all annihilated, and no one escaped.

Everyone saw the death of all the alien kings, and although they gasped for breath, their faces were exhilarated and filled with smiles.

They also had casualties, and killed more than a dozen of their companions, but they were not besieged to death by the **** king, but the previous **** king took action.

After resting for a while, everyone began to attack the bone altar.

Although the Bone Altar was strong, it could not withstand the attack of a group of gods. After only a minute, the Bone Altar could not withstand the strength, exploded, and the sky of bone residue was flying, and finally it was calm.

With the altar of bones being destroyed, the mysterious aura that enveloped this world disappeared, and everyone couldn't feel the drowsy breath.

At this time, Heisha appeared in front of Lu Chen.

Lu Chen said hurriedly; "Senior Heisha, without further ado, hurry to the next altar."

They destroy the altar here, and they will soon be informed by the aliens. I am afraid that it will not be long before they spread throughout the abyss. The rest of the altar will definitely be sent to guard by more powerful men. Maybe they will send a master. , They have no way to destroy it.

Therefore, we must now non-stop, race against time, and strive to destroy the other two before the news of the altar being broken spreads across the abyss.

Everyone felt that Lu Chen's words were reasonable, and they nodded in agreement regardless of his injuries.

"Okay" Heisha nodded.

Then, the group set off to the next altar.

It didn't take long for them to leave, just a few minutes, the calm void suddenly rippled, two figures appeared, and a powerful aura filled their bodies.

These two alien races came from the closest city to the White Bone Altar. Although they were close, they were hundreds of millions of distances away. They sensed the fluctuations in the battle and rushed forward without stopping, although they used their feet to spend half of the incense stick time. , But unexpectedly, the battle was over.

When the two saw the bone fragments all over the floor, the altar disappeared, and the many corpses, they were dumbfounded.

"No, the altar is broken"

"Among a group of **** kings from the gods, they carry a big killer that can kill the **** king"

The two of them took a breath and turned pale.

When a group of God Kings in the God Realm sneaked into the Abyss Realm and wanted to destroy the altar, the news spread to every city. Although these alien races were surprised, they didn't take it seriously.

Because every altar is guarded by a **** king, a group of **** kings from the gods came here just to die.

But unexpectedly, one of the altars was really broken.

The two quickly left, returned to the city, and immediately reported the news to the upper level, which is the dominance level. Soon, the entire alien race in the abyss knew about this matter, and their hearts were shaken. At this moment, another news came. , The altar was broken again.

The alien race in the abyss is both daunting and shocking.

First of all, the altar was built in an extremely remote location, and the abyss world was so vast. It would take a lot of time for this group of people from the gods to find the altar.

These hours are enough for them to pick up the strongest to guard the remaining two.

But unexpectedly, the strong man was still on his way, and news came that the second altar was destroyed.

They were very puzzled, how could people from the God Realm find the altar so quickly.

Not only did the Abyssal Realm tremble, Wu Ming, Ximen Yu and others, who were walking around various cities and trying to find out the news, they also showed a shocked look when they heard the news.

They have been here for so long and haven't heard any useful news, but now they heard the shocking news that the two altars were broken, they were all shocked.

Who did it?

They couldn't help guessing in their hearts, who was so lucky to find two altars in a row and successfully broke them.

Everyone guessed that it should be Lu Chen.

It may be difficult to find the altar, but it is even more difficult to break the altar. Among the group of people they came, I am afraid that only Lu Chen can do it.

On Lu Chen's side, he was on the way to the third altar. On the way, on the flying magic weapon, Hei Sha suddenly sat upright, his face turned serious.

"Senior Heisha, what's wrong?" Lu Chen couldn't help asking.

Hei Sha's face was full of seriousness, and he said in a deep voice, "You are afraid that you won't be able to destroy the last altar. The master will guard it himself."

Hearing this, the expressions of everyone on the boat changed drastically.

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