My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1186: Dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water

The gods and emperors joined forces to search every inch of the land in the gods and hunt for the masters trapped in the gods.

The Lord of the Abyss was rushed back to the abyss realm, and the **** emperors had no worries about the future, and the Lords were found and killed one by one.

Some people say that they saw with their own eyes a lizard rushed out of a rare forbidden area, with a huge body squeezing into the sky, violent, but a black spear flew, pierced through the body, and the **** of war, as bright as the sun, volleyed in the air. , Smashing to dominate the body, the blood is raining.

Above a certain **** kingdom, the sword **** united two **** emperors to ambush a master, blood raining down.

Astonishing news came out one after another, and in the end, a total of six masters were killed. This uproarious hunting and mastering operation can be considered to have come to an end.

Lu Chen stayed in the Wu's house for two months, and the Martial God and the others returned, and they were happy when they learned that Lu Chen and the others had returned safely.

In the depths of the Wu family, a group of people sat down in a place with a strong spirit of spirit.

A large jade table was filled with various crystal clear fruits, and the atmosphere was peaceful.

"Little friend, thank you very much for diving into the abyss realm, destroying the lost altar, and saving hundreds of millions of souls in the **** realm." The Valkyrie raised his glass and smiled at Lu Chen and said, "The old man respects you."

"Senior Valkyrie, you are too polite." Lu Chen quickly raised his glass and replied to Valkyrie.

The Sword God poured a pot of wine fiercely, and laughed loudly: "After calming down the worries within the God Realm, I will sleep more securely. For at least 10 million years, the God Realm will be in peace."

The surrounding **** emperors nodded slightly, and had been exhausted after experiencing a long and protracted battle with the abyss world, and now they can finally relax.

"Yeah, yeah, I can travel around other worlds comfortably" Ximen Qing picked up a divine fruit casually, took a bite, the juice splashed, and the old **** said.

Bai Xi sat opposite Lu Chen. During the process, Lu Chen peeked at Bai Xi from time to time, feeling a little unhappy. He made such a great contribution to the God Realm, and he didn't even have a word of thanks.

Perhaps Lu Chen looked at her one after another, annoyed the latter, causing the latter to stare sharply.

Lu Chen's heart trembled slightly, what a fierce Bai Xi was.

In the field, several **** emperors talked and laughed for a while, and the **** of war suddenly converged his smile and said solemnly: "Everyone, this may be the last time we have met, and the God Realm will bother you all in the future."

When several **** emperors heard the words, all smiled, and they clearly understood what the **** of war would say next.

The atmosphere suddenly became dull.

The Sword God looked at the Martial God, and asked, "Old Wu, if you go to trouble Senior World God and let him come forward, can you let Destiny City Lord give up."

The Martial God shook his head and said: "It's useless, Senior World God was almost planted in the hands of Destiny City Lord. There is a gap between the two. Let Senior World God come forward, undoubtedly adding fuel to the fire."

"The Destiny City Lord is extremely powerful. It is recognized that only the Holy Lord can overwhelm his edge. Perhaps the most mysterious and ancient Shanhai Realm Master can also do it, but Senior Realm God cannot."

"Senior World God once pointed me a clear way to take refuge in a powerful world master. The holy gate opened by the holy master is very powerful, but the holy master, like the mountain and sea master, has disappeared many years ago and has not been exposed. In the face, the people of the Holy Gate will not choose to offend City Lord Destiny for me."

In the Source Realm, there is only one person who is recognized as being able to overwhelm the Destiny City Lord. The Holy Lord, who is the number one leader in the Source Realm, is the number one power in the Source Realm. The Holy Gate power he has opened is all over the Source Realm.

The ancestor of ten thousand demons, the second in the world leader list, may also be able to suppress the Destiny City Lord.

However, the ancestor of ten thousand demons did not have much sympathy for the human race, and even because of the confrontation between humans and demons since ancient times, this school refused to recruit strong human races and only sheltered the demons.

The third is the ancient and mysterious Lord of the Mountains and Seas, who established the cultivation system of the Source Realm. Legend has it that he once had his turn with the Holy Lord, but this Lord of the Mountains and Seas is very mysterious, and he has not developed any forces or participated in the Lord On the Daohui, the ranking on the leaderboard of the world is not obvious.

In the heart of Valkyrie, these three can overwhelm Destiny City Master.

First of all, the ancestor of ten thousand demons has to be eliminated.

Secondly, the Lord and the Lord of the Mountains and Seas have not shown up for many years. Although their power has always been strong, they must be afraid of Destiny City and will not offend Destiny City Lord for him.

Therefore, he has only one way, and that is to run away.

He has the aura left by Destiny City Lord, and will leave coordinates, which means that there will be countless strong men chasing him.

However, it is better than entering the city of Destiny and throwing yourself into the trap. Rebelling may fall in the endless pursuit, or it may break through the desperate situation.

Wu Ming asked puzzledly: "Grandpa, why did the Lord of Destiny want to deal with you? Didn't you come to invite you to enter the city of Destiny last time."

Wu Ming didn't know the Destiny City Lord, and with his current cultivation level, he was not qualified to come into contact with such secrets. Therefore, Wu Ming was very puzzled why Grandpa wanted to escape.

The Valkyrie sighed softly, and narrated about the Destiny City Lord.

After Wu Ming listened, his whole person was stunned. It turned out that he still had such secrets.

The Destiny City Lord, the third in the world **** list, actually used the Tao fruit of the powerhouse above the perfection of the creation realm to enhance his cultivation. This was different from the news he had learned.

In the news he learned, Destiny City Lord is kind, compassionate to the weak and will shelter the weak.

Originally, Wu Ming still worshipped Destiny City Lord a little bit, but now, Sanguan has collapsed.

Wu Ming said: "Grandpa, even if you can't take refuge in the holy lord, the ancestor of ten thousand monsters, and the lord of mountains and seas, there are still so many lords in the lord list, can't you not take refuge?"

The Valkyrie sighed softly and said, "Ming'er, you don't understand it now, you will understand it later."

The **** of war did not give too much explanation. He looked at the middle-aged man beside him, and calmly ordered: "Wu Tao, from now on, the first three martial arts disciples will be sent to the surrounding world in the borderless area in order to hide their names immediately."

Wu Tao, Wu Ming's father, heard this, his eyes were full of complicated expressions, and he said in a low mood: "Father, I know."

The Wu Family, the first family of the God Realm, may soon disappear without knowing it.

Moreover, they must disappear.

Because once the father disobeys the order of the God of Destiny, he will be chased by the strong. Those who dare to chase his father, at least the same level, not even Dao ancestors, and if they can’t find their father, they will Anger their martial artist.

In order not to let the disciples of the Wu family die tragically, and for the continuation of the blood of the Wu family, the Wu family must disappear into the God Realm.

Wu Tao did not continue to speak, but said silently in his heart, father take care.

At this time, Lu Chen looked at the Martial God and asked, "Senior Martial God, what qualifications do you have to get an invitation letter from Destiny City Lord? Once you have completed your cultivation, will Destiny City Lord send someone to send the invitation letter.”

The Valkyrie opened his mouth and said, "Not bad."

Lu Chen said: "Is the cultivation base reaching the late stage of creation, or is it dangerous to the peak?"

Martial God said: "Achieving this level can only be regarded as a green fruit. It tastes very sour. Only when the realm of creation is perfect is the ripe fruit, which can be regarded as reaching the standard for picking by the Lord of Destiny."

Lu Chen: "..."

The Valkyrie asked curiously: "Why did the little friend ask this question."

Lu Chen touched his nose and said, "The younger generation accidentally touched the Destiny Copper Coin, which is considered to have a causal connection with the Destiny City Lord."

The surrounding **** emperors were all surprised when they heard Lu Chen's words. He didn't expect that Lu Chen had also touched the fate copper coin. This shows that in the future, Lu Chen will follow the old path of the **** of war.

"Didn't your masters protect you very well? Hold it in your palm for fear that you will fall, hold it in your mouth for fear that you will be transformed, why, it will also make you contaminated with this unknown source." A word that contains irony It came from the side.

Lu Chen raised his head and saw Bai Xi staring at him mockingly.

Lu Chen could hear that Bai Xi's words were full of resentment, which was resentment towards the masters.

Lu Chen knew where Bai Xi's resentment came from. As soon as she regained her memory, the three masters of her family came and stopped in front of her, fearing that she would hurt him.

That's why Bai Xi was sarcastic.

Lu Chen looked at Bai Xi and said: "Xiao Xi, don't talk nonsense, it was given to me by the master. You also know that the mountains and seas are remote, and you don't know the origin of the fate copper coins. You are stupid thinking that there is a secret above the creation realm. , I also learned that the Destiny Copper Coin was the bait thrown by the Destiny City Lord like the heavens and the world in the time world."

"Little, Xiao Xi"

Lu Chen's words shook the people around him so much, each of his mouths opened into an O shape.

Basically, except for the **** of war, everyone was shocked by Lu Chen's horrifying name for the goddess of death.

"Who asked you to call me that?" Bai Xi's pretty face was full of frost, and a terrifying breath of death enveloped Lu Chen.

Bai Xi also obviously didn't expect that Lu Chen would be so bold, calling her so intimate after seeing the **** emperors.

"Don't forget, your master is not in front of you. I want to kill you, no one can keep you." Before Lu Chen could speak, Bai Xi threatened coldly.

"I'm not afraid that my son will hate you for a lifetime. If you want to kill you, you will be able to kill you." Lu Chen said lazily, with an attitude that a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.

"Boy, kid"

The crowd eating melons around was stunned, looked at the goddess of death, and then at Lu Chen, between the two, there was a child.

Wu Ming's head was also dizzy. Ximen Yu told him that Lu Chen had rescued the seriously injured Shendi Xi, and that Lu Chen was from Shendi Xi. He thought he was a subordinate, but he didn't expect it to be. this means.

Wu Ming gave Lu Chen a thumbs up in his heart. Had God Emperor Xi not been in front of him, he would have wanted to yell to Lu Chen: "Brother Lu, awesome."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Believe it or not, I tore your mouth." Bai Xi's angry face was blue and white, and she denied it: "I have no children with you, and it has nothing to do with you."

When Lu Chen saw Bai Xi denial, he didn't speak, but looked at her calmly.

Had God not taken good care of him, he would have met his son when he came to God Realm. Otherwise, Lu Chen would have thought that he had beaten the child with the strong attitude of the young girl Xi.

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