My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1198: The emperor?

After entering the Heavenly Sect, Lu Chen swept away his spiritual thoughts, and immediately found the strongest practitioner in the sect, a middle-aged man who had perfected Tianzun.

"Sect Master of Zhentian Sect" Lu Chen murmured, restraining himself.

Sovereign Li Ao returned to the room and prepared to pack his things and leave. Looking at the surrounding scenes, his heart was filled with dismay. After all, he has lived here for hundreds of years and has deep feelings.

Suddenly, Li Ao saw a figure standing in the darkness.

Li Ao couldn't sense the other party's realm. Even if he swept with divine mind, he couldn't detect the other party's aura at all, as if it didn't exist, but from the naked eye, there was a person standing there really.

"There is no breath fluctuation, even the divine mind can't sweep it, what level of existence" Li Ao was cold, and there was a deep fear in his eyes. What realm of power is this?

Seeing that the other party stood in the dark without a word, Li Ao bit his head and shouted: "Front, senior."

Li Ao is 100% sure that the mysterious person in the dark is a powerful person above the heavenly sovereign. Could it be that the other party's purpose is also the treasure of the Great Wind Great Emperor. If the guess is true, they will not be able to leave.

"Senior, I am willing to hand over the practice of the Great Wind Great Emperor, and please let me have a way out" Li Ao said tremblingly, his body trembling like a chaff.

In the darkness, Lu Chen made a voice: "How do you meet my old man?"

Lu Chen didn't want to be nosy at first, but he was afraid that his old man would be used by people with ulterior motives, so he needed to interrogate a few words. If this person's personality is so-so, he would just turn a blind eye.

Li Ao was confused and didn't know what the mysterious powerhouse meant, but he was relieved, it seemed that it was not for the treasure of the Great Wind Emperor.

The voice in the dark is very young, it should be a young practitioner, at least much smaller than him, and the other party said that he knew his old man.

The three words Lu Zhengheng suddenly appeared in Li Ao's mind.

Thinking of this, Li Ao's eyes lit up and he asked excitedly: "Dare to ask Lu Zhengheng, Brother Lu, but Senior, your father."

The excitement in Li Ao's heart, he knew that Lu Zhengheng's identity was not simple.

"Yes, how did you meet him?" Lu Chen asked blankly.

Li Ao didn't dare to hide it, and quickly told the story of how he and Lu Zhengheng met.

After listening to Lu Chen, he stood in the dark and meditated, and then asked: "Did you know that my old man's identity is not simple? You have a heart to make friends."

When Li Ao heard this, a drop of cold sweat slipped from his forehead and quickly said, "Senior, although I guessed that Brother Lu's identity is not simple, I never thought about using his identity to do anything."

"Forget it"

Lu Chen waved his hand and warned: "If you dare to take advantage of our old man, you will only end up as a cocoon in the end."

A vast breath fell on him, Li Ao directly softened his legs and fell to his knees. At the same time, his body was subjected to endless squeezing, and his bones seemed to be broken.

Li Ao's pupils dilated, and his heart felt as if he was suffocated.

"So strong"

Li Ao was extremely horrified, the aura of Lu Zhengheng's sons was too strong, probably more than a hundred times stronger than the aura of the emperor of the Qianyuan Dynasty.

The emperor of the Emperor Realm, he had the honor to meet once, his aura was very powerful, but this aura was much stronger than that of Emperor Qianyuan.

Fortunately, this breath was fleeting, and Lu Chen was only warning the other party. Otherwise, Li Ao's body would not be able to withstand his breath for a second, and it would explode into blood mist.

After Lu Chen finished speaking, he disappeared without knowing it.

Li Ao saw the figure disappearing in the dark. He didn't see how the other party disappeared. He was panting heavily, and his whole body was wet with cold sweat.

However, Li Ao was extremely excited inside. Brother Lu's son came to the door, and his realm was very terrifying. The lowest was the emperor. So, would it not be a simple matter to solve the dilemma of the Tiansha Sect before him?

When Li Ao thought of this, the haze in his heart was swept away, and the whole person became relaxed.

Lu Zhengheng just returned to the room, and suddenly a familiar voice appeared in his ear: "Old man, don't stay in the Sword Emperor Palace, why did you run into such a small sect of influx?"

Lu Zhengheng turned his head and saw Lu Chen standing in front of him, looking at him speechlessly.

Lu Chen was really speechless to his old man. He didn't enjoy his good fortune, and he insisted on self-reliance.

The key realm is still in the early days of Tianzun. If it were in the Palace of Sword Emperor, he would have been promoted to Tianzun's consummation long ago.

"Smelly boy, no big or small" Lu Zhengheng said angrily, this kid showed no respect for him.

However, when Lu Chen appeared in front of him, Lu Zhengheng was very happy, and asked, "Smelly boy, how long have you been back?"

Lu Chen responded: "I have been back for a few years and have been in retreat. I only came out recently. By the way, you haven't answered my question. Why are you not staying in the Sword Emperor Palace."

Lu Zhengheng shook his head and said, "I'm not used to it."

What Lu Zhengheng said was right, he was really not used to the life of the Sword Emperor Palace, because every emperor, even the powerful saint emperor, treated him respectfully and called him senior.

The realm of those people was several grades higher than him, and the sound of the predecessor fell in his ears, feeling very harsh and unaccustomed, so he took his wife out to practice.

Although Zhentianzong's life was a bit tight, he was at ease, and he liked this kind of life quite a bit.

When Lu Chen saw the old man's words, he didn't persuade him.

Lu Zhengheng said: "Your mother has been talking about you all these days when you left the world of mountains and seas, and she was very worried. Now that you are back, she will be very happy."

After Lu Zhengheng finished speaking, he used his spiritual thoughts to wake Shu Menglan who was in retreat.

It didn’t take long for you to come out of the secret room. When your eyes fell on Lu Chen, a huge joy filled her heart, and she ran over to hug Lu Chen tightly: "Xiaobao, you are finally back. Do you know that my mother is very worried about you."

When Lu Chen heard this, he smiled bitterly: "Mother, I'm not a kid anymore, I have a sense of measure."

Mother Lu immediately stared and reprimanded; "You have a sense of measure, none of your masters have been outside. I don't know how dangerous it is outside, so you ran out when you were only a god, and said that you have a sense of measure and a sense of fart."

Lu Chen tugged at the corner of his mouth and did not argue with his mother, because no matter what he said, his mother could find many reasons to come out. In order to prevent her mother from continuing to struggle with this issue, she quickly changed the subject: "By the way, mother, I will tell you a good news. You are a grandmother."

"What do you mean?" Mother Lu was really attracted by Lu Chen's words, confused, but quickly asked with excitement, "Qingcheng is pregnant."

Shu Menglan saw Liu Qingcheng last time, and knew the relationship between the latter and her son, thinking that Liu Qingcheng was pregnant.

"No" Lu Chen shook his head.

"Could it be Qing Yao" Lu Mu continued to speculate.

Lu Chen looked speechless: "Neither, she is a woman from other worlds."

"Where's grandson, have you brought it back?"


Mother Lu immediately glared at Lu Chen with a look of hatred for iron and steel, and grabbed Lu Chen's ears angrily: "Smelly boy, why didn't you bring your baby grandson back, do you still see me as a mother?"

Lu Chen looked aggrieved, and said, "He has grown up, and is living well under the care of her mother in the God Realm."

"I ask you, why didn't you bring your grandson back" Shu Mu obviously didn't eat this set, staring at Lu Chen with stern eyes.

Lu Chen touched his nose and said with a wry smile: "Mother, if you want to see your grandson, you can visit the gods. The journey is not too far."

Mother Lu rolled her eyes, and said angrily: "You told me that in other worlds, can you still go to the borderless area based on the cultivation of my father and me?"

Lu Chen said, "You can sit in the teleportation formation."

When the master and the others return, make sure there is no problem with the teleportation array, and the old couple can sit in the teleportation array and go to the gods.

"Transportation array?" Mother Lu was confused, and Lu Zhengheng's curiosity was also seduced.

Lu Chen had to explain to the old couple the news that the teleportation array had been built.

After listening to the two, they were very happy. If they could take the teleportation formation and travel to other worlds, it would be great. Mother Lu said with joy, "After I break through the Heavenly Lord, I will go to God Realm with your father to visit my grandson."

After retelling the past, Lu Zhengheng said: "Lu Chen, you just came here, there is one thing here, you can solve it smoothly."

Lu Zhengheng and Li Ao have known each other for more than ten years, and they feel that this person is pretty good and can make friends, and he is also a member of the Heavenly Shaking Sect, and he is obliged to do his part.

Lu Chen then asked, "What's the matter?"

Lu Zhengheng talked about the difficulties encountered by the Zhentianzong. After Lu Chen understood, he nodded casually and said, "No problem."

Lu Zhengheng used his spiritual thoughts to find Li Ao and the elder.

After a while, Li Ao and a black-faced old man walked over.

When Li Ao saw Lu Chen, he thought of the shadow in the previous darkness, the mysterious powerhouse who had warned him secretly, and the look in Lu Chen's eyes was full of fear.

The Grand Elder looked at Lu Zhengheng in confusion, and asked, "Elder Lu, do you think there is a way to solve the current dilemma?"

Before, everyone felt that there was no way to face the pressure from the Flying Leopard Sect. How could Elder Lu be able to solve it in a blink of an eye.

Lu Zhengheng pointed to Lu Chen and said with a smug look: "This is my son Lu Chen, Feibaozong and other trivial things, he will help explain."

The elder looked at Lu Chen with a look of suspicion. It was the first time he had met Elder Lu’s heirs. He felt very sparse and ordinary. After perceiving his spiritual consciousness, he found that there was only a faint fluctuation of spiritual power, and the realm was even more vague, but I didn't think about higher, I just felt that the opponent's cultivation base was very weak.

After all, even fathers are talented, so how high can a son be.

Moreover, he didn't think that Elder Lu's son was a great emperor.

Why is it so sure, because Elder Lu is not Wang Zun, Huang Zun and the like are just ordinary Tian Zun, so the son should not be too good.

"Predecessor," Li Ao looked at Lu Chen and called out anxiously.

The black-faced old man looked at Sect Master Li Ao with a dull expression. He even called Elder Lu's son a senior, and his attitude was very restrained. This shows that there is too much difference between the two realms, and Sect Master Li Ao is so solemn.

Great, Great!

The black-faced old man came up with the word Great in his mind, almost dizzy on the spot.

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