My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1197: Unwilling to showdown as a big cow

The surrounding diners not only recognized Lu Chen, but also Wang Lao San. Compared with Lu Chen, they are more familiar with Wang Lao San, because the Wang family is the Tianzun family here, and Wang Lao San's nickname is the third master, who loves beautiful women. I like to wander around the city to see beautiful women when I am fine.

Sanye's words also stunned the people around him.

The third master actually asked Lu Chen to return 10,000 square spirit crystals, did Lu Chen owe him the spirit crystals?

But even if he had owed it before, now Lu Chen has become the Sword Emperor, aside from his apprenticeship as the five Heavenly Emperor Masters, he is also qualified to sit on an equal footing with the Saint Emperor.

There is a supreme in Sanye, how dare to let Lu Chen return to the spirit crystal.

In fact, when Wang Lao San finished speaking, the whole person was stupid, and his face was pale as snow. He thought that the sword emperor represented his identity and belonged to a figure standing in the cloud. He asked Lu Chen about Lingjing, which was bored. .

If Lu Chen got angry and slapped him to death, no one would avenge him, and no one would dare to come forward.

"Too courageous" Lu Chen looked up and down Wang Lao San, with a faint smile on his face.

"Master Lu, I..."

Wang Lao San opened his mouth and was about to cry, a biting chill rose from the tail vertebrae and spread throughout his body, causing him to shiver in Lingling.

Wang Lao San felt regretful in his heart. He knew that he shouldn't stand up a long time ago. It was too worthless to lose his life in order to recover the 10,000 square spirit crystals.

"Give you"

Lu Chen pointed out a ring with his fingers, and said, "The extra ring counts as interest."

Lu Chen didn't care about Wang Lao San, his current status was different, and it was impossible for him to be ashamed to kill the other party just because the other party came to ask for money. He was not a person who killed innocent demons.

Moreover, the courage of this guy made him admire him.

"Many, thank you"

Wang Laosan picked up the Lingjing and ran away quickly, standing beside Lu Chen under too much pressure.

The appearance of Wang Laosan is just an episode

After Lu Chen and Yueyan had dinner, they left the city, went to other places, and stopped all the way. After about a month, they came to Zhentianzong.



An inconspicuous little sect, the master is a Tianzun, and there are more than 100 disciples under the sect. If this sect is placed in Jiutian, it may be ordinary, but it is insignificant if it is placed in the mountain and sea boundary. It is a small sect that survives in the cracks.

There are three Tianzuns in the Zhentianzong, the lord Li Ao, the great elder, and the Lu Zhengheng couple whom Li Ao has traveled to and met.

On a low mountain, two rows of blue brick houses, a few palaces, and a hundred acres of medicine fields were built. This is the gate of Zhentianzong.

In one of the palaces, there are several people. The main one is a middle-aged man who seems to be about forty years old. He has an ordinary temperament and a perfect cultivation base. He is the Sect Master Li Ao of the Heavenly Shaking Sect.

There were two people sitting on the left and right of Li Ao. On the left was a black-faced old man, who seemed to be in his late seventies.

On the right is a middle-aged man with a national character face, thick eyebrows and big eyes. This person is Lu Zhengheng. Shu Menglan went to retreat and hit the Heavenly Venerable Realm, and was not beside him.

The atmosphere in the hall was a little heavy.

"Elder, you said that Flying Leopard Sect has learned about the Great Wind Great Emperor and is on the way to Zhentian Sect." Sect Master Li Ao said, a low voice echoing in the hall.

Li Ao's look was particularly ugly, and there was a faint anger brewing in his eyes.

The black-faced old man said: "Sect Master, at this time, it is true that the Sect Master Flying Leopard has already broken through to the Great Sovereign and the five elders of the Heavenly Sovereign as early as a hundred years ago. With the power of the Sect, he is not the opponent of the Flying Leopard Sect. The Leopard Sect army has not yet arrived, so let's evacuate quickly."

The face of the black-faced old man was full of anxious expressions.

Zhentianzong is only a third-rate sect. According to the gradual and steady development of the cycle, it is not known that the year of the monkey can only be promoted to the second-rate. It mainly has no resources and practice techniques. However, for a while, God has favored the Tiantianzong.

Zhentianzong discovered the treasures of the Great Wind Emperor thousands of years ago. Perhaps looking at the entire mountain and sea world, the Great Wind Emperor’s status is unknown, but in their area, the Great Wind Great Emperor is a well-known figure and created an ordinary emperor back then. Zong has hundreds of thousands of disciples.

By coincidence, the three of them obtained the treasure of the Great Wind Emperor, including many spiritual books and a large number of spiritual crystals.

This matter was originally only known to the three of them, and logically speaking, it would not be spread, but now, the news has spread out.

"Brother Lu, Sect Master didn't treat you badly, you actually spread the news," the black-faced old man said with a flame burning in his eyes, watching Lu Zhengheng said coldly.

Lu Zhengheng shook his head and said, "It's not me."

"It's not who you are." The black-faced old man snorted coldly, "I don't know what good it will be for you to spread the news."

Only the three of them knew about the treasure of the Great Wind Great Emperor. The Sovereign would not speak to others, but he was loyal to the Heavenly Shaking Sect. He knew that weakness was the original sin.

So it is no longer necessary to explain who passed the news.

Who else can be besides Lu Zhengheng.

Lu Zhengheng has only come to Zhentianzong for more than ten years, and he has no deep feelings for the sect, and it is easy to make a decision that damages the sect.

Li Ao said, "Elder, this matter has nothing to do with Brother Lu."

The black-faced old man looked at Sovereign Li Ao, who sighed and said, "I have no eyes, and I have taught a white-eyed wolf."

"Xu Fei" the black face elder blurted out.

Li Ao twitched a few times, and said coldly: "It's not him who else can."

Li Ao's expression was uncertain. One thing he did wrong was to pass the news of the treasure of the Great Wind Emperor to his apprentice prematurely, so he attracted the wolves, tigers and leopards.

The Flying Leopard Sect, the nearby sect, has been inherited for thousands of years. Although there is no emperor-level existence like the Zhentian Sect, the Sect Master of Flying Leopard is a great sect. Opponents, not to mention the overall strength of the Flying Leopard Sect, are more than several times stronger than their Heavenly Shaking Sect.

The black-faced old man listened to Li Ao's explanation, looked at Lu Zhengheng with apologetic eyes, and said in embarrassment: "Elder Lu, I'm sorry, I misunderstood you."

Li Ao also looked at Lu Zhengheng and asked with a smile, "Brother Lu, do you think we should migrate away."

Li Ao's question was very meaningful. He vaguely guessed that the background of Lu Zhengheng and his wife was not simple. He also met Lu Zhengheng and his wife by accident.

Decades ago, he encountered an invincible enemy. A fierce demon stared at him, trying to absorb his blood and cultivation. This demon belonged to the entire Qianyuan dynasty. The kind that is frightened.

Because this demon is a king.

The king's level is very powerful, invincible under the emperor realm, and the royal family has to give him a little bit of face, otherwise he will suffer. Unless the emperor comes out to completely wipe out the devil, otherwise he can't be offended.

Li Ao was stared at by the demon Wang Zun. He thought it was a certain death situation, but on the way to escape, he ran into Lu Zhengheng and his wife, and something strange happened.

The king-level demon figure who was chasing him suddenly changed his face, showing a look of horror, and ran away without looking back.

Undecided, Li Ao made a few guesses in his mind, that is, Lu Zhengheng and his wife are definitely not as simple as the surface, they may be in the emperor realm, otherwise how can they scare away the king-level demon.

But later rejected this speculation, Lu Zhengheng and his wife were both supreme at the time.

Soon, Li Ao thought of another possibility, that is, Lu Zhengheng's background is extraordinary, and there may be an extremely powerful guardian in the dark that scared away the king.

At least, it is also the kind of Emperor Realm.

It also means that even if Lu Zhengheng and his wife are from superpowers, their status may not be low.

Although he guessed it, Li Ao did not say anything, but pretended not to know, befriended Lu Zhengheng, and even invited Zhentianzong to be a guest.

Because Lu Zhengheng couldn't adapt to staying at the big sect, he followed Li Ao to a strange small sect that no one knew him.

Over the years, Lu Zhengheng has also been promoted to Heavenly Sovereign smoothly, but Li Ao still didn’t know his true identity from his mouth, but he didn’t care. Anyway, Lu Zhengheng and his wife had a mysterious origin. If the sect encounters a crisis, he will definitely reveal his identity and help the sect. Turn danger to bargain.

Now, the news that the Zhentian Sect had obtained the treasure of the Great Wind Great Emperor spread out, attracting the coveting of the Flying Leopard Sect, and it might be destroyed, so Li Ao was going to explore Lu Zhengheng's tone.

Lu Zhengheng said: "Sect Master, it is said that Sect Master Flying Leopard was already a Great Sovereign as early as a hundred years ago, and his strength is unfathomable, and the power of the sect is not his opponent. Now let's leave as soon as the opponent hasn't hit the door. "

Lu Zhengheng actually wanted to help, and didn't want to watch the Tiantianzong collapse, but it was very far away from the Sword Emperor Palace. When the Feijian Biography arrived at the Sword Emperor Palace, the Zhentianzong had already been wiped out several times.

When Li Ao heard Lu Zhengheng's words, a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

When the Earthquake Sect is all alive and dead, Brother Lu is also not willing to show off his status as a big cow.

Although a little disappointed in his heart, Li Ao still smiled reluctantly: "Okay, let's leave here, the elder, order to go down, rectify the disciples, leave another day, choose another place, and reopen the mountain gate."

"Sect Master Wise", the black-faced old man stood up to answer, and then left.

"Heh, is this the top of the hill?" A purple warship floated in the sky above Zhentianzong and above the clouds. Lu Chen stood on the bow of the ship, looking at the mountain gate below, and shook his head speechlessly.

Lu Chen really didn’t understand what the old man did. With his relationship, any top force in the mountain and sea world can enter. It’s even simpler to practice the exercises. The Holy Emperor has learned enough. Just let him know, someone will come from the east. Bring him from the imperial pagoda.

But his own old man seemed to have ambitions, and he wanted to fight hard, or maybe he didn't want to hurt him, so he ran out, whether it is practice or resources, he can obtain it by himself.

"Sister-in-law, you're waiting here, I'll go down and meet my old man," Lu Chen said, looking at Yueyan.

Yueyan had no objection to this, and nodded: "Okay."

Lu Chen jumped down and entered the Heavenly Shaking Sect. His arrival did not attract any attention. If he didn't want to be noticed by others, even the Holy Emperor would not be able to perceive his aura, let alone the group of Heavenly Shaking Sect.

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