My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 840: Unfavorable

Holding the Demon Slashing Conference is also for the sake of younger generations.

As the deputy palace lord's words fell, and the surrounding people whispered, many young people were eager to try.

After all, the juniors who come here are all core disciples in their own forces, influential figures, or direct descendants of the Supreme or Tianzun, all with arrogance.

"I come"

In a place farther away, where the supreme-level forces were sitting, a young man stood up and stared at Long Ren and said, "I am willing to come and win the first victory."

This young man's cultivation in the middle stage of the holy realm is the same as the dragon man.

The elder beside him warned: "The sky demon is not an ordinary beast, so be vigilant."

"I see," the young man replied and jumped to the stage of competition.

This young man is a man of great influence around his own forces, the first evildoer, and could not help but come out for the first battle.

On the martial arts stage, the released dragon man looked at the youth coldly, full of killing intent.

"Just use your Heavenly Demon Blood to moisturize my sword. Speaking of which, I haven't drunk the Heavenly Demon Blood yet." A long sword appeared in the young man's hand, watching the dragon man proudly speak.

After finishing speaking, the figure flashed, and the sword was used, the sword aura covered the sword, and pierced at the dragon man's eyebrows. The speed was fast and cruel, as if he wanted a sword to take the dragon man's life.

The dragon man stared mockingly at the young man's attack. The young man's attack was not in the slightest danger to him. He raised a palm covered with cyan scales and pressed it against the pointed sword tip.

The tip of the sword collided with the palm of the dragonman, and instead of passing through, it drew a string of sparks.

The dragon man's body is covered with a layer of cyan scale armor, and he has a very strong defense. Although this young man can shoot his sword very fast, his attack power is not enough to pierce the dragon man's surface defense.

The young man was originally very calm, because in the middle stage of his cultivation as a holy monarch, this sky demon was of the same level, but he was injured, and his strength must be greatly reduced, but he did not expect his defense to be so amazing.

The young man felt bad in an instant, and withdrew and retreated, avoiding contact with the dragonman, and fighting around the dragonman. The sword shadow flickered, continuously slashing, slashing, or piercing the scales on the surface of the dragonman. It shocked the youth.

With his series of fierce attacks, even the defense of the dragon people could not be broken.

Although the sky demon's defensive power has been influenced since childhood, but after all, he has not seen it. Seeing it today shocked him in place.

During the whole process, the dragon man stood in place, letting the youth attack, his arrogant eyes were full of disdain, and when the youth was panting, he mocked: "Does the Human Race send you such a weak opponent? It's not enough to tickle me. What a waste."

The young man's face flushed when he heard the dragon man's mocking words, and he was embarrassed in full of eyes.

"It's time for me to make a move." A killing intent flashed in the dragonman's eyes, and his heavy and powerful feet stomped on the ground, and the ground shook for a while, like a blue shadow with lightning speed.

The power that the dragon man burst out was very powerful, as heavy as a moving mountain, and brought unimaginable pressure to the challenging young man, even breathing a little bit shortly.

A huge crisis swept through the young man's body. He pulled back and retreated, swinging an arc with his sword, and the arc of sword energy surged out, preparing to stop the dragon man.

Unexpectedly, the dragon man directly ignored the arc-shaped sword aura and shattered the sword aura with his bare hands. The five cold rays of light passed in an instant, and then a scream came, and the young man's chest had five blood stains, and the blood instantly soaked his clothes.

In just one face, the young man was torn by the claws of the dragon man. Fortunately, he retreated faster. If he slowed down for a second, the heart would be picked out by the dragon man.

The dragon man turned around, his giant tail swinging, as if sweeping across a thousand army, he hit the young man's waist with full strength.


The young man bears the dragon’s powerful tail whip, like a cannonball being pulled out, flying hundreds of meters away, he lay on the ground, heart-piercing screams, because the bones of his waist were all caught by the dragon. It was snapped.


The dragon walked like flying, rushing towards the young man with a ferocious look, and a claw fell directly on the top of the young man's head like a sharp weapon. If there were no accidents, the young man's head would inevitably be grabbed, like a watermelon shattered.

The young man was still lying on the ground screaming, unaware of the danger of death coming.

An invisible force swept across, and I saw the dragon man's body tremble violently, as if being hit hard, and then the whole body flew out and fell to the ground fiercely.

A figure appeared in the field, his sleeves waved and swept away the youth.

This intervener is the elder of the young man. If the elder does not intervene, the young man must be bloodied on the competition platform.

The fiasco of the first young man to fight has caused many eager people around him to pour down the boiling blood like a basin of cold water above his head.

The dragon man was too terrifying, and he was still a wounded dragon man. He defeated a warrior of the same realm who was in full spirit and spirit.

In other words, the young man who has just shot is not on the same level as the dragon people of the same realm.

Although they had seen the horror of the dragon people, some people still stood up, and another supreme Tianjiao came forward and flew onto the stage.

This young man cultivated his flesh body, and as soon as his exercises started, a tyrannical physical force spurred out and fought head-on with the dragon man. Unfortunately, he only fought for five rounds and flew out directly.

When he got up, the dragon attack came again, and his murderous intent enveloped the youth.

This young man's face was white, and he had never seen such a life-and-death crisis. He stood motionless and watched the dragon claw smash down.


The dragon man was bombarded by invisible power again and fell onto the martial arts stage.

"Don't hurry back, something shameful" came a voice that hated iron and steel, and saw a middle-aged man stand up from a certain direction in the dark crowd, staring at the young man on stage with a gloomy expression.

This middle-aged man is the sovereign of a supreme power, and the young man on the stage is his son. The son is embarrassed in the public, and his father's face is also very ugly.

The young man returned to his senses, his face flushed terribly, lowered his head, and returned to his father's side in shame.

I originally thought that he was good at the physical body, and the sky demon would be very easy to deal with. If he wanted to make a blockbuster on stage, he was ready to welcome the applause of the crowd, but he did not expect that his strength was not enough in front of the sky demon, like an ant. It's a shame.

Two young people were defeated in succession, but no one laughed at them. They were all from the supreme-level forces. Perhaps they were very powerful within the influence of their own forces. But looking at the Five Elements Heaven, there are many characters like him, and they are not dealing with ordinary monsters. It is from the royal family among the sky demon.

The dragon people are the product of the combination of the devil dragon royal family and human beings. They are powerful and powerful. They can dare to say that they can beat the dragon people in the same realm. There are not a few that can be found.

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