My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1179: Tiaohulishan

The chests of the people on the ship seemed to be suddenly pressed against a huge boulder, and their hearts became heavy.

I originally wanted to break the third lost altar in the fastest time, but I never expected that the dominion level would personally come back to guard it, which made the difficulty of breaking the altar rise linearly, and the chance of success was zero.

No matter how bad Lu Chen and the others are, they cannot destroy the altar in front of a lord, because the difference in strength between the two parties is too large, and there is no external force to make up for it.

As long as you dominate a thought, you can easily obliterate all the kings. There is no suspense, and almost no need to think about it.

As for Lu Chen, although there are four pinnacle artifacts that can be used, since the last time he saw the power of Heisha, Lu Chen didn't think he could deal with the master at his current state.

When everyone was silent, Heisha sighed with emotion: "Yang Quan is not weaker than me, and it is also close to the peak. It is impossible for you to destroy the altar under Yang Quan's eyes. Therefore, I hope you give up. ."

Lu Chen murmured, "Is there no other way."

Now, they have destroyed two of them, and only the last one can regain the will of the world. They really don't want the efforts of this time to be in vain.

Even if there is one left, it doesn’t seem to matter much, but even if there is one left, Jie Will can still be in a state of sleep. If the last one is broken, Jie Will will wake up. At that time, even if Taoist Pang Yun re-arranges the lost altar, It took tens of thousands of years to make Jie Will fall into a deep sleep.

The God Realm can usher in a wave of peaceful development, and quickly increase the overall strength of the God Realm.

Therefore, Lu Chen and others didn't want to give up their previous efforts.

Hei Sha nodded, looked at Lu Chen and the others, and gave a cruel answer. They couldn't possibly destroy the altar.

The last time someone wanted to deal with him by relying on the pinnacle secret treasure, but was suppressed by him when he raised his hand, he should understand that the success rate this time was zero.

After a while, Lu Chen said, "Look for a city to live in temporarily, and discuss countermeasures."

Lu Chen and the others did not give up, they were ready to discuss countermeasures, sneak into a city dominated by humans, and at the same time contact Wu Ming and the others scattered outside. Within two months, Wu Ming and Xi Men Yu were all summoned.

A group of people came together and were very happy.

Ximen Yu and the others learned that the reason why Lu Chen found the two altars was that he had "hooked up" with an alien master.

The jaws of the group of people are almost falling to the ground. Lu Chen can always do horrifying things. They can't figure out why Lu Chen can win over Pang Yun Daozu's dominance level. This is really a fantasy. Up.

Soon, they also learned that the last altar was guarded by the master himself, and the atmosphere became heavy.

Wu Ming said solemnly, "Yangquan is a powerful ruler, a great enemy of the gods, and he once killed a **** emperor."

The rest of the people also showed serious expressions, Yang Quan belonged to the first-class level of creation realm powerhouse, second only to the type below the Valkyrie, and at the same level as Moon God, God Emperor Xi, and Sword God.

The master of Yang Quan is responsible for attacking the God Realm. He is famous for killing the emperor. However, this master has a slightly different personality from other masters. He likes piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

Faced with such a strong man guarding the altar, they now have no clue.

A little later, Xi Men Yu suddenly said, "I thought of a way."

"any solution"

Everyone's eyes fell on Ximen Yu.

Ximen Yu said: "Don't Yang Quan likes piano, chess, calligraphy and calligraphy? Let's find a ‘bait’ to move Yang Quan away from the altar and destroy the altar while he leaves."

"Sheep Quan likes to collect treasures about piano, chess, calligraphy and calligraphy. If everyone has a treasure that can be obtained, they will use it to attract Sheep Quan."

When everyone heard Ximen Yu's words, their eyes brightened. This is a good way. If they have the best things about piano, chess, calligraphy, and calligraphy, they can indeed attract Yang Quan's attention.

Wu Ming said: "I have a god-sovereign-level guqin, which I can contribute, but who will inform Yang Quan?"

They can take out the treasures, but it is very difficult for them to tell Sheep Quan. If the news is released for no reason, it may arouse Sheep Quan's vigilance.

Only if someone familiar with Yang Quan releases the news, Yang Quan might be relieved, so everyone looks at Heisha.

"I'll go" Heisha said.

Lu Chen hesitated: "Senior Black Sand, you can easily be guessed by Yang Quan when you do this."

Heisha said: "I can help you, but you still have to promise me one condition."

Lu Chen asked, "What are the conditions?"

"You come out with me"

Lu Chen followed Heisha to a quiet place. Heisha turned around and looked at Lu Chen with a melancholy memory in his eyes. He said: "Back then, Daoist Pangyun swallowed my hometown world, and I took care of my children. Sent to the borderless area, now I don’t know whether it’s alive or dead."

"My condition is that you will meet my heir in the future. You must do me a favor, and that is to try your best to protect him."

Hei Sha knew that Lu Chen's future achievements were destined to be extraordinary, at least able to grow to the level of Dao Ancestor, so he hoped that Lu Chen would agree to this condition.

Lu Chen nodded slightly and said solemnly: "Senior Heisha, I promise you, but how can I recognize who your son is in the future."

Heisha took out a piece of jade pendant with a complex expression in his eyes, and said: "This jade pendant has a trace of the soul of my heir. As long as it is hundreds of thousands of miles away from him, the jade pendant will get fever, and the dog will also feel intimidated."

Hei Sha took out another ring and said, "It contains my inheritance techniques and cultivation resources. As a father, I owe my children to him. If something happens to me, I hope you will transfer them to him."

Lu Chen stretched out his hand to take it, and said, "Senior Heisha, if I meet you in the future, I will pass it on for you."


Hei Sha nodded, a rare smile on his face.


Around the third altar of white bones, there are not many strong foreign races, because the master of sheep will personally guard it, if the group of gods from the gods really strikes, there will be no return.

On the high altar, sitting cross-legged in a white robe of a foreign race, the temperament exuded is quite gentle, if you ignore the hideous lizard head, the other party is definitely a middle-aged man in a jade tree facing the wind.

Yang Quan's slender hands gently plucked the strings, the avenue notes flying all over the sky, and the beautiful melody spread out between the heaven and the earth.

A hearty laughter resounded all over the world: "Brother Yang Quan's knowledge of piano music is really getting higher and higher, even I can't help but sink in."

The voice fell, a faint wave appeared in the calm space, black sand appeared, and his eyes looked at Yang Quan with a smile.

When Yang Quan finished the song, he looked up at Heisha in the air and said lightly, "Brother Heisha, how come to me today?"

Hei Sha said: "Isn’t this I heard that someone in the God Realm is making trouble. He even broke two lost altars, and I’m sure I won’t miss the third one. I would like to see how evil people are in the God Realm, even the God Emperor. Can slaughter."

Yang Quan looked deep and smiled faintly: "I am here now, they are afraid they dare not come."

"Perhaps," Hei Sha said in agreement, his figure flashed, and he came to Yang Quan, looked down at the guqin on Yang Quan's legs, and said unintentionally, "I suddenly remembered something when I saw Brother Yang Quan’s guqin. By the way, when I was in Shijie, I found a guqin. The ancient Leimu tree is the piano seat, and the dragon's inverse tendons are the strings. It's a rare good piano."

Beginning Realm is the world attacked by Black Sand.

"Guqin" Yang Quan flashed a fiery color in his eyes. He didn't like anything else. He liked to pursue and collect all kinds of guqins. Hearing Heisha's words, he quickly asked: "Brother Heisha didn't lie to me, right."

Heisha laughed and said, "Where are the words that Brother Yang Quan said, how dare I lie to you."

"Brother Heisha is really my confidant, I have been to the beginning for a long time." Yang Quan had the idea to leave immediately.

Heisha said, "Brother Yangquan, you are too anxious. Now Shijie hasn't attacked yet. Besides, don't you still have to guard the Bone Altar."

Yang Quan snorted coldly: "Lu Chen, who went to the beginning world for only half a month at most, forgive a few ants from the gods, and dare not come here to go wild."

"Brother Heisha, you accompany me on a trip."

Heisha pretended to be embarrassed and said, "Okay, okay."


The two masters disappeared in place one after another.

Lu Chen and the others lurked thousands of miles away, even if they concealed the world of void particles, they didn't dare to get too close, because the spirit of this level was so powerful that hiding in the world of void particles was just as easy to be discovered.

Seeing Yang Quan and Heisha leaving, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but did not move, but waited for the opportunity.

Everyone waited for four or five days in succession. Thinking of this time, the master of Yang Quan was already far away, and Lu Chen and his party showed up and attacked the people at the White Bone Altar.

Boom boom boom!

All kinds of terrifying avenue forces attacked from the sky, like sharp divine lights, bombarding the aliens, causing them to disintegrate in the screams.

"Enemy Attack"

The alien reacts quickly and makes defense

Boom boom boom!

Three powerful powers swept across the sky, and only three figures stood in the void, with cold electricity in their eyes and terrifying aura. Without any hesitation, they drew the monstrous power of the emperor and launched a lore on a group of sneak attackers.

When Lu Chen saw the three gods, he flew over and flew out of the Shock Boundary Tower inside his body. The terrible Boundary Power filled the past, suppressing the world.

The three emperors sensed the pressure of the suppression, their expressions changed slightly, and their eyes fell on the Earthquake Boundary Tower, becoming very solemn.

At this time, they finally knew why the first two **** emperors who guarded the lost altar had died. This group of young boys from the gods really carried a master-level magic weapon, and the pervading boundary force suppressed the world.


Among the three **** emperors, there was a **** emperor who roared and faintly had the super power to break free from the oppressive realm. He knotted his hands and punched out a series of mysterious principles to draw the surrounding suppression pressure and bear it alone.


The **** emperor endured this force, spit out a mouthful of blood, his face became savage, and said: "You two do it, and quickly slaughter everyone in the God Realm. Don't let any of them go."

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