My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 841: Lu Chen shot

The Deputy Palace Master of the Fire Palace stood up and looked around and said: "You juniors, don't underestimate the Dragon Clan, the juniors who have reached the late stage of the Saint King will play."

Few people in the same realm can defeat the sky demon, this is an indisputable fact.

"Your human race is weak and deserves to be reduced to our food." On the martial arts stage, the dragon man who won two games in a row glanced around with rebellious eyes and said in a contemptuous tone.

The words of the dragon man made the faces of the people present very unsightly.

The sky demon has an innate sense of arrogance towards the human race, even as a prisoner, the inner arrogance always exists.

Unless they can be defeated in the same realm, they can be devastated and their self-esteem is shattered.

However, there are not many holy monarchs who want to defeat the sky demon in the same realm. The descendants trained in the Five Elements Palace can do it, but they are not holy kings, but supreme.

Winning up there is no way to win.

"I come"

A young man stood up at a place where the Heavenly Venerate power was located, took a steady step, and walked onto the stage.

In the late stage of this young sage, he was a little higher than the dragon man. After he came to power, there was no unnecessary nonsense, and he immediately started a fierce battle with the dragon man.

Lu Chen stared at the battle above, and asked, "When the Demon Slashing Conference was launched, was there any sky demon coming to the rescue?"

Jinyang said: "Normally not."

The Nine Heavens of the Mountain and Sea Realm is the home ground of the Human Race after all. The sky demon lurking in the dark is already extremely difficult. How dare to come to the rescue, unless the captured sky demon has an amazing identity, such as a descendant of a powerful sky demon, or a direct disciple of the royal family That kind, the sky demons might take risks to rescue.

The few dragon people arrested this time are just members of the ordinary dragon people clan, and generally there will be no sky monsters to rescue them.

Although no sky demon came to rescue them, there were sky demon to watch in the dark. For example, among the hundreds of thousands of people present, several of them had green pupils, showing hatred and anger.

"Damn human beings, they arrested my people to play with them." Somewhere, a young man's eyes were cold and faint, his eyes sometimes turned into normal black pupils and sometimes turned into green monster eyes.

"His Royal Highness, let's go" someone whispered beside him.

The young man next to him, the prince of the dragon race, the orthodox royal blood, the other dragons can die, but the prince can not.

On the high platform, the dragon man fought extremely fiercely with the third youth on the field. The young man did not use weapons. He cultivated his body like the second one, and used secret methods to attack the dragon man. The dragon man’s cyan scales fluttered, blood-stained, and he encountered one. Very terrible opponent.

This young man was not well, his body was also bloodstained, and was torn out by the dragon's claws.

Finally, the young man put his fingers together and used a powerful **** in the clan. A golden light shattered the dragon man's eyebrows and smashed the soul. The dragon man wailed, and his huge body fell heavily on the ground.

The youth's victory naturally ushered in the cheers of the audience. As for the youth's elders, smiles of satisfaction and relief appeared on their faces. The surrounding forces praised them, making the young elders feel proud.

The Deputy Palace Master of the Fire Palace came forward, looked towards the direction of the Victorious Youth, and smiled: "Not bad."

"The deputy palace lord is polite, this dragon man fought two games in a row, and his physical strength was too much, and the dog was lucky enough to win." A middle-aged man stood up and responded humblely on this day.

With the death of the first dragonman, the Five Elements Sect powerhouse came on the field, opened the second iron cage, released the dragonman inside, and said coldly: "It's your turn. It's also three consecutive victories. As long as you win, then You can leave."

This dragon man did not speak, stared at the strong man indifferently, and had no desire to survive.

Because he knows that if he is caught, there is no possibility of surviving. Even if he wins two games, then in the last game, the human race will walk out of his realm to kill him.

The dragon man said indifferently: "The tribe will avenge us."

The words of the dragon people drew high-level frowns from the Five Elements Sect, because according to their intelligence information, the dragon people have a noble prince lurking in the dark. This prince has a pure royal blood, is a real hard-to-have sky demon, and has not been found. His traces are hidden very deep.

"After all, it is a rat who can't see the sun. Sooner or later, we will find all of you and kill them all," the Five Elements Sect powerhouse finished speaking and left.

Next, the challenge began, and the two young men of the noble powers made their moves, and they were all defeated by this dragon man. Finally, a man from a certain emperor clan made a move and fought for about three minutes to end the battle.

The third dragon was burned to death by a rising star in the Fire Palace, leaving behind a scorched residue.

The fourth dragon was killed by a man in the Fire Palace. Arrows rained all over the sky, the rules of soft water turned into arrows, and thousands of arrows pierced through the heart and died.

The fifth dragon, the sky demon, the holy monarch was in perfect state. Although his shoulder blades were pierced, his breath did not weaken much, his eyes were cold and he looked at the human race around him.

Seeing the tragic death of the four companions, this dragon man's inner killing intent had reached its peak. As a prisoner, he couldn't change much. He just wanted to wait for those on the field to severely injure the opponent, even if he couldn't kill, he would be half-handed.

"Brother Jian, do you want to go up and try?" Jin Yang looked at Lu Chen and asked with a smile.

The cultivation level of Junior Brother Yan Zixuan is that the holy monarch is consummated, and the opponent is a high disciple of the Sword Emperor Palace powerhouse, so in the same realm, this sky demon is definitely not an opponent, so Jin Yang asked this.

He also wanted to see how effective the junior fellow brought by the man of the wind and cloud Yan Zixuan was.

"Try it then" Lu Chen said.

Although he wanted to retain his strength, he had to reveal a little bit when he was away from home in order to make people respect him from the heart.

I don't know whether the meat of the dragon man is good or not, he missed the meat of the **** and reckless cow a little bit.

Next to him, Yan Zixuan frowned when Lu Chen agreed to go up, but did not say anything.

After Lu Chen finished speaking, he stood up, and as soon as his figure floated, he came to the stage.

The appearance of Lu Chen stopped several people who wanted to go up.

The eyes of many young experts in the Five Elements Sect all fell on Lu Chen. This was the distinguished guest in Jin Yang's mouth, and he didn't know how strong this distinguished guest was and whether he could give them a bright feeling.

Lu Chen stood on the martial arts stage and watched the dragon man up close. The dragon man's strong physique conveyed wave after wave of strength, very vigorous.

"Boy, I will tear your body apart," the consummate dragon man stared at Lu Chen with a grinning smile.

Their Sky Demon clan has no fear of human clan of the same level, so they have the confidence to say this.

After the dragon man finished speaking, he turned into a cyan afterimage, and instantly smashed towards Lu Chen. A cyan claw covered with scales used a trick to ‘explore things from the capsule’ to take Lu Chen’s throat.

ps: Someone is too strong, I have rewarded five thousand, um, don't reward, after all, it is not a contract website, and you are angry with heart disease.

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