My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1187: Sing

Bai Xi caught a glimpse of Lu Chen's inattentive expression, and his eyes seemed to be taunting. He was shocked, did the other party know something.

How could this be possible, Bai Hao's secret was well protected by her, even in God's country, only a few confidants knew about it.

How did Lu Chen know the existence of Bai Hao?

Although a little panicked in her heart, her pretty face was calm and calm, staring at someone blankly.

A group of people eating melons next to them kept their eyes swept over them, hoping to get more melons.

"is it"

There was a hint of playfulness on Lu Chen's face, and he said jokingly: "The appearance of our son is very similar to me, Xiao Xi, thank you, for me..."

"Shut up for me" Bai Xi's silver teeth clenched her teeth, and her heart throbbed. Looking at the situation, someone seemed to know that Bai Hao existed.

In fact, Bai Xi's first thought about the sudden pregnancy was that she couldn't take it, but as a mother, if she didn't even want her own child, she would probably live in regret for the rest of her life and could not face her heart directly.

She didn't know how to deal with it, so she used secret methods to suppress it, so she dragged on until not too long before the child was born.

Since the birth of Bai Hao, her heart has changed a little, and she has become a little weaker, so her hatred for someone is not so deep.

Without the fetters of Bai Hao, her first thought when she learned that someone came to the God Realm would probably be to do it.

"Bai Hao is my son and has nothing to do with you" Bai Xihan said with a pretty face.

Now that the other party already knows it, there is no need to hide it and admit it neatly, but if someone wants to take Baihao from her hand, she may be desperate.

When Lu Chen heard the words, he immediately sneered: "You give birth to one by yourself and show it to me. I don't believe that you can get pregnant just by relying on you."

People around: "..."

Bai Xi was also mad at Lu Chen's words, and her white as jade cheeks were full of anger. Behind her, she was dead and gloomy, like an abyss, about to swallow Lu Chen.

At this moment, Bai Xi really had the idea of ​​doing it.

Lu Chen felt Bai Xi's mood swings, his heart was slightly cold, and he bit his head and said, "If you are not afraid of being hated by your son for a lifetime..."

When the people around heard Lu Chen's words, they were immediately speechless, feeling that Lu Chen was a little shameless, threatening White with his son as a weakness, but then again, in today's world, men are strong and women are weak, and women are dependent on strong men.

But the two in front of them are strong women and weak men, and the goddess of death only needs a finger to kill someone.

Lu Chen had no other choice but to threaten the goddess of death with his son.

Bai Xi was also a little speechless, took a deep breath, and said in a hard tone: "Bai Hao, I can grow up by myself, I don't need you, and you haven't done your father's responsibilities."

Seeing Bai Xi restrained his anger, Lu Chen heaved a sigh of relief. It seemed that Bai Hao was the weakness of Young Girl Xi.

If only this stinky boy is here, help yourself to blow the pillow breeze, can you resolve the two people's previous grievances?

Hearing Bai Xi's words, Lu Chen felt a little depressed. What does it mean that he has not fulfilled his responsibilities as a father? The mountains and seas are far away from the abyss, and the boundless area is extremely dangerous. He doesn't even have the emperor's cultivation base, so he just doesn't stop. Come to the realm of God, alright.

Therefore, Lu Chen said, "What does it mean that I have not fulfilled my duty as a father? I have done my job very well. I have given him all the heirlooms."

Lu Chen didn't lie about this, after all, he gave him the Slaughter God Sword and Xuan Zhongyin.

After a pause, Lu Chen added: "What does it mean that you can cultivate by yourself? Don't you know that in addition to maternal love, there is also fatherly love. If the two kinds of love are missing one, it will be nothing in the future. Hao grew up healthy, but there is always a corner missing in his heart."

"You really saw Bai Hao." Bai Xi was surprised. She thought that someone had inquired about the news, but she didn't expect to have seen it.

Bai Xi also remembered. A few years ago, Bai Hao secretly ran away from home. He hasn't returned until now. It is estimated that someone is the same as the Bai Hao he met a few years ago.

Bai Xi's pretty face was tense, and asked: "You told him who he was."

"Is this enough?" Lu Chen replied, but immediately added: "But even if that kid is stupid, he should have guessed my identity."

"You are stupid." Bai Xi stared at Lu Chen sharply, and said, "Xiao Hao is the smartest person in the world, a hundred times smarter than you."

Lu Chen vomited blood depressed and said, "Isn't this a metaphor?"

"It's not a good analogy." Bai Xi stared at Lu Chen, and then asked, "Where did you meet Xiaohao?"

Lu Chen rolled his eyes and said, "Why should I tell you, and Xiao Xi, you are too much, and you actually told your son that I am dead, is there someone such a curse?"

Bai Xi immediately said coldly: "If you didn't have your masters, you would already be dead."

"Also, those masters of yours are not good things, they have altered my memory," Bai Xi said with a look of bitter hatred on his face.

Bai Xi didn't have such a big hatred for Lu Chen. What he hated most was the strong man who altered her memory. If the other party hadn't altered her memory, the next series of things would never happen.

Lu Chen said: "You have to be grateful, my master saved your life somehow."

Bai Xi's eyes were filled with disdain, and said: "I need your master to help. I can heal the injury by myself. Once the injury is recovered, I will recover."

Lu Chen said, "You are purely making trouble for nothing."

"Say one more sentence" Bai Xi's eyes sharpened again, and there was a tendency to disagree.

"Ahem, the family affairs of the two of you, can you discuss it in private?" Seeing the two of them arguing again, the **** of war coughed.

The two of them quarreled as they said, and even if they have children, they can't live a good life.

"Don't disturb my peaceful life, go back to your mountain and sea world" Bai Xi said blankly, then her figure flashed and disappeared.

"Brother Lu, it's amazing, I can't think of you and the goddess of death" Wu Ming said incredulously after Bai Xi left, giving Lu Chen a thumbs up.

In Wu Ming's heart, Lu Chen's image suddenly rose up, and he wished to throw his five bodies on the ground.

The **** emperor next to her was still in shock. The aunt, who was known as the goddess of death, actually had a child. Her petty temper was so violent that even the Valkyrie would be jealous, but today, she suppressed her petty temper for the first time.

Seeing Shendi Xi's departure, Lu Chen was not disappointed at all, because he seemed to have grasped the weakness of Young Girl Xi, which was Bai Hao.

Lu Chen turned his head, clasped his fists at the Valkyrie, and said, "Senior Valkyrie, I want to take the teleportation formation and leave."

"Where are the little friends going."

Lu Chen said: "The Kingdom of Death."

Soon, when the people around saw Lu Chen leaving in the teleportation formation, Wu Ming said: "The Death Goddess seems to be still in anger. Just now there are a lot of people, and the Death Goddess is not easy to handle. Brother Lu is chasing him to be beaten."

"But having said that, even if there are children, the goddess of death will definitely be able to sing and sing along with women."

The Sword God sighed: "This is called "women sing with husbands".


Although the kingdom of death is only a kingdom of gods, it resounds throughout the world of gods, without it, because this is the kingdom of gods controlled by the goddess of death.

In the kingdom of the gods of death, basically the most loyal worshipers and followers of the goddess of death.

The goddess of death is more inclined to the magic way, so there are many people in the kingdom of death, the dark way and the magic way, and there are not so many bounds, so many demon who have committed terrible disasters will come to the kingdom of death to take shelter.

The Death City is extremely prosperous, with a population of over 100 million.

On a prosperous street, a young man walked along with the flow of people, with two capitals of depression on his face.

This young man is Lu Chen.

Lu Chen originally teleported to the imperial palace, but as soon as he came out, he was bombarded by an invisible force. There was no second person to shoot except Bai Xi.

Bai Xi would not let him enter the palace, but he wanted to.

Lu Chen walked towards the palace, just under the city wall, walked out of two guards holding long knives, his stomach was bright, his eyes were cold, his body exuded a strong suffocation, and he stared at Lu Chen and shouted: "Who are you waiting, here? It's the palace, leave quickly, or you won't blame me for being ruthless."

Lu Chen lazily said, "I'm in the palace. Go and inform Xiao Xi that her husband is here."

"Who is Xiao Xi?" the guard asked on the wall.

"Your Lord of the Kingdom" Lu Chen said Shiran.

On the city wall, the two guards were stunned, and then furious, the king-level coercion broke out, their eyes stared at Lu Chen coldly, and they shouted: "Where is the fanatic, it's impossible to find death."

This is the first time that the two guards have seen such a bold grace. Not only the husband who claims to be the lord of the country, but also the lord Xiaoxi, for the followers of the loyal goddess of death, how can anyone dare to blaspheme the goddess of death like this? , Immediately drew out the long knife, the blood suddenly appeared, and he wanted to act on Lu Chen.

"You guys retreat"

An extremely beautiful woman appeared, her black hair fluttering in the wind, a black tight-fitting shirt, and a perfect figure outline, majestic and majestic, she was a god-sovereign giant.

This beautiful woman is Bai Xi's personal guard. She looked at Lu Chen and said, "Go, the Lord will not see you."

When the two guards saw the incoming person, they immediately saluted respectfully, and then slowly stepped back.

Lu Chen said, "If she doesn't see me, I can see her."

The black-clothed woman was speechless, but her whole body was overwhelmed by Lu Chen, and the air was filled with Ruo Ruo Wu's pressure, and her tone became colder: "Just because you want to break into the palace, I am afraid that you are not qualified."

When Lu Chen heard this, he laughed and said, "Thank you for reminding me."

After Lu Chen finished speaking, he flew off into the air, volleyed against the black-clothed woman, exploded with great power, and faced each other.

Seeing this, the black-clothed woman squinted her beautiful eyes. Could it be that the man in front of her is trying to pick her for authority.

The other party is no more than a **** king, who gave him the courage to challenge her a **** king giant.

The two guards were dumbfounded. This fanatic actually wanted to challenge the adult, but thinking that the other party would even dare to be frivolous in the goddess of death, the scene in front of him was not worth the fuss.

I sighed in my heart, I have seen someone who can do it, and I have never seen one who can do it like this.

Just when Lu Chen thought that he had to break in to get in, a flying boat suddenly flew in front of him and stopped, and three people jumped out of it.

Bai Hao, and his maid size Joe.

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